I'm losing motivation!



  • CarolineVL
    I have a huge sweet tooth - it's my biggest challenge when it comes to losing weight. I like to have low calorie hot chocolate on hand at all times. But if I need a chocolate bar, I make sure I buy a single serving. If I have too much in my house, I will eat it!
  • labgirl3
    labgirl3 Posts: 171 Member
    I don't think I'd go for an entire chocolate bar, but maybe pick up a bag of those Dove dark chocolates, and have a square or 2. The dark chocolate is so much better for you than milk, and each square is about 47 calories (and totatlly worth it, I might add)!

    Chocolate "flavored" stuff, even if it's lower fat / lower calorie, just doesn't do it for me. I'd rather have the real thing, with real ingredients, and enjoy it thoroughly.

    I have one of the Dove chocolates when I'm craving dessert, and just let it melt slowly in my mouth. It does the trick for me! I have to hide them from the rest of the family though. :laugh:
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    I always make room for chocolate! I am creating a new lifestyle for myself, not dieting.

    I will eat 2-3 Hershey's kisses, or some ice cream, or a Fiber Plus or Luna bar. All of those cure my chocolate craving for 200 calories or less.
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    when i have a sweet craving i turn to fruit, kashi bars, bowl of granola, berries and whip cream or frozen yogurt. I find if i start with choclate i can't stop :P
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    A calorie is a calorie. If you want to eat 5 chocolate bars a day and it doesn't push you over your calories, you could do it, and you'd still lose weight. Check this out:

    Now, I'm not advocating eating junk food, this is an extreme example. But the most important part to take away is that you aren't going to sabotage your efforts by having a treat OCCASIONALLY. Just remember you ate it, mark it down in your tracker, and move on. If you deprive yourself of things you enjoy, you're never going to last. So, find healthy ways to give yourself what you want, and if that isn't possible, have a special treat on rare occasions. You aren't doing this for a couple of days; you're doing it for the rest of your life. Depriving yourself of chocolate for life is too much to expect if you enjoy it.
  • mimi2kk
    mimi2kk Posts: 75 Member
    Don't deprive yourself! Try a healthier alternative like Kellogg's Fiber Plus Antioxidants Dark Chocolate Almond. They are 130 calories but have 9 g of fiber. They'll satisfy the craving and fill you up.
  • olyrose
    olyrose Posts: 569 Member
    When I'm craving, I try to ask if it's worth it. if my answer is yes, then I definitely go ahead and eat it.

    I usually don't crave chocolate or sweets too much, but lately I have. So I bought some hot chocolate (fat-free), it has 25 calories (if you mix it with water), I get the chocolate craving fix, and the warmth kinda fills me up more than eating regular chocolate would.
  • clw_888
    clw_888 Posts: 157 Member
    Staying under your total calories shouldn't hinder your weight loss as long as sodium isn't involved. Since it's chocolate you shouldn't have a problem. A lot of people are saying to give in to the craving so you don't feel deprived. For me...sugar is the complete opposite. If I eat it....I WANT MORE!!! If I give myself a few days of no sugar then the cravings go away and I can stay on track better. It all depends on you and what you know about your own food cravings! Good luck!