Day 1! for the 11293 time :(

I have the hardest time staying motivated. I know all of the right things to do and how to achieve my goals. But I do not know how keep it going. I am way too weak :( Anyone in this with me?


  • libbyco2208
    libbyco2208 Posts: 9 Member
    Every time you make a change, you are a step closer to making that change stick.
    Don't look as each past attempt as a failure, rather, look as it as a detour on the journey.
    You can and you will get there, eventually.
    Make one small change a day, instead of going for the life overhaul and expecting that to be the way for the rest of your days.
    Breath in, breath out and just keep swimming. You've got this :)
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    You have to really want it. I know I want to eat to but it is a lot of hard work and discipline but it can be done. Don't give up, you can find a different way to eat. I got so sick of being heavy and not having any clothes to wear. You have to be willing to do the work, logging calories is a lot of work and it takes time. I know you just want to eat whatever you want,all of us do but just jump on here for support and learn to take care of yourself and do the work, log those calories. It will work for you.
  • Nedra19455
    Nedra19455 Posts: 241 Member
    If it makes you feel better, it is physically impossible for this to be your 11,293rd day of starting a new weight loss resolution. Not only would you have had to have been starting a fresh diet every day of your life, but also everyday for about 6 years before your birth.

    In all seriousness, you are still fairly young and you have so much to look forward to when you get to a healthy weight! Don't think too far ahead. Just give it a month. And if you make it to a month, give it 100 days. Then give it 6 months. Then give it a year. Just try whatever you can to make it easy -- I bought a fitbit and let that be in charge of telling MFP when and how much I am exercising. I also gave myself a higher calorie allotment (losing 1lb per week instead of 1.5) so that I wouldn't feel deprived.
  • I have the same problem!! just keep starting over, when you start to see results you are likely to stay motivated. dont give up!
  • I'm in the same boat. I just look at the positives :) I've done this probably as many times as you but now I need a change or I might be stuck in this body FOREVER.

    you can do it!
  • Malkola
    Malkola Posts: 2
    I've leaned to just look at every day as "Day 1". Doesn't matter what I did yesterday, I can't bring it forward into today. From past experience I know that it WILL get easier.. we just have to do enough Day 1's to teach our bodies that we mean it.

    Good luck, it's not about some big miraculous event.. it's about a long collection of consist Day 1's. :bigsmile:
  • HappyGramps
    HappyGramps Posts: 10 Member
    I suggest that you fill in the "About Me', "Why I want to lose weight", and "My Inspirations" sections after you have given serious thought about why you're on this journey. That might help you focus on other weight-loss related goals in life rather than just a number of pounds.

    For example, if you want to be able to walk 4 miles in an hour, but you currently can't, start a walking program and gradually increase the distance and the speed. Walking helps lose weight, and you'll get measurable achievements in increased distance and/or speed much quicker than the initial loss of weight. Focus on the walking goal and the pounds will take care of themselves.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,131 Member
    I have learnt that motivation is not what's required - it's commitment and resignation.

    Motivation can be fleeting, easily lost or diverted, and implies that you need to be enthused, excited and positively working towards this. It therefore means that as soon as you stop being excited, enthused and positively working towards this, you quit.

    I'm not "motivated" to go to work in the morning. I do it because I have bills to pay, things I want to buy, a household to feed, a car to run and a lifestyle to sustain.

    I'm not "motivated" to clean my house. I do it because I have a level of comfort to maintain, a desire to not live in dirty surroundings, a level of health I wish to keep up.

    I don't clean the poop out of my cats litter tray because I'm "motivated". I do it because it stinks and is gross.

    I don't make good choices with my food and haul my *kitten* out to go running because I'm "motivated. I do it because I have physical pain I want to lessen and/or avoid, a lifestyle I wish to attain/maintain, a level of health I want to keep up, and a desire not to live in substandard surroundings - in this case an unhealthy body.

    I have been "dieting" for 18 years. I have joined Weight Watchers more than 12 times. I've done shake diets, I've counted calories and I considered a lapband. I have "fallen off the wagon" because I "lost motivation" more times than I can count.

    Now this time, it's different. Sure, a lot of the time I'm motivated. But a hell of a lot of the time, I'm not. But I'm committed and resigned to the fact that unless I want my body to be unhealthy, miserable, unattractive and broken, I have to do this. Same way as I have to go to work when I can't be bothered, or have to clean my house when I'd rather sit on the couch in my jimjams.

    This isn't optional any more. I've put it in the necessity basket. I'm not doing it because I want to - I'm doing it because I have to. Even if I'd rather be in the eating equivalent of jimjams on the couch ;)
  • reddcat
    reddcat Posts: 314 Member
    Ha! With ya sister. My ticker said 5 day streak today. I commented "if I lost a pound for every 5 day streak I have had....". Usually, I go in full tilt, like I am training to be a Marine. Tote around my humungous water bottle, log every bite, do squats when I am doing dishes, etc. This time, I am just taking BABY steps. For instance, today, I will not eat a shmore (campfire season). Some may scoff at this, but HEY, it is a start. We can do this.
  • dgbrown13
    dgbrown13 Posts: 19 Member
    Take it one day at a time. I have a problem with night eating, but this week I stopped eating AS MUCH, not completely but not as much as I have in the past and I consider that a success. A little but it is one. The weekend is coming up and this is when I really lose control, but my goal,and it is a little one, is to not let myself get as much out of control as I have been doing. I have a plan. Make plans with yourself. You won't be perfect but at least have a plan to make a change even if it is a small one. Again one day at a time.
  • heyritahey
    heyritahey Posts: 4 Member
    Alatariel75, thank you for your post :)
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
  • lemantelli
    lemantelli Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you everyone! It is so inspiring to know that I have all of you in my corner. Yesterday I was not having a healthy start to the day (burger and fries for my first meal) but after I got home from work something clicked. I went to the gym and made a healthy meal for dinner. This morning I got up and did my dishes (I am trying to be healthy and consistent in EVERY aspect of my life), made a smoothie for breakfast, and I am about to go back to the gym. I then plan on buying some free weights on my way home so I can start (again) my 30DS! One day at a time, but today is already a pretty good day and it's only 0930!