MancLass Member


  • I'm on the outskirts of Manchester, so we're both in the North West - lucky us!!
  • First 10 day challenge and joining late so this is day 4 for me. Loving the focus of this - short and sharp. Day/Weight/Comment 11/11 - 158.4lb - day goes! 11/12 - No weigh in today as away on business. A good day <1,200 cals and +10,000 steps 11/13 - No weigh in today as still away on business. Another good…
  • Do you live in the uk? In Manchester? Just read your username x Hi Bex - yes I do, do you?
  • First 10 day challenge and joining a couple of days late so this is day 3 for me. Loving the focus of this challenge! Day/Weight/Comment 11/11 - 158.4lb Day goes! 11/12 - No weigh in today as away on business. A good day <1,200 cals and +10,000 steps 11/13 - No weigh in today as still away on business. Another…
  • First 10 day challenge and joining a couple of days late so this is day 2 for me. Day/Weight/Comment 11/11 - 158.4lb Day goes! 11/12 - No weigh in today as away on business. A good day <1,200 cals and +10,000 steps 11/13 11/14 11/15 11/16 11/17 11/18
  • Just for today I stuck to my 3 commitments - so I'm feeling positive. Hoping I can make the last 7 weeks of the year balance out my rocky year. No weigh in today because I'm working away from home and in a hotel - but that's probably a good thing - it's nice to be away from the tyranny of the scales! 1. Eat 3 meals, no…
  • First 10 day challenge, and joining a couple of days late but think this might really help me get into a better routine in the short term, without being overwhelmed by the long term! Day/Weight/Comment 11/11 - 158.4lb Day goes! 11/12 11/13 11/14 11/15 11/16 11/17 11/18
  • I'm joining this a little late (!) but I figure the last 7 weeks of the year is better than nothing. I've been all over the place this year with emotional eating and just need to establish a better routine alongside a very busy job, lots of travel for work and regular (ish) exercise which generally includes lots of…
  • Hi all, I'm just recovering from knee surgery and hoping to combine my exercise and physiotherapy routines. I snapped my anterior cruciate ligament last year falling off an off-road Segway and I had reconstruction therapy 5 weeks ago. Before my accident I did quite a bit of running and swimming, with the odd bike ride and…
  • Week 2 goals are to do 275 minutes of good quality exercise. I set off with swimming on Monday for 30 minutes, and went for a run tonight, just for 30 minutes. Eating is going well so far so I'm hoping for a loss again this week...... Week # 2 – July 7th -- Goal 275 minutes Mon: 30 minutes swimming + 20 minutes dog running…
  • A quick check in from Manchester, England. July is going well so far; I'm sticking to the low sugar eating plan recommended by my personal trainer and weight is starting to come off. with I've filled in my diary every day and I've kept up with my exercise, but I could probably do more. I've failed miserably on not working…
  • Hi all, as week 1 draws to a close I'm pleased to report I've met my target time - just! And I think I could have done a bit more on the 'Move it' front. So week 2 targets will be a bit more challenging. Here's my week 1 totals. sluggish Thursday, but I'm just heading to the pool for a swim on the way home...... Week # 1 –…
  • Hi all, a sluggish Thursday, but I'm just heading to the pool for a swim on the way home...... Week # 1 – June 30th -- Goal 240 minutes: Mon: 20 minutes dog walking Tue: 55 minutes running: 4.6 miles Wed: 60 minutes walking Thur: 20 minutes dog walking Fri: 30 minutes swimming Sat: Sun: Total/mins left 185/55
  • Happy 4th July all you US folks, it's business as usual over here in the UK. And in my neck of the woods in the north west of England, it's raining, again! But it's Friday and I weighed in this morning and I'm off the starting blocks - 3lbs off. July has started well. On the down side, I'm working very hard at the moment…
  • How lovely to catch up on all your news, what an interesting bunch! It's grey and overcast here in Manchester - we are famous for our rain so it's nothing unusual for the middle of summer! July is going well so far - I've been eating a low sugar diet at the suggestion of the chap who does my personal training. It's easier…
  • Hi all, checking in.....week 1 is going well so far. Lots of movement and I'm trying to cut right back on sugar - that's the bigger challenge right now! Hope everyone else is doing OK. Week # 1 – June 30th -- Goal 240 minutes: Mon: 20 minutes dog walking Tue: 55 minutes running: 4.6 miles Wed: 60 minutes walking Thur: Fri:…
  • Hi all, I'm up for this. My July goals are:- 1. To use the diary every day 2. To post every day 3. To eat no sweets/candy, chocolate, biscuits/cookies or cake - at all 4. To exercise 5 days a week 5. To lose 7 lbs 6. To not end up working lots and lots of extra hours - which keeps me out of the gym/pool/countryside!! I…
  • Hi all, I've not done this before but need a challenge in July - because in June I seem to have slowed down dramatically as I've spent more and more time behind my desk at work. I feel awful - so I'm setting a target of hitting this MOVE IT challenge every week and losing 5 pounds in July. First decision taken, I've…
  • Oh dear, haven't we all slowed down with our posting! It's been an age since I've been on here. Anyway, according to my timer I have 13 days left - and I want to have lost 6 lbs during this I better pull my finger out! I'm committing to posting every day now for the last 13 days. Hope others can get…
  • Hi ladies, I've just found your thread and had a quick read! What a busy lot you all are...... I'd love to join you in July....and until then will check in every now and then and make sure I set sensible goals for July. I'm 53 and based in Manchester, England. I've realised the only way I can maintain a healthy weight is…
  • I would echo the comments about Enell. I'm 34F and have tried every brand going and Enell is by the far the best. They are a US brand so may be more affordable if you live there; I'm in the UK so they are pricey, but definitely, definitely worth it. I won't consider running in anything else, I'd rather not bother. They are…
  • Day 22 for me. I stayed the same this week - bit of a bummer but I'm not going to let this derail me. So this week needs to see me re-focussed and finding my mojo!! I've got an open water swim next weekend in the Lake District - it should be fun, there are thousands and thousands of folk doing it. We are going there for a…
  • Day 20 for me today - and reading your posts I'm thinking of digging out my Jillian Michaels DVD and trying to do it each day for the remaining 30 days of this challenge. It feels like a massive commitment but it could be a good way to try and keep at it! My week hasn't been great - so I'll be pleased if I maintain - I'd…
  • Day 18 for me; Monday and Tuesday became rest days as I got so tied up at work; I was disappointed to miss the gym and my eating started to slip. But it didn't go completely haywire so I'm going to celebrate that! Fabulousmo, today I had Greek yoghurt with blueberries & raspberries and organic muesli for breakfast; then…
  • Day 16 - shipoonut, don't despair! Get right back on it and those 2 1/2 pounds will soon be history. And good to meet you fabulousmo - I'm well and truly menopausal at 53 and it can be grim trying to lose weight, but it's not impossible so I'm damn well going to! I can see some of my friends slowing down and getting really…
  • Hi all, it's day 15 for me. I weighed in yesterday and was really pleased to lose 3 pounds. Being a bit older, and right in the middle of the menopause, it's tougher to drop pounds. I went open water swimming yesterday, it was a bit chilly but my wetsuit helped - and today I went on a 20 mile bike ride - I found some…
  • Day 13 for me today: yesterday didn't end up too great, as I left it too late to eat when I got home so I ate stuff as I got my meal ready. But I didn't completely crash and burn so I'm hanging onto that. I went to see my personal trainer today, it was a pretty brutal session before work - and I'm not too great in the…
  • Hi all, I've not checked in for a couple of days as I've been incredibly busy at work. The good news is that I've managed to hit my exercise and calorie goals even though I've been carrying a hip injury for about three weeks so can't really run. So I've upped my bike riding and swimming, as well as throwing in a couple of…
  • Congratulations Spillano and Shihpoonut on your week 1 losses! I've stayed the same - nothing for the leaderboard Spillano I'm afraid. But I won't be put off, I had three days working away this week, and forgot my gym stuff (well I took my trainers and nothing else!). So I did plenty of walking but it's not enough. Anyway,…
  • Day 5 - day 4 turned out OK with food but I didn't get my run. Too much time in the office and not enough in the gym! Anyway, I'm working away for a couple of days so food can be a bit tricky. There's a gym at the hotel, and I'm in central London so there are lovely parks to run in. I'll get in one or the other…