Has this happened to anyone else?

I am used to eating like crap, probably around 3,000 calories a day. Then 10 days ago I started this website and cut own about half of those calories. Three days ago I started feeling really tired. I keep myself going, and I excersize even when I am tired. But could my calorie cut be why I am so tired. Anyone else have this problem?


  • zacherybinx
    zacherybinx Posts: 215 Member
    My best guess is that you're not eating back your workout/exercise calories, which is bad for you and will make you feel very diminished. Another thing I'm noticing just after a quick look is that you're not taking in enough water, make sure you focus on hitting at least 8 glasses/day. If you're working out hard I'd probably add at least another 2 glasses to that. Also, I noticed you commented on your going over on protein don't worry about that especially if it's only by a little.
  • luckygirl020
    luckygirl020 Posts: 1 Member
    Your body has what is called a BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) this is the amount of calories your body needs to survive. If you are eating fewer than what your body needs per day, then you will feel very tired. Have you calculated your BMR? Try googling it. Also, if your body was used to so many calories, it is going to take a while to adjust. Try taking a multivitamin or something that gives you a lot of nutrients. Give it time, you should start to feel more energized. Good luck!
  • PNWriter
    PNWriter Posts: 223 Member
    Yes, it happens. In fact, today, it's happened to me! But the thing I've found different today than the other days is that I haven't been drinking my water, I ate a teeny tiny breakfast, and my calories were not really the best I could have chosen.
  • CarolineVL
    I agree that you have to eat back your calories. Of course, some days are just better than others (depending on your mood, amount of sleep, what you ate, etc.). Just listen to your body...if you feel run down, than eat a little more, or change the type of food you are eating. Hope your energy level goes back up soon!
  • DKBelle
    DKBelle Posts: 585
    Hey girl, I guess it is normal as your body and metabolism has to get use a different calorie input. You just cut your calories in half so it is normal that at the beginning you have less energy. Try to drink more water or green tea without sugar or if you don't like these make fresh fruit juice with a blender, there are several type of juices so you will not get sick of it for sure :). It will help to get some energy and vitamins for your body and feel more refreshed. I personally have different type of problem, I cannot eat to be able to reach 1200 calorie I usually eat below and when I eat I feel too full :) but my body need minimum 1200 cal to be able to workout and loose weight or else my body will starve. So don't panic just keep up the good work and stay motivated ! You are not alone :)
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    The first week I was fine, but I still ate the sugary and salty crap I always ate, I have drastically cut out those foods. I am just so tired. I cant stand it.
  • bluesnowkat
    That happens to me for three reasons:

    1) When I'm not paying attention to the other numbers (carbs, fat, protein). You can eat mostly unhealthy food, like pizza & beer, but still be at or under your calories for the day. But if you eat more fruits & veggies, watch your protein & fat numbers, you will start feeling better & more energized.

    2) Like you said, you may not be eating & drinking enough. Most doctors say to NOT go under 1200 cal/day and the average person should be between 1400-1800 cal/day. I try to stick around 1500 cal/day. Plus, water, water, water. I also drag on days I don't get enough water.

    http://caloriecount.about.com/cc/calories-goal.php has a good calculator for estimating your daily caloric needs.

    3) Similar to #2, I'm eating 1500, but if I work out too hard/too much and burning too many calories. On those days, up your calories, but do it by incorporating veggies & fruits. If doing a lot of cardio, add good carbs (whole wheats & grains).
  • PNWriter
    PNWriter Posts: 223 Member
    BTW I love your ticker. You go girl!
  • PNWriter
    PNWriter Posts: 223 Member
    and above all, lots of water is the key to energy.
  • DKBelle
    DKBelle Posts: 585
    If you can't cut of totally the sugar try to eat healthier one like banana or sweet orange, apple that might help just to push down your hunger for sugar.As for salty stuff eat a very small of pop corn maybe it has less energy so if you drink water the same time it makes you full as well.
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    BTW I love your ticker. You go girl!
    thank im not changing the picture again until i get to my halfway point, and then a final time when i hit my goal!