Crazy Canucks Feb 10,2010

Good Morning!!!

weigh in for this week145.8= 1 pound lost- YES!!!! I am very happy hopefully I can lose some more when Lent starts next week. Best of luck to you all this week. Already got my workout done and it's only 6:10 here.- homework all day-yuck!

Go Canada Go!!!


  • blonide
    38 lobs lost already! WOW, you go girl! I love getting up and getting the WO done .. my work day and post work time (whatever is left) is so volitale that I'm already feeling my best when I have it done in the AM!

    Keep up the awesome work - you're alomst to your goal.... then it's time to set new ones! :)
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Weigh In today!! 135.6 lbs. :bigsmile: same as last week. so im pretty content with that, no gain. A LOT of stress this past week so hopefully a weekend away will cure that, plus the weekend after we are going to a mineral spa to relax. desperately needed!
    My workouts are going great, arms really hurt today, went longer with the ten pound weights on the elliptical and then i have been trying to do chin ups. I cant pull myself up so I jump and hold myself there and then lower myself slowly. ill get there eventually.
    Food has been ok. A lot more junk food than normal, this stress is just getting to me. It'll get better tho. I have been taking lemon water to work and that seems to be a great way to get the H20 in. I really like the taste of it.:happy:
    Go Canada Go!!:drinker: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    bump for the Canucks!!
  • Cyndi1
    Cyndi1 Posts: 484 Member
    Thanks Vdames. Hard work does pay off.