

  • I wouldnt say it worries me, but it does annoy me and make me wonder how far off I am... fortunatly my best friend also logs so when I eat at her place she tells me exactly what to log :) I rarely eat anywhere else but when I do I just assume my calorie intake is higher.
  • If I do not get enough sleep, or if I am not eating enough healthy foods, YES I get very tired running. However, if I am eating enough, getting enough healthy foods in, and sleeping right I am fine. If I know I am going to be pushing myself further than usual, I eat a little something extra to help me push through. I also…
  • Popchips... they are a great cracker alternative! Then there are the Quaker popped options
  • Put a post on here with the location. This way people near you that use MFP can find you better.
  • Where do you usually go? Do you have a workout buddy? They are always good for things like that. You could also find someone at the gym that would like to go. There may be a place online to find people like that. May not be the safest way though.
  • OH, love Nip Tuck.. and Rescue Me.. and my guilty pleasure - Gilmore Girls! I do not really watch TV anymore because everything is reality tv, which makes me feel like I am normal LOL. Unfortunately if I watch too much I then feel dumb.
  • bananas and water! I don't like bananas, but I have to make myself eat them because it seems to work the best.
  • Well that reduces your options. LOL! Do you have a friend you can take with you? That helps if you can bounce tips and motivation off each other. Are there any free weights? I will say it again, GOOGLE is your friend. You can find anything you need about how to use the machines and weights.
  • Start with something you know (walking). Use the treadmill and watch what other people do. This is what I did to lose that fear of the unknown. I watched what others were doing and then ventured my way over to other things. As for toning, you can do something similar. Go over to the weights and pick a machine that looks…
  • I am on daily.... although I really should take a day off lol.... I sent you a request.... I have been on here for awhile, but I am in need of friends to interact with.
  • I used to have the same fear of gyms.... Now I just force myself to go. I started by going at 4am because that is when there is almost no one there. It helped me A LOT to go when there was only a couple people there. Now I have got to the point that (while I still don't like it), I can go about any time. Just like anything…
  • This does not mean fat. It is a slang term for sex. While you thought they were insulting you, they were actually complimenting you in a very perverted way. Ignore A** Holes like that!!!!
  • PB&J :) or, if I am feeling crazy..... a giant bowl of air popped pop corn... HEHE, good thing I am not home alone for dinner too often!
  • I am also 5'2 and I am close to my original goal, but I think I want to lose another 10 or so. I am just starting to mix up my workout routine and try to do different stuff to keep from getting bored. I am going to send you a request :smile:
  • my diary is open to friends. I feel it makes me more accountable to more than just myself. It is great to see what others are doing because it helps with ideas. The same 'ol same 'ol can get boring. Add me if you wish :)
  • I sleep, at least in part, in my workout clothes. This helps me get up at 4am to workout.
  • Using your smartphone is a GREAT idea. I have the app and it helps me keep on track so much. I may even be a bit obsessive, which helps too. Many times I am logging what I am eating as I am eating it. This way I can put in how much I am allowing myself to eat and then I know I should stop at that amount because I already…
  • Mix things up... Do some different workouts.. eat some different foods... eat back your exercise calories a couple times a week... work out at a different time of day.... Without more details I don't know if you are doing this, but it helped me out. If your body gets used to doing the same thing, it will not work as hard…
  • I have to comment just to find this when I am in need of a chuckle or cuteness.
  • I hardly ever do the same routine. I always get in cardio for at least 25 minutes at least 5 times a week, and 3-4 days a week I get in at least 15 minutes of weight training. However, Sometimes I do a heck of a lot more when time allows. I like to get at least an hour a day in if I can.
  • That is nuts. That is not too much running. The key is fueling your body for it. I would be so tired if I worked out a bunch and only ate 1200 calories.
  • I think everyone is different. It is just a matter of figuring out what is best for your body. For me, eating 1200 plus half my exercise calories works best. If I eat less, I gain weight. If I eat more, I gain weight. However, when I was 30 pounds heavier staying at 1200 was the best. So basically, for me this was very…
  • I have had something very similar happen to me. When I had a lot to lose, eating 1200 calories worked great because my body used my "excess" to feed itself. However, once I got down to a more manageable weight I plateaued. Since I was working out a bunch, I couldn't figure it out. All the research I did said eat more. I…
  • Great job on the 20 pounds. I have a couple pounds to get to that mark. I am in the same boat. I have used this as a calorie counter but never really for meeting people. I am also working on loosing another 10 or so pounds before vacation. In need of motivation to continue on. You can add me if you want.
  • One week without a loss is not unusual, especially since you lost 7 last month. That is a great number. Shake things up if your in a rut. Different exercises and different foods (healthy options of course).
  • It is best to start light until you know what your body can handle. Also, don't start with excessive reps. Once you know how your body will adjust to weights the key is finding what is best for your body. The best amount of weight should be to the point where you can only do 10-12 reps per set. If you can do more than…
  • That is a great way to think of it. I do tend to have healthy treats everyday. Whether it is a protein bar, or a fruit bar. This helps keep me away from unhealthy treats. However, I do let myself have unhealthy treats on occasion.
  • I believe that cheating on occasion is very helpful in the long term. If you deprive yourself too long, you will fall off track. However if you allow yourself a treat once in a while you will help curb that strong desire (and we all know that desire is very strong).You do need to still be careful with your cheats though. I…