

  • I love your post and I'm down with joining the Zombie survival club! I think it gives you something else to motivate you (and takes your mind off all the other stuff that brings us down). Not that fighting off a Zombie attack is stress free or uplifting in any way!! I'm trying to build up my strength and cardio skills too.…
  • I have found that most elyptical machines say you burn more calories than you actually do. I have a heart rate/calorie burn watch - when I walk/run on a treadmill, the calories burned on my watch and on the machine are almost exactly the same. On an elyptical machine, the machine usually says I burn at least 100-200…
  • Fantastic work! You must be so proud of your've really inspired me to make a push to lose the baby weight!
  • I agree that you have to eat back your calories. Of course, some days are just better than others (depending on your mood, amount of sleep, what you ate, etc.). Just listen to your body...if you feel run down, than eat a little more, or change the type of food you are eating. Hope your energy level goes back up soon!
  • Great post - I could use some extra support! Add me, please!
  • Congrats! You look absolutely amazing - the hard work has really paid off! Thanks for the have made me want to keep going.
  • I am working out 5 days a week - and I like it! Plus, yesterday was the first warm day of the year (80 degrees in Michigan!!!) and my old capri pants fit! Made me a little bit happier about the warm weather (and shorts) in the upcoming months.
  • Congrats! That's the best kind of motivation.
  • I have a huge sweet tooth - it's my biggest challenge when it comes to losing weight. I like to have low calorie hot chocolate on hand at all times. But if I need a chocolate bar, I make sure I buy a single serving. If I have too much in my house, I will eat it!
  • I have had success with WW in the past - lost about 25 pounds. But I had to stop the program when I was pregnant, and decided not to go back because of the cost. I really think the program works (because it is flexible for all lifestyles) but I decided to give MFP a try this go around because it is free! My mother is a…
  • I have a New Balance (purchased at Target). It has a chest strap, but I hardly notice it anymore! Seems to be very accurate and I have had no problems with it. So happy that I bought it!
  • Great job! You look fantastic (and happy!). Keep up the good work and those stubborn last few pounds will drop too. Even if it's slow going, it's still happening! Congrats!
  • Great job! You look fanstastic - and so happy! Congratulations on all the hard work.