Beachbody Coaches & Faithful: ??? About Some Programs

Matiara Posts: 377 Member
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
So, after watching approximately 85,000 infomecials for Beachbody programs and seeing rave reviews here and elsewhere, I've decided to jump on the bandwagon. The programs that look to be up my alley are Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire, Rockin' Body, Hip Hop Abs, and Brazil Butt Lift. I've decided to start with Brazil Butt Lift.

Currently, my lower body from just below my navel to my upper thighs is my main area of concern. For a little background, I naturally possess a lot of lean muscle mass and that has proven to be a blessing and a curse. It's a blessing in that it doesn't take much to keep fit and my body responds very quickly to exercise. The curse is that I have to be very careful about the types of exercise that I do or I end up getting bigger in areas that I just want to maintain or trim.

For my lower body, I used to do mostly mat work like leg lifts, donkey kicks, etc., standing versions of the same, and some lunges and squats. Doing that, my hip measurement stayed in the 36-37 range. I got bored a few months ago and decided to go with new routines. I started doing lunges and squats primarily, sometimes with weights, and very little mat work. The result is a 40 inch hip measurement and a shoo in spot for a Sir Mix-A-Lot video. And my bum is solid muscle. It's not like I built muscle under fat and that's why it's bigger. I just shouldn't have tried to fix what wasn't broken.

I want to go back to a routine more like my old one that had more variation, but I'm bored with my old videos and BBL seems to be what I need at the moment. My question is regarding the cardio element of the program. With Cardio Axe and Bum Bum, that's only two days of cardio per week. Should I add a couple more sessions on top of that?

With that in mind, I was initially going to start with Turbo Jam before I decided that I needed BBL more. Has anyone created a BBL/Turbo Jam hybrid?

WRT Rockin' Body and Hip Hop Abs. Would it be redundant to own both? They seem similar from the infomercial clips.


  • evanness
    evanness Posts: 25
    The cardio with the BBL program should be adequate on its own, but if you wanted to add more to it one option would be simply adding running to the schedule. If going out for a run is an option for you it would be a good cardio addition.
    Personally, I think it's better to go through each program individually before you jump into mixing them together. That way you can test your strengths and weaknesses, find out what you like about each separate program and figure out if it you can handle the combination. So I think you should stick with just the one program, sounds like BBL is the best option for you, at least for a week or two and see if it's enough on its own.
    And the big difference between Rockin Body and Hip Hop Abs is that Rockin Body is a little more advanced as far as the dancing goes. Hip Hop abs is more for beginners who are relatively new to dancing. They're both a blast though!
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    Thank you.

    You're right in that I should see what I can handle and what each program does for me individually before I start mixing them up. I'm just so eager to try them all. I ordered BBL yesterday, so hopefully it will arrive in time for me to start 5/1.
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