

  • Antiadipose is right; also I would question what you are eating. Remember bad food in (fat) will result in Fat. You should be able to take in 1200-1400 without "ballooning up" ... I'd see another trainer as any one will tell you that you need more calories of the right food to help you burn fat and not muscle. I wouldnt'…
  • I'd suggest Jello, Propel and drinking fluids to help; i use to chew gum, take a bath and drink tons of water then hit hte sack before you realize you are hungry again (I use to get to bed by 9 and up by 5 AM)
  • Just think of it as the fat burnign away to help endure it in the interim. :) Good job on gettng fit.. keep it up and don't let this stop you!
  • ah a midwesterners! After a nice hot shower/steam... I will drink hot tea after sometimes - also if you like, add a little pure honey which helps. a sugar free cough drop also doesn't hurt... warm liquids seem to do the trick for me.. .Great job on the run! I got one in this weekend as it was in the 40s on the east coast…
  • Thanks - I've searched with no luck! she does look fairly short though based on the backgrounds I see.. regardless she's ripped! very inspiring!
  • Do we know height/weight on her? I can't find any bio stuff on the internet either on her. do we know her previous name/not show name?
  • Depending where you are going, you can always find chicken on the menu.. sandwhich or entree, and get a side of veggies (no butter sauce though)..sometime i order a chicken sandwhich, no cheese and then ditch the bread and have that with a side of veggies... be careful of dressings and sides, they kill!
  • I noticed when I do this I'm usually tired and that my body craves bad food to fuel me again (carbs, sweets, sugar)... so a nap is a good idea if you can - and drink plenty of water before you do.. The wines dehydration tendancies do not help this at all.. Hope you bounce back in a jiffy!
  • I'm ahead of you! and I did it today already -- my sweets took me to dinner and a movie.. I had a glass of wine and ordered out and it's easy folks.. don't allow yourself to go crazy .. it's not necessary. So to Vday for tomorrow, he had dinner reservations already made and I'll find a fish (no butter/sauce) or a chicken…
  • If you have eaten throughout the day and you are not hungry - don't eat... that just is not logical. This is how we get in trouble, eating when full... be happy you made some very smart choices today that kept you feeling satisfied all day. I hope those were veggies or fruit and high in protien and fiber! Save the ice…
  • False - food high in sugar are not good for you regardless. If you don't want it you'll turn into a diatbetic, but also sugar turns into fat.
    in sugar Comment by blonide February 2010
  • First off you are aware and in touch with what's going.. #2 listen to your body.. if it needs sleep, give it that; you may be fighting something. What you need to do to help yourself feel better is eat healthy.. take care of your body (sleep and food) and you'll get back to the gym within the next couple of days.. I…
  • Great question and good job planning head - this helps soo much in the long run; grilled tuna is low in fat and great for you.. salmon is also good but higher in fat (albeit good fat but fat is fat)... I'm not sure how strict you are so look up your favorite fish: trout, tuna, salmon, grupper, cod, and check fat levels..…
    in seafood Comment by blonide February 2010
  • 38 lobs lost already! WOW, you go girl! I love getting up and getting the WO done .. my work day and post work time (whatever is left) is so volitale that I'm already feeling my best when I have it done in the AM! Keep up the awesome work - you're alomst to your goal.... then it's time to set new ones! :)
  • Are you close to the water? do you have a set WO routine or just play it by ear daily?
  • Calories are calories, but are yo ueating a lot of carbs? also are you keeping measurements? you may be building muscle and therefore the scale is not reflecting this.. Id need to see your food diary to help point out any critical errors you may be making, if you are. what are you doing for a wo? whta is your height/weight?
  • YAY! that's awesome! I"m 5'8" so I can relate to you length dilemna... i'm so happy for you.. that feeling is great! By the way the scale does not report on how fat you reports on your body weight (this includes MUSCLE which weighs more than fat, albeit not by much but during the transformation from flab to firm…
  • Thanks! Damn I look great 25 lbs lighter!
  • Greek Yogurt, flavor your chicken recipes with lawyers marinates: i make my own tereyaki chicken with that, bbq, etc... also try to mix chicken pieces with some black beans or beans.. changes the texture too.. .string cheese (although be caeful as cheese is high in fat), as always it's good to eat veggies and fruit.
  • Good work on the progress so far! You need to consider what you put into MFP to get your target numbers? also what is your total calorie number? This based on excercise and your daily activity can help us determine if your way off or if you need to tweak something. As noted above, being off by 800 is not right no matter…
    in Hello! Comment by blonide February 2010
  • honestly I'd need to know your height/weight to make a true assessment of your weight loss - it could be true you are not eating enough or too much.. it all depends on height/weight.
  • Correct you can thaw, cook and refreeze meat. it's a great way to always have healthy protein ready to eat! btw: you can not freeze, thaw and refreeze...
  • Couple of things, drink water and I'd even suggest a diet soda or something with carbonation (it'll have you feeling full and pick one with zero calories).. also, grab a veggie (not fruit depending on how much sugar you've had today).. celery, broccoli, mushrooms... I like to take bath, read a book or magazine, take a…
    in eating Comment by blonide February 2010
  • Couple suggestions: 1) go to powder creamer where you watch fat (most have almost 0 or .5) and very little carbs/sugar 2) add cinnamon to your coffee when brewing or after for additional taste 3) buy the sugar free flavored shots - I recently purchased 2 bottles of sugare free caramel and vanilla from starbucks; you add a…
  • To the maximum benefits of weight lifting you should try to incorporate this into your cardio days OR incorporate light cardio on weight training days. For instance, spin on a bike for 5 minutes, get off and do your bicepts, then return to the bike and rotate for 45 mintues - this will get you through all your weight…
  • First off, You look amazing.. 6 kids, from where!?!?!? I only wish I bounce back like that after a kid! Anyways, I was in the same boat 10 lbs ago..winter weight plus travel/holiday etc and just trying to shed 4-6 more ...Now i want to get to that point (-12lbs or so) and go beyond to a new low.. Back to you, can you share…
  • That's go great progress, keep it up! A couple of key tips for travel, pick a meal you will cheat with and only cheat with that meal.. for instance if you are a breakfast person then splurge and get the belgium waffle or chocolate chip pancakes if not stay to goal and take your cheat as the wine with dinner.. be careful of…