

  • Great job!!! I'm also from Wisconsin (Green Bay area) and run 1/2 marathons. Carefully, they are addicting! :wink:
  • Do some trial runs with a fast runner who can help pace you. Also, rest a least 2 days prior to the test. Good luck!
  • Intermittent, worsening headaches along with weight gain were my first signs that I was hypo. Now, then I start getting headaches like that again, I have my labs checked and it has always coordinated with abnormal levels. Good luck-hope you get your results soon!
  • I'm on Levothyroxine. I keep hearing that the natural replacements work better. I plan on asking my endo at my next apt more about it; not sure if she will order it or not. Initially, the endo did cortisol levels, TSH, T3 and T4. Now she usually does TSH along and adjusts the Levo based on the results and my symptoms that…
  • Symptoms vary from person to person and a TSH level alone doesn't solely paint the whole picture of "how bad" someone's thyroid function is. I also was diagnosed with Hashimoto's 9months ago. My TSH was 5 and I gained 27lbs, along with other symptoms. I typically don't feel well unless my TSH is around 1 and I follow a low…
  • Thank you for your replies. Originally, my endo did a large blood work up, including TSH, free T3 and T4, cortisol levels, ect. I already was on Levo and the doctor kept increasing it until my TSH was at 0.8. My symptoms continued until I started to limit my carbs. I still have joint aches, particularly in my fingers, when…
  • You are very inspiring. I also have been diagnosed with Hashimoto's and follow a low carb, high protein diet to help with the symptoms. The weight just seems to come off so slowly, so your story is a great reminder that it can still happen! Thank you!
  • Thanks for the inspiration. Sometimes it feels like it's a never-ending uphill battle. Thanks for the reminder that it's worth the fight!:wink:
  • I take a women's multivitamin, calcium with vitamin D and Selenium.
  • I also have Hashi's and I couldn't lose any weight despite following a 1200-1500cal/day with daily exercise-and like you, I actually gained weight. My endo advised that I stop counting calories and start counting carbs. I follow a low carb/high protein diet with less than 100 carbs/day per her recommendation. My symptoms…
  • Your symptoms sound very similar to mine-borderline abnormal levels, feeling good for a brief time after starting/increasing meds and then going back to feeling yucky again shortly after. I ended up being diagnosed with Hashimoto's. Switching my diet to low carb has helped some. Good luck to you; hope you get answers and…
  • Good Luck to you Terri!
  • I'm sorry that you are going through all of this; it definately isn't easy to deal with. I also have Hashimoto's and it has taken awhile to get diagnosed and treated. My symptoms started last fall and I've finally have been feeling better the past week or so, thanks to a great endocrinologist. I felt very frustrated with…
  • OMG-I just made a batch and it's great! I added the coconut and vanilla extract-tasted great! I have a hard time choking down the coconut oil plain-this is a wonderful alternative-thank you!
  • Congrats to you! Lots of hard work to get there-great job!
  • I got my lab results back today. Yes, my endocrinologist ordered a lot of lab work, including cortisol levels, antibodies, T3, T4, ect. Antibodies were present, my TSH was 2.2 and everything else was normal. She diagnosed me with Hashimoto's Disease and doubled my medication dose. Hopefully, I'll start to feel better soon.…
  • My medication hasn't been increased or changed at all yet. My TSH is on the high side of normal and the endocrinologist said that if all the other tests look good, she'll work to drive my TSH from 2.2 down to 0.3, which she is hoping will improve my symptoms. I don't know if she'll do that by changing the med or just…
  • I was diagnosed in January; still having issues with weight and other symptoms yet. I follow up with the doctor again tomorrow. It's definately a struggle and the journey to good health is hard at times with hypothyroidism. Good luck; hang in there!!!
  • This is a great explanation-thank you!
  • MFP set mine to 1200, but I feel best if I eat around 1700-1800cal/day. I also run/cross train 3-4x/wk, so the net is usually around 1200-1300cal/day. I'm 5'6, 168. I recently gained due to thyroid problems, but fighting to lose it again!
  • Your post is so inspiring and exciting. I've done a few 1/2 marathons and each was has been as nerve-racking and exciting just as you've described. Thank you for reminding all runners of those emotions and for hopefully encouraging those thinking about running. Well done!
  • 12oz of H2O while on a long run might not be enough. Weigh yourself before and after your run and add in your 12oz of water. You should be within 1-2 lbs from your pre-run weight. If not, you should be drinking more. Lots of great tips for you-good luck on your next long run!:wink:
  • LOL! Yes, I agree that you gain a whole new appreciation for when you see cornfields during your long runs!
  • Alot of good advice for you so far! I'd also add that make sure that you're staying hydrated during your run with plenty of water, gaterade, GU. When you become dehydrated during long runs, it can cause a lot of stomach cramping and loose stools.
  • Hello! Welcome to the site and group! I was also recently diagnosed with Hypothyroidism, but it wasn't until I gained 17lbs in 3months, despite a lot of exercising and watching what I was eating. I've been meds for 4wks and things are finally starting to normalize. I go back in 2wks for follow up; hopefully everything will…
  • I totally agree. No question is a dumb question; we are all here to better ourselves. We should be supportive; even if that means answering the same question over and over.
  • I'm from Wisconsin and have run the Cellcom Half and Full in the past-very cool to run through the Green Bay Packer's Stadium before crossing the finish line. I've also run the Fox Cities Half. Looking to do the Oshkosh Half and Cellcom Half again to start out the year and who knows after that! :happy:
  • Thank you-I will definately continue with MFP in the meantime to monitor and track my intake/exercise. I'm getting way too frustrated with the rising numbers on the scale despite eating right and exercising. I was so happy to finally figure out what the issue was, but now it's hard to have to wait for the medication to…