Calorie Goal Community Survey



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Macros: I just go for MFP suggestions

    As a side question, what do people think of MFP's default setting for macros. I felt like it really low-balled protein, especially if your calorie goal is as low as 1200 and you end up with a goal of something like 60g a day.
    60g a day is pretty much in line with most governmental recomendations. the USDA recomemend around 46g for women between 18-70 and 56 for men

    Strength athletes obviously need more but the USDA guidelines are in line with those of the world health organisation and most other countries guidelines. So do we believe governmental health bodies with millions of pounds and years of research with access to some of the best research data and doctors available or do we believe someone at a gym trying to sell us protein bars? I know where my money's going. Personal choice though if you disagree with MFP macros you can change them but as I said they are in line with recommendations.

    Main issue is (aside from the fact that, while they may have millions of $s to spend, the guidelines are based on some pretty old research, which has the main flaw of using nitrogen balance as a proxy for protein sufficiency) that these are set for relatively sedentary people who are not on a deficit.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 29
    Height: 5'4"
    Starting weight: 169
    Current Weight: 125
    Goal weight: 125
    Activity level: Lightly Active
    Weight loss goal: none
    Calorie Goal (Net): It's hard to say because I use a fitbit but when I was using MFP I was set on about 1850 net.
    Average Calorie intake: 2100-2200 on exercise days, 1600-1800 on rest days
    Exercise: Lifting, walking (recently injured)
    Macros: 110 g protein, 60 g fat, the rest carbs

    Criticism: Nope

    eta: I'm kind of in limbo right now. I was attempting my first bulk when I got injured so right now I'm just kinda hanging out until I can get back to doing that.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 20
    Height: 5'4"
    Starting weight: First time was 178, second time was 148
    Current Weight: 128
    Goal weight:118-120 or 19% body fat
    Activity level: Don't honestly know, but since out of college for summer probably sedentary.
    Weight loss goal: .5 lbs
    Calorie Goal (Net): 1300 (never reach it)
    Average Calorie intake: 1200-1500 depends on the day and binges
    Exercise: Elliptical Trainer at home for 40 mins/5x a week, Pilates for an hour if needed
    Macros: 30% Protein / 40% Carb / 30% Fat (don't know what works for me but carbs tend to make me binge and I don't cut them out)

    Criticism: Open to criticism! No one can do this alone and any improvements I can make would be appreciated.

    If suggesting I strength train, I've got limited options to mostly body weight. I don't really have any heavy cans or things I can fill to make weights now because everything is going towards recycling because lost jobs = we need money in whatever way possible.

    You can use just your body as the weight. Have a look into Convict Conditioning - completely body weight - no cans required =).
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 27
    Height: 5'7"
    Starting weight: 226
    Current Weight: 174
    Goal weight: 145 (I think?)
    Activity level: Lightly Active
    Weight loss goal: 1.4 pounds per week
    Calorie Goal (Net): 1650
    Average Calorie intake: 1800
    Exercise: Weights 3x/week, running or elliptical 2-3x/week
    Macros: Don't pay attention
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 20
    Height: 5'4"
    Starting weight: First time was 178, second time was 148
    Current Weight: 128
    Goal weight:118-120 or 19% body fat
    Activity level: Don't honestly know, but since out of college for summer probably sedentary.
    Weight loss goal: .5 lbs
    Calorie Goal (Net): 1300 (never reach it)
    Average Calorie intake: 1200-1500 depends on the day and binges
    Exercise: Elliptical Trainer at home for 40 mins/5x a week, Pilates for an hour if needed
    Macros: 30% Protein / 40% Carb / 30% Fat (don't know what works for me but carbs tend to make me binge and I don't cut them out)

    Criticism: Open to criticism! No one can do this alone and any improvements I can make would be appreciated.

    If suggesting I strength train, I've got limited options to mostly body weight. I don't really have any heavy cans or things I can fill to make weights now because everything is going towards recycling because lost jobs = we need money in whatever way possible.

    You have a lovely waist-to-hip ratio.

    Bodyweight training is fine.
  • baba_helly
    baba_helly Posts: 810 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 22
    Height: 5'4"
    Starting weight: 265-275 not sure exactly
    Current Weight: 177
    Goal weight: 150 for now
    Activity level: Lightly active, I am lazy
    Weight loss goal: 1 lb/week
    Calorie Goal (Net): 1820
    Average Calorie intake: 1820, I use TDEE method
    Exercise: Ideally lifting 3x/week, running 2x/week
    Macros: 40/30/30

    eta: I'm good with no criticism, thank you anyway :)
  • Nedra19455
    Nedra19455 Posts: 241 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 30
    Height: 5'4''
    Starting weight: 215
    Current Weight: 197
    Goal weight: 145 for a healthy BMI, but calculators that incorporate frame size say more like 150-155, so we'll see
    Activity level: Lightly Active
    Weight loss goal: 1 lb per week
    Calorie Goal (Net): 1740 (recalculated each week according to MFP's algorithms)
    Average Calorie intake: around 2,300
    Exercise: walking, C25K, strength training routine with 8 lbs weights, yoga
    Macros: 20% Protein / 50% Carb / 30% Fat

    Criticism:This is working well for me. I am losing 1-2 lbs pew week on a regular basis and never less than 1 lb in a week so far. I eat what my Fitbit projects I need to to keep up my activity level. I don't know that I need criticism, but if you see something dangerous please let me know. Also, if I get pregnant while still obese (the cutoff for overweight is 175), any suggestions for how to modify this? (Of course I will ask my midwife!)
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 37
    Height: 5'5"
    Starting weight: 214
    Current Weight: 182
    Goal weight: 130-140ish
    Activity level: Lightly active
    Weight loss goal: 1 lb/week
    Calorie Goal (Net): 1940
    Average Calorie intake: 1940, I use TDEE method
    Exercise: Lifting 3x/week, I make sure to get 5 miles through out the day 5-6x a week. On occasion I have been known to kickbox.
    Macros: 40/30/30

    Criticism is fine.
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    Gender: Male
    Age: 39
    Height: 6'3"
    Starting weight: 270
    Current Weight: 210
    Goal weight: 215 (More muscle)
    Activity level: Sedentary
    Weight loss goal: Done, want to add weight/muscle
    Calorie Goal (Net): 2060
    Average Calorie intake: 1300 (food only), 2200 (food & beer)
    Exercise: Running, Elliptical 3x/week. Weights 2x/week. Skiing (winter only)
    Macros: 50/20/30 (not written in stone)
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Gender: Male
    Age: 30
    Height: 6'0''
    Starting weight: 340
    Current Weight: 320ish
    Goal weight: 220-240 (depends how I look/feel)

    Is that your ultra goal weight or just your first goal weight?

    220 pounds isn't bad for being 6'0" and male. That's still 100 pounds less than his current weight and 35% total body weight reduction.

    No, that's an awesome loss. Just looking at someone around my height, who started not that much larger than my height weight, whose goal is just a little heavier than my current weight.

    I know sometimes those of us who were very large will set goal weights in increments, and I was wondering if that was the case or he considered 220-240 his ultra/low goal weight.
  • Swiftdogs
    Swiftdogs Posts: 328 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 55
    Height: 5'9"'
    Starting weight: ~163
    Current Weight: 127
    Goal weight: whatever looks good
    Activity level: set sedentary but more than that
    Weight loss goal: at maintenance since April
    Calorie Goal (Net): 1540
    Average Calorie intake: 1540
    Exercise: 10K per Fitbit, just starting to dabble with weights
    Macros: 40/30/30

    Criticism: okay
  • Gender: Female
    Age: 21
    Height: 5'1''
    Starting weight: 145
    Current Weight: 140
    Goal weight: 130-125 (whenever I like what I see in the mirror)
    Activity level: Lightly Active-Active (it depends on if I'm working that day...I do retail part time and am on my feet the entire shift/running around)
    Weight loss goal: 1-2 pounds a week
    Calorie Goal (Net): 1200
    Average Calorie intake: 1200
    Exercise: 30 min of cardio (zumba, kick boxing, or briskly walking) everyday, whatever is listed for that day on the 30 day beach body challenge, whatever is listed that day for the 30 day squat challenge.
    Macros: 30% Protein / 40% Carb / 30% Fat (but it does vary)
  • BarbellApprentice
    BarbellApprentice Posts: 486 Member
    Gender: Male
    Age: 44
    Height: 5'10''
    Starting weight: 227
    Current Weight: 177
    Goal weight: Cutting 4 more weeks so wherever it ends up so be it.
    Activity level: Desk job
    Weight loss goal: 1.5 lbs/week
    Calorie Goal (Net): 1940 (Reversing up. Adding another 100 Friday. Maintenance will be around 2700.)
    Average Calorie intake: 2030
    Exercise: Heavy lifting 4 days/week. 2 hrs walking/week. Occasional short run/jump rope/other cardio.
    Macros: 44% Protein / 37% Carb / 19% Fat
  • DesertStar86
    DesertStar86 Posts: 41 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 28
    Height: 5'4"'
    Starting weight: 174 lb (171 when I joined MFP)
    Current Weight: 167
    Goal weight: Minimum 140, dream weight 124. Will see how I look.
    Activity level: Light active - sedentary job, around 10,000 steps a day and currently not logging exercise as quite low intensity
    Weight loss goal: 1lb a week give or take - I'm fairly relaxed about this as long as the trend is downwards
    Calorie Goal (Net): 1560
    Average Calorie intake: 1400-1600 during the week. Up to maintenance on the weekend depending on social activities.
    Exercise: Started C210K but have had to stop at Week 2 Day 3 as I've developed right hip and left knee pain (bursitis??)... SO FRUSTRATIING as I was really enjoying it. Currently doing yoga & hip stretches at home. Might try a JM DVD tomorrow or some body weight exercises.
    Macros: Automatic allocation. Once I'm more steadily working out and losing weight I will pay more attention to these. Maybe. I don't eat much meat so protein is probably always going to be a bit of a struggle...

    Criticism: Welcomed. Diary is open.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    TDEE is 2100
    Calorie goal is 1700 gross (currently cutting; don't really have a goal weight)
    Desk job
    HIIT a few times a week
    Lots of walking/hiking (20 to 30 miles a week)
    Macros are pretty even right now

    Criticism: FOAD
  • Gender: Female
    Age: 43
    Height: 5'5"
    Starting weight: 153
    Current Weight: 150
    Goal weight: don't have one... but no less than 140
    Activity level: Lightly Active
    Weight loss goal: .5 a week
    Calorie Goal (Net): 1650 (I may up it very soon)
    Average Calorie intake:1800
    Exercise: right now nothing, sprained ankle :cry: :sad:
    Macros: 40% Protein / 40% Carb / 20% Fat
  • stephanieharms1290
    stephanieharms1290 Posts: 48 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 24
    Height: 5'7''
    Starting weight: 165
    Current Weight: 138 (Was 130 12 weeks ago! gained 8lbs of lean muscle!)
    Goal weight: 128-130 with lowest body fat :)
    Activity level: Active
    Weight gain goal: 1 lb per week
    Average Calorie intake: 1400 (dropped from 1800)
    Exercise: 5 days of lifting- 5-6 days of 45 mins cardio - 25 HIIT 20 stair master, elyptical, incline, bike
    Macros: 40% Protein / 40% Carb / 20% Fat

    Criticism: Go for it!
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Gender Female
    Age 59
    post menopause
    Height 5'11"
    Starting weight 187lbs
    Current weight 165lbs
    Goal weight 150-154
    Activity level Lightly active
    Weight loss goal .5 lb a week
    Calorie goal (net) 1440
    Average cal intake 1440--2000
    Exercise Swimming--3 or 4 times a week, Acqua gym--3 times a week, walking
    Macros Whatever MFP gives me

    Criticism Bring it on!!! :smile:
  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    Gender: Male
    Age: 41
    Height: 5'10.5''
    Starting weight: 192, then 144, then 164 @~12-14%BF
    Current Weight: 155 @ 10%BF
    Goal weight: ???165???Trying to slow, lean bulk through 2014 and then possibly cut in early 2015.
    Activity level: Desk job
    Weight Gain goal: 3 lbs/month
    Calorie Goal: 2,800
    Average Calorie intake: ~2,900 the last 3 weeks
    Exercise: Heavy lifting (MADCOW) 3 days/week. Daily dog walks and weekly swimming.
    Macros: 50% Carb / 30% Pro / 20% Fat
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 41
    Height: 5 ft 7
    Starting weight: 205
    Current Weight: 153
    Goal weight: 155
    Activity level: Lightly Active (about 10k steps most days)
    Weight loss goal: at maitenance
    Calorie Goal (Net): 2100
    Average Calorie intake: 1950 (this week reverse dieting to 2100 atm)
    Exercise: SL 3x, walking/biking or HIIT 2-3x a week
    Macros: 25% Protein / 50% Carb / 25% Fat

    Criticism: Open to critique, bring it.
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Gender female
    Age 55
    Height 5'
    Strarting weight 215
    Currrnt weight 178
    Goal weight 135
    Activity level slightly active
    Weight loss hoal 0.5 week
    Calorie intake 1400
    Exercise 2 miles walking daily
    Macros whatever
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    Gender: Male
    Age: 39
    Height: 5'9''
    Starting weight: 199
    Current Weight: 140
    Goal weight: 140 - but if I put a few pounds of muscle on I'm not going to cry about it :)
    Activity level: Desk job w/ 6 days/wk of exercise and lots of recreational time (garden/yard work, walks, swimming etc)
    Weight goal: maintain
    Calorie Goal: 2,000
    Average Calorie intake: Haven't looked lately - probably just shy of that.
    Exercise: Chest/Arms M, Cardio T, Legs W, Cardio Th, Back/Shoulders F; bike rides, walks, etc. on weekends.
    Macros: 50% Carb / 30% Pro / 20% Fat
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 36
    Height: 5'8"
    Starting weight: 255
    Current Weight: 178
    Goal weight: ?? Somewhere in the neighborhood of 150 I guess
    Activity level: Lightly Active (even though I walk and run I generally get in less than 13,000 steps a day)
    Weight loss goal: .5 pounds per week
    Calorie Goal (Net): 2050 (TDEE method, not MFP method)
    Average Calorie intake: 2030 (? I just upped it to the 2050 a week ago so my average is based on a very small amount of data)
    Exercise: 4-5 days a week walking, 3 days running (completed C25K today!)
    Macros: 30% carbs / 35% protein / 35% fat

    Critique: not just now, thanks.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 42
    Height: 5'9''
    Starting weight: 215
    Current Weight: 162
    Goal weight:18% bodyfat (ultimately, I'd like to be 175 - and if usmpc is 20% bodyfat, I might have an adjustment in that area too)
    Activity level: Active
    Weight loss goal: .5 pounds per week through June
    Calorie Goal (Net): 2150
    Average Calorie intake (Gross): 2500
    Exercise: Convict Conditioning, 1-3 exercises 5 days a week; Run about 15 miles/week (three days)
    Macros: 25% Protein / 35% Carb / 30% Fat (but I treat fat and protein as a minimum)

    Criticism: Suggestions welcome.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Gender: Male
    Age: 30
    Height: 6'0''
    Starting weight: 340
    Current Weight: 320ish
    Goal weight: 220-240 (depends how I look/feel)

    Is that your ultra goal weight or just your first goal weight?

    220 pounds isn't bad for being 6'0" and male. That's still 100 pounds less than his current weight and 35% total body weight reduction.

    No, that's an awesome loss. Just looking at someone around my height, who started not that much larger than my height weight, whose goal is just a little heavier than my current weight.

    I know sometimes those of us who were very large will set goal weights in increments, and I was wondering if that was the case or he considered 220-240 his ultra/low goal weight.

    Pretty much it is. I have a higher than average LBM, so if I can retain most of it, I will look great at that range.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,940 Member
    Gender: Male
    Age: 50
    Height: 5'7"
    Starting weight: 203 (after holidays)
    Current Weight: 192
    Goal weight: Based on a ripped 7%,172lbs
    Activity level: Moderately Active
    Weight loss goal: 1 pound per week
    Calorie Goal (Net): 1900
    Average Calorie intake: 2000-2100
    Exercise: One body part per day strength, 2 miles cardio (jog, run)
    Macros: 40% Protein / 20% Carb / 40% Fat

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    One thing I'll admit being a bit self-conscious about based on what I see the average male being is I am very light for my height.

    I'm 6' tall and I've gotten myself down to about ~15% bodyfat in the past and at that %BF I was down to 155 pounds. Now when I saw myself like that I liked what I saw, I wouldn't call myself what I've come to know as skinny-fat (can judge for yourself from my profile pics) and yet 155 pounds 15% bodyfat would mean a lean mass of only 135 pounds.

    Part of this is I know I am very small framed, my wrists are about 6.2'' in diameter which is very small for a 6' tall man. Yet still I can't help but feel that means I must be under-muscled for my size.

    For my health and appearance my focus is at this moment fat loss since I'm around 17-21% BF right now and I want to get rid of that first. Still I'm chomping at the bit to get into surplus and try to put on some muscle.

    Had a revelation recently that throughout my life the only time I weight lifted was on a fitness kick and the only time I was on a fitness kick was when I was overweight and therefore I was also calorie restricting. That means at no point in my life have I weight-lifted while being at caloric surplus. I am very keen to see what I can do with my body when I truly fuel my weight lifting.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5' 6"
    Highest weight: 161 lbs
    Starting weight: 157 lbs
    Current Weight: 150 lbs
    Goal weight: 130 lbs (or 140 lbs, dependent on the BF%, how much muscle I retain)
    Activity level: Lightly Active
    Weight loss goal: 0.5-1lbs/week
    Calorie Goal (TDEE -20%): 1640 (I don't do the MFP "rules"--I use TDEE calculator, less 20% for weight loss)
    Average Calorie intake: 1523 (actual average per my spreadsheet over the last 6 weeks--slowly increasing to 1640 as I begin to "trust" the math)
    Exercise: Running/HIIT cardio, strength training (Total Gym), body weight training (YAYOG-style)
    Macros: 50% carb, 30% protein, 20% fat (something like that--110g protein/45g fat is my priority, rest eaten as fiber rich carbs--omnomnom)
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 36
    Height: 5'11.75"
    Starting weight: 309
    Current Weight: 230
    Goal weight: 170 @ 25% bf
    Activity level: Lightly Active (about 10k steps most days)
    Weight loss goal: 1 pound per week
    Calorie Goal (Net): 1800
    Average Calorie intake: 1900
    Exercise: just walking; sometimes lifting
    Macros: 30% Protein / 40% Carb / 30% Fat

    I am open to suggestion, but my current calorie goal was set by my endocrinologist. I'm currently being treated for PCOS and take Metformin. Oh, and I'm not interested in ketogenic diets or Paleo/Primal.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    @Aaron since upping my calories towards maitenance I have noticed a significant difference in my lifts.

    Esp in my upper body. My BP is nearing 130lbs....:noway: , my OHP is nearing 95lbs and I am not at maitenance...and these are the one's I always always stall on...

    If this is any indiciation of what can happen with "more" food...(I say more as I am not at maitenance yet) then bulking for a guy must be just amazing for his lifts...I imagine for a woman too...

    Have fun with it...