mstawnya Member


  • I think your arms are amazing! Great work!
  • Just keep doing what you're doing. If you're tired, just take a walk. You'll get some energy back in the second trimester. You can do abdominal work as long as you're comfortable. I took a core class until I was 7 months. We used a ball for a lot of the work and that helped a lot. Good luck!
  • I wash mine in the washer once each week and hang it to dry. After daily workouts, I hand wash it in the bathroom sink and hang it to dry. Hope that helps.
  • I was in your shoes not too long ago (my youngest is 3 now). It took a good 2 years to lose the weight after she came along. I took advantage of the YMCA daycare, had my oldest ride her bike while I slung the baby and pushed the middle one in the stroller. I'd find small playgrounds with a little walking trail around them…
  • I lost most of my weight with cardio (did use some light dumbbells and a little Pilates over the years as well) and started lifting heavy last April. Injured myself in August and just started back last week.
  • Embrace the booty! :) You can always balance it out a bit by building up your arms & shoulders.
  • One day at a time-that's how everyone begins. You will stumble, you will fall off the wagon, and then you'll just pick yourself back up because what is the alternative? You can either keep trying or give up. One setback doesn't mean you're giving up on your health and well being. I love the quote-"Being fat is hard and…
  • Depends on the person. With my first, I lost it all in 4 months. With my second, it came off when I weaned her at age 2. With my third, it took an additional 6 months after I weaned her (at age 2) to lose it. Not sure why it took longer-age? busy with the other kids? Doesn't matter. Breastfeeding them was more important to…
  • My stats are similar to yours. I'm 5'6. I started around 205, lost the weight, had 3 kids (lost the weight after each of them), and here I am. Still have a layer of loose skin, but I don't think it's awful or anything. I guess the alternative is that I could still be 205.
  • I noticed the posture too. :) Fantastic results! Congrats!
  • Awesome numbers, Karen! I'm sad I won't be joining you in Stage 5. cpa-that would just irk me. No reason to behave badly in or outside of the gym.
    in Stage 4 Comment by mstawnya August 2012
  • You crack me up, Mary. I'd kill for 3 times right now. :) Had my first day back at the Y and walked. And then I couldn't resist the pull of the weights and just did some super lift dumbbells with arms only. I still think it was too much, but I felt like it was a step just being there.
  • Been a week since I injured my back and I'm still so stiff and terrified of going back to the weight room. Heck, it still hurts to walk down my stairs each morning. Going to the chiro and doing some stretches and foam rolling, but that's it for me right now. I should be starting Stage 5, but now I just don't know what to…
  • Bwahahaha! Love it! You look amazing!!!!
  • Great progress! Congrats!
  • Final Stage 4 numbers: FSPP: 65 to 70 lbs. Step Up: 50 lbs on 4 risers to 70 lbs. on 5 risers. DB 1 pt. row: 8 reps 50 lbs. to 10 reps at 60 lbs. Static Lunges: 50 lbs. to 60 lbs. Pushups: 10 with leg up to 20 with leg up Plank: 2 min. to 2 min. Wood Chops: 30 lbs. to 42.5 lbs. Deadlifts: 145 lbs. to 170 lbs. (yeah I'm…
    in Stage 4 Comment by mstawnya August 2012
  • I've been splitting up my B workouts (well the last one and I did half of it today and will finish this stage tomorrow). Mentally, I struggle. It probably takes me as much time to psych myself up as it does to actually lift the weights.
    in Stage 4 Comment by mstawnya August 2012
  • I vary my cobras. Sometimes I put my legs up, sometimes I tap my toes together (feels like a Pilates butt move), or tap my toes from side to side to whatever music I'm listening to. :)
  • Back from a girl's weekend and a few days of illness-I can't stand summer colds. Still managed a lifting day, but I was pretty puny and tired. Congrats to all on some great victories!
  • You'll do great! The Stage 1 workouts are pretty short, but in Stage 4, my workouts take over an hour to complete. Start with lower weights until you feel comfortable in the weight room and move up from there. I'm sure you'll make great strides!
  • I so needed to hear the "you don't get ANY results from training - you get results from RECOVERING from training" today. This week, I'm dropping down to 2 NROLFW sessions each week and dropping my mileage as well. Upped my cals again last week and started eating 6 times each day too. I was a ***** to live with and always…
  • I'm switching to 2 days of lifting this week too and will see how it goes. I'm having a hard time building in recovery and my body is rebelling. Time for a little break. Plus, the thought of doing each workout only once each week is kind of appealing to me. :)
    in Stage 4 Comment by mstawnya July 2012
  • I was feeling that way last week. And then I wanted to wear my fave jeans this weekend and they were so so tight. So I said, screw it,its summer, and I love dresses WAY more than jeans. :) I'm done whining too. I'm making strength gains and feel best when I don't look at the scale so I'm done with that too. Screw the…
  • Nice, Sam!
  • Congrats, rock star! Beautiful shoulders are a fabulous reward.
  • Finally joining the ranks of Stage 4. Like a fool, I forgot to bring along or even review my Stage 2 stats (was going to use them for starting weights)so I ended up going a bit higher for the FSPPs and lower for everything else. Oh well! Onward & upward. :)
    in Stage 4 Comment by mstawnya July 2012
  • It's tough. I'm the type of person who gains quickly when I'm not tracking, but the tracking gets to me every so often. I stopped counting my exercise cals last month which has helped some, but now I"m not sure if I'm eating enough. Why does it have to be so hard?
  • Beautiful figure!