anyone add me. Love a good challenge
heres mine, Gf got it for me for my bday cant wait to get some friends so i can see how lazy i am haha
What exercises are you talking about. For me if i keep my feet on the floor while benching. My lower back start to hurt. That's why i keep my feet on the bench now a days. Tweek the way you workout to cause less stress on your back
almond it
I drink a 2 liter of diet whatever everyday. I have about 10, 2liters and 6 cases in the fridge right now. All i want to do is eat sugary stuff. Drinking these stops that. Their like snacks for me. Love them and cant see giving them out
anyone can add me. I post and comment a lot. I like to help
very common cycle there
tummy...looking great
yeah right lol 120 tops
Im lost on what you want to know. I see the food you do and dont eat, are you looking for more suggestions? like breakfast 1 whole egg 5 egg white 1 cup oatmeal 1 banana something like that?
Today i did a cheat day also. Ate about 5k calories. I don't normally have a cheat day, just a meal. Today with work and someone site getting cancelled ( I do search engine optimization ) and being on the phone all day getting transferred here and there. I ate what i wanted...BLAH! back to normal tomorrow
Diet and cardio will get rid of the extra fat. There is no exercise that will target certain areas of fat loss. Stay hydrated and keep the diet pretty okay and do some cardio and you will get rid of that in no time.
protein ice cream
Since you are working out. Try to eat something that has protein and a little carbs like a quick shake with a little bit of oatmeal in it. Do your cardio after your workout when your livers storage of glycogen is depleted. This will cause your body to use fat as energy. After if you would like to keep burning fat just have…
Water, water and more water. Water can help you lose weight and tons of different ways. Just being a little bit dehydrated can have you burning less calories a day. AND drinking cold water will make you burn more calories since your body will need to heat it up. I can go on forever about water and how every cell in your…
Protein ice cream ( home made everynite ) Chicken and potatos 7/11 diet slurpees
Whats your goals? i can give a better response if i know what your trying to do.
uh huh
Are you having any cheat meals? or at least some high calories meals once or 2x a week? And how much water are you drinking?
nice eyes
not enough calories. This low of cals over a period of time will cause your metabolic rate to drop ( how many cals you burn a day ) Your body wants to live and needs cals to do so. So when you do not eat enough it stops burning fat and start saving all it can. make sure to have a high cal cheat meal once a week. Eat at…
Planet fitness is my FAV. gym to get kicked out of while traveling! LUNK ALARM!
25 mcg is not a extreme dose so your thyroid cant be to bad. Levothyroxine ( T4 ) is mostly prescribed in 100mcg to 200mcg. Just remember to take your pills and everything will be fine. Yes this will be a life time thing but its not that bad. 1 pill a day. Easy once your levels are normal you will lose weight much easier…
smile, nice teeth also
8. I think it would be more but the picture is kind of weird lol
sure, who doesnt like superman?
9 beautiful