Nedra19455 Member


  • What I meant was that at the start of the story they have the same medical history. The question is who would be healthier a year later -- the one who maintained the 200 lbs? or the one who lost 25 lbs and then regained 26 lbs over the course of a year?
  • Sorry, I didn't see this until now... I lost all the baby weight within a week of giving birth. Then I was exhausted and sedentary for the first year of my daughter's life and gained almost all that weight again. Around her first birthday I found out about MFP, set my goal to lose 1 lb per week and dropped 21 lbs in 3…
  • Thanks. Met with the midwife today. She asked how many calories I was eating now and I said 1,740 net, but closer to 2,000-2,500 gross, and that I have been losing 1 lb per week using this method. She said that they'd want me to eat 1,800 because that's what folks in their gestational diabetes clinic are asked to eat. 1800…
  • It started around 6 weeks and lasted until about 19 weeks. I threw up at least once a day for that time period. :-( It's different for every person and every pregnancy. Everyone told me it would get better after 10 weeks, then 12 weeks, then 14 weeks, then 15 weeks FOR SURE....I gave up hoping it would get better around…
  • I set a weekly weight loss goal and then have some general long-term goals. Ex: I want to lose between 1-2 lbs per week -- as measured by a trend weight calculated from daily weigh-ins. As long as I am in that range, I am meeting my goal. It is time-based, but it is based on an achievable pattern that I have already…
  • I noticed that my collar bone area looked a little slimmer first. This was maybe 2 weeks in. Then I noticed my pants fitting more loosely a few weeks later. Then I noticed myself needing to use smaller and smaller notches on my belt. Then someone else noticed! Truth be told, I've only had a few people say anything and I've…
  • I love my scale. It doesn't lie, it just has limitations. I weigh everyday, after I've nursed my daughter and used the restroom, but before I've eaten or drunk anything. My weight fluctuates from day to day, but I only weigh for the data point. I put the weight into the WeightTrend+ app on my phone and it calculates my…
  • Of the two, I prefer TJ's in all respects except that it tends to be more crowded than WF and WF is closer to my home. If I want to walk to the grocery store and pick up one item, I go to WF. If I want to just do a grocery run for my favorite foods, you'd better believe I am going to TJ's. In reality, we do most of our…
  • I didn't know that bacteria were part of the process. That's so cool! It's awesome how we can take a "scary" bacteria like E. Coli and make it useful. I know someone who is doing research on how to get bacteria to eat toxic waste. It's an awesome world we live in.
  • I use a fitbit to keep track of my exercise and eat back the calories that I "earn" from being active during the day. Here are my reasons: 1. My activity level varies from day to day. If I set my activity level to match my workdays, I'd overeat on my days off. If I set my activity level to match my days off, I'd be…
  • A few things to know that might help with your decision: 1. It can often take awhile to get an appointment with a fertility specialist. It might be a good idea to at least make the phone call now, see what kind of wait time you'd be looking at, and if it's a long one maybe get yourself an appointment and then continue…
  • This is why I don't comment unless I know that someone is losing weight on purpose. If they chatted about their workout or said, "I'm on weight watchers" or something like that, then I'd feel comfortable mentioning that they are looking slimmer if I noticed that. But with no other info, I don't want to presume anything and…
  • Definitely see a doc if you've been having unprotected sex 4-5 times a week for a year and not gotten pregnant. Having a cycle longer than 30 days is not necessarily a sign of a problem -- if you are having sex that frequently it wouldn't matter if you are just a late ovulator. But if you have long cycles, coupled with not…
  • I only pre-log if there's something special I want to be sure to save calories for. If that's the case, I will pre-log the special dish and then make sure that the rest of my food fits around that. One time, we'd ordered thai food and so I went through and entered all the dishes we'd ordered. I set all the servings to 1g.…
  • In my first pregnancy, my pre-pregnancy BMI (201 lbs at 5'4") put me in the obese category and so I tried to follow the recommendation to gain no more than 20 lbs. I think I gained 16 lbs total? My weight gain definitely spiked in the second trimester and I remember that surprising me too, but it is a common thing.…
  • Thanks everyone. I will, of course, chat with my midwife once I get pregnant. I am considering a pre-conception check-up too, to get these questions answered beforehand in case they affect our timeline for baby #2.
  • I am a teacher and, similarly, I am on my feet most of the time. Probably not as much as a nurse, but I rarely sit down. When I do, it's for only a few minutes at a time before I'm off to work with the next student. MFP listed "teacher" as an example profession for "lightly active." So I set myself as "lightly active" and…
  • Thanks! When I tried to check back and see responses to this thread, I couldn't find it for some reason and so I thought maybe I hadn't actually posted it. Just saw your response now. I will check out the Yoga Today podcast and investigate classes in my area.
  • Gender: Female Age: 30 Height: 5'4'' Starting weight: 215 Current Weight: 197 Goal weight: 145 for a healthy BMI, but calculators that incorporate frame size say more like 150-155, so we'll see Activity level: Lightly Active Weight loss goal: 1 lb per week Calorie Goal (Net): 1740 (recalculated each week according to MFP's…
  • I have my MFP account set to lose 1 lb per week. I have synced it with Fitbit and I eat back most of/all my exercise calories. I am losing 1 lb per week pretty consistently -- sometimes more, but so far never less. I pretty much trust the fitbit calorie estimates.
  • Sugary beverages do this to me -- especially if they are hot, like hot apple cider, hot chocolate, etc. I drink sugar-free soda and it doesn't bother me. I use less chocolate when I make a mocha. When I get a mocha at Starbucks, I ask them to use half the amount of syrup than they normally use. But I can never have a…
  • Yeah, I think this may have a lot to do with your "Internet personality." I am the same way. When I want to share something specific, I post it. But I'm not the type to just have stuff on display. I haven't updated Facebook since the birth of my daughter.
  • I think we have opposite body types. My legs are similar in size to yours and they are the trimmest part of my body! I've actually always been rather proud of them because, like yours, they look muscular and strong. I am sure they could stand to lose some fat, but since the rest of me needs to lose MORE fat, I am quite…
  • Ha -- all the reasons to do WW over MFP (free fruits and veggies, one number to track instead of calories and macros...) are things you don't like. You sound like a terrible candidate for weight watchers -- but a great candidate for MFP! Why are you trying to force yourself to do WW?
  • Mine isn't open. I just don't see it as a feature. I sometimes "snoop" on other people's diaries and I feel compelled to ask them questions about their food -- as if leaving your diary open is like an open invitation of "please start a conversation with me about what I ate today." Maybe that's just my own interpretation of…
  • Personally, I would get the Doritos and the snickers if I could afford both. The snickers would make me ill if I ate it on an empty stomach without anything else. I think I am sensitive to blood sugar spikes. So I would get it for the peanuts, but I'd get the Doritos for something that would satisfy my hunger better for…
  • If it makes you feel better, it is physically impossible for this to be your 11,293rd day of starting a new weight loss resolution. Not only would you have had to have been starting a fresh diet every day of your life, but also everyday for about 6 years before your birth. In all seriousness, you are still fairly young and…
  • Is your fitbit synced with MFP? If so, then your step-based activity will result in an automatic adjustment to your calorie allotment. Keep your net calories at 1200 (if that's what your goal is) for the day and you should be fine.
  • If your activity level varies from day to day depending on your job and your exercise is mostly step-based, it might be worth it to you to get a Fitbit and sync it with MFP. It takes the guesswork out of logging exercise and the fitbit itself is really motivating. Some days I get to 10,000 steps before lunch and other…
  • Yes! I agree! I also think that there was a study (maybe by the NIH?) that looked at habits of people who were able to maintain their weight after weightloss. But I think it was just after 1 year of maintenance, so I'm not sure if that would be enough to get usable information. I remember that stepping on the scale daily…