Valentine Challenge

Ok, so i've been reading the posts here for the last few days and quite a few people are saying it's valentine's day..treat yourslef, go ahead, blow your day, it's only one meal, no biggie....hogwash to all of it. It's a healthy lifestyle decision we are making people and it includes special days. For those of you who may be just as crazy as I am and want to keep on track, just maybe to see if u I challenge you to stay within you caloric goals and have a healthy valentines dinner...anyone up to the challenge. I'd like to see ideas that are staying true to the new lifestyle we're all creating..anyone care to join me? Post what your having and how your getting in your exercise..i'm curious to know if i'm the only crazy one on here not indulging tomorrow. I'll start, i'm serving minestrone soup, grilled talapia with green beans, corn on the cob, home made whole grain oatmeal bread, and a fruit salad for desert. Now I don't have a sig other but i'm having a single gals party. I will be hitting the gym tomorrow morning very eary to get in my workout..anyone else care to share?


  • EmilyDalen
    I found healthy dessert ideas. We celebrated last night as we won't be able to tomorrow. If you search for Healthified Bittersweet Chocolate Cake with Berries and Simple Sorbet you'll see what we had. I found the recipes on and It is possible to have treats on special days if you count them!
  • sunshine92
    sunshine92 Posts: 228 Member
    i agree! my boyfriends taking me out tomorrow night and i have already checked the restaurant's nutrition info and planned out my meal lol. salad, grilled chicken with a side of broccoli. and i may use my weekly indulgence and split a dessert. i don't believe in blowing a whole day just because it's a holiday. but it's nice to indulge in a little something every once in a while...
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    I think it's definitely possible to have the best of both worlds, and splitting is a dessert is not a biggie, it's a great solution to eating all those cals alone! lol....My point is sometimes we try to get others to justify bad choices because we know we shouldn't be doing, it's a good feeling to be able to say I had a wonderful dinner and a fantastic dessert and I don't have a damn thing to feel guilty about or feel the need to exercise like mad the next day to make up for it! haha! Now I know there's those of you that will say, I ate terrible and I don't care I don't feel guilty about it, it's only one day, and that's ok too if that's what you really want to do, but just in case it's not, i'm in Toronto and always looking for clients! :tongue: :wink:
  • Bthack
    Bthack Posts: 48
    I'm having smaller breakfast, lunch and one snack. I plan on adding some exercise in so I have a little more wiggle room and I suggested that I cook the dinner for the night (already plugged it in my diary and have 45 cals left ). I'm a vegetarian so sometimes I'm limited to what I can eat depending on where we go, but for dinner I'm steaming artichokes with 2 tbls of butter to dip and I'm cooking pesto filled tortellini (230 cals for 1/2 a cup dry) with tomato sauce (50 cals for 1/2 a cup) and I had enough calories left over for 2 glasses of red wine! :) Hope I stick with my plan, but I'm pretty proud of myself
  • Alexandra888
    It might not be the healthiest way to make sure i do good on v-day, but i plan on not eating the whole day except for dinner cuz my bf is planning this whole big meal with pork chops, mashed potatoes, and french bread (my biggest temptation). Wish me luck!!! Hope i make it... although I might have one little snack ;)
  • TwentyTen
    Just another day. I am planning on napping alot because I am quitting coffee tomorrow.
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Just another day. I am planning on napping alot because I am quitting coffee tomorrow.

    I never got into the coffee thing, i'm glad now, I know so many people who can't function without their morning coffee, I am however addicted to green tea. Good luck with that!:drinker:
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    "My point is sometimes we try to get others to justify bad choices because we know we shouldn't be doing it."

    Definitely agree!

    I'm single and valentine's day is just another day of the year I get to be excited about being unloved, so no worries about over indulging tomorrow. :) Good luck to everyone. Enjoy valentine's day, but be smart! xo.
  • mimi7grands
    Awesome that you thought ahead about what you would order. The last minute decisions are always the hardest ones for me. Thanks for the example!
  • blonide
    I'm ahead of you! and I did it today already -- my sweets took me to dinner and a movie.. I had a glass of wine and ordered out and it's easy folks.. don't allow yourself to go crazy .. it's not necessary. So to Vday for tomorrow, he had dinner reservations already made and I'll find a fish (no butter/sauce) or a chicken on the menu... I'll seek out grilled appetizer and/or some veggies .. and I'm going to indulege in some fine wine (we are gong to a known wine restaurant)... but i'll plan my day accordingly AND drink lots of fluid and really only splurge on the wine.. maybe 1-2 bites of dessert if I crave it otherwise i'll pass on it like I did tonight (chocolate lava cake at Roys... looked and smelled great, but I really had no desire...I"m feeling so good why would I do that to myself ... so folks.. i'm with our girl here on the challenge.. we love how we feel when we do good - that is our drug of choice (if you will)... so i'm sticking to that! Happy Vday to all and I hope you have a great day!