Daily Chat Thread



  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Its taken me 4 days to read back LOL.

    So many new names and inspirational stories, especially all of you who started the same time as me in January/February and have now completed or nearly completed. I'm back at Stage One (2nd week) and am so much stronger than last time. Chiro has sorted my neck and twisted pelvis and I've been slowly building back strength up. Biggest difference has come from me buying a hydraulic couch so I am working on clients at the right level - best £700 I've ever spent!!!!!

    I'm also trying to reduce Carbs. I'm finding I've become quite addicted to them lately esp bread and butter. I'm also finding a lot of bloating occurs after eating and I don't like that either. I just don't know what to replace bread with, as my lunches are usually sandwiches of some sort. Would appreciate any suggestions on what you all eat mid-day.

    Can I ask a question, do any of you find your tongue drys out from increasing protein. I can't really explain it but I have to drink more, and my tongue feels dry more?

    Its 29 degrees here today, so off to meet a girlfriend and have lunch at the Sailing Club by the River Hamble, I LOVE days off LOL!!!!

    Have a good day everyone.
  • winetoweights
    winetoweights Posts: 32 Member
    Most mainstream knowledge is that you need carbs for fuel. However, there has been a lot of research on using other nutrients, such as fat, for fuel. (Check out marksdailyapple.com for some great resources on this). http://www.marksdailyapple.com/why-grains-are-unhealthy/#axzz21dfKRn5Y

    I suggest if you need a high amount of carbs, keep it from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and not from anything enriched or processed or with added sugars.
  • winetoweights
    winetoweights Posts: 32 Member
    Its taken me 4 days to read back LOL.

    So many new names and inspirational stories, especially all of you who started the same time as me in January/February and have now completed or nearly completed. I'm back at Stage One (2nd week) and am so much stronger than last time. Chiro has sorted my neck and twisted pelvis and I've been slowly building back strength up. Biggest difference has come from me buying a hydraulic couch so I am working on clients at the right level - best £700 I've ever spent!!!!!

    I'm also trying to reduce Carbs. I'm finding I've become quite addicted to them lately esp bread and butter. I'm also finding a lot of bloating occurs after eating and I don't like that either. I just don't know what to replace bread with, as my lunches are usually sandwiches of some sort. Would appreciate any suggestions on what you all eat mid-day.

    Can I ask a question, do any of you find your tongue drys out from increasing protein. I can't really explain it but I have to drink more, and my tongue feels dry more?

    Its 29 degrees here today, so off to meet a girlfriend and have lunch at the Sailing Club by the River Hamble, I LOVE days off LOL!!!!

    Have a good day everyone.

    I am a former carb addict :)

    I never thought I'd be able to give up my oatmeal/cereal for breakfast, but I've substituted it for eggs and an avocado, often with some berries. Great high protein, high healthy-fat way to start the day.

    For lunch, I usually do chicken (I cook up a bunch on Sunday for the week), with a side of baby carrots or sliced up green peppers. Lately I've been adding in a cheese stick, too, since I struggle getting all my calories without carbs!

    For snack at work, I'll eat an apple or banana; almond butter is also good to have on the side as some healthy fats that is also tasty and filling.

    I found eating this way (do it for a week before you give up!) keeps me full throughout the day. If I get too hungry, I'll keep some protein powder at work to guzzle down to fill me up if I need to, but mostly that has been working out for me.

    I do allow myself my "splurges" on the weekends. I feel like if Monday-Friday, I can be disciplined, I can allow myself to have the junk foods I crave without going crazy!
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    Sam how long are you away for? If it's 1 or 2 weeks, then don't rush to get the prog done before you go. a couple of weeks off would be ok i'm sure. And you can definitely mess around with stage 6/7. (eg do stage 7 once OR twice).

    So I FINISHED IT!!! :drinker:

    Very happy to say I finished stage 7 last night, and broke 101lbs for the deadlift 6 reps x 2 sets, which is very good for me. But y'all haven't got rid of me yet, cos i'm doing stage 7 again (albeit slightly modified to my preferences) which will take me up to my big break in just under 3 weeks. I haven't taken after-pics yet, I will wait until I finish the second round, take a few days to un-bloat and then take pics/measurements.

    Stage 7 surprised me largely because although there are no direct abs moves in it, I really felt my abs the next day! I think the main culprit was the push ups, which are like dynamic planks really, aren't they!

    Feeling quite proud of myself, and even caught an unexpected glimpse of some good shoulder muscles in an elevator mirror the other day and was surprised to realise it was me!:blushing:

    Congrats, rock star! Beautiful shoulders are a fabulous reward.
  • That's amazing, Jen!! I can't wait till I say the same! =D

    So, two things:
    1) Do you guys tend to have a more difficult time during TOM? It may be the stress, or that I forgot to eat dinner last night (I swear I didn't mean to.. @__@ I was focusing on a project with a deadline.), but this morning was hard. In different way. It's hard to explain. >__<

    2) Do you guys have a suggestion for an alternate to Push-ups? I injured my wrist last year falling off a horse and its still not fully healed, my doctor is forbidding me from push-ups. I bought some Wrist Supporting weight lifting gloves for the other workouts. Any ideas?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    Nicely done, Jen.

    jlhudy - I like your menu plan....I might incorporate some of those ideas into my own nutrition plan!

    mercury - I definitely crave BAD CARBS 1-2 days before TOM....and, at this point, I just let myself enjoy. It is what it is - I have limitations and trying to work around them has caused me WAY more stress than just pushing through them. Can you do push-ups if you have a DB in your hand (i.e. to relieve the pressure on your wrist)?? That would be my recommendation....don't NOT do the push-ups, but see if your doctor permits them with a DB. If not, will he permit reverse push-ups??
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Wow, I've missed a LOT on this thread! I probably won't really get to catch up until after my vacation next week (this week is a staycation with the whole family home and some work thrown in there for kicks and giggles), but I'm cheering you all on.

    I've got one more S4 workout (tomorrow), then vacation rest week, then onto S5. I was reading the list of moves today and was really not psyched about going back to YTWL (or whatever those letters were) etc. Sometimes I get kind of annoyed with all the different moves in NR. But...onward!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Its taken me 4 days to read back LOL.

    I'm also trying to reduce Carbs. I'm finding I've become quite addicted to them lately esp bread and butter. I'm also finding a lot of bloating occurs after eating and I don't like that either. I just don't know what to replace bread with, as my lunches are usually sandwiches of some sort. Would appreciate any suggestions on what you all eat mid-day.

    Can I ask a question, do any of you find your tongue drys out from increasing protein. I can't really explain it but I have to drink more, and my tongue feels dry more?

    Have a good day everyone.
    I use Whole Wheat Pitas, they are only 80 cals and 18 carbs about the same as 1 slice of bread but holds more. You can really cram that thing with veggies with your lunch meat, chicken, or tuna.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Way to go Jen!! Can wait to see your progress pics.

    A spot, a spot, my kingdom for a spot!
    I did the last A wo for Stage 5. I felt like complete crap. Working out in the am is tough then add fasting to it (otherwise I'm nauseous.) I upped my weights for the one armed snatch and tweaked the muscle in my shoulder. Funny enough it was the GOOD shoulder. I guess I was a little too aggressive right off and over-confident. Messed up my head for the rest of the WO. My incline presses SUCKED!! Instead of going up to 35s I went back down to 25s, but I did 8 reps. My positioning was off and it effected me. My last set I did do 6 reps of the 30s to try to balance things out. dropping the weight gave me a minute to focus on form and get it right so I could bring the weight back up. Now I am tired!! Having troubel getting up and down my stairs.

    Just got back from $1 movie days @ REgal cinemas. We saw Kung Fu Panda 2 and now I have a burning desire to do Tai Chi :laugh: Hopefully THIS will be my "tired" week and not next week when we are camping/biking/hiking the Blue Ridge Mtns. I will be spending time in some hotels and hanging out in various towns and, g*d willing, hotel pools.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Anyone else trying to hit lower carb numbers (besides Sue)? I try to be around 50-60/day.

    Yes, I look to stay between 30-70 a day, only occassionally hit 100 when I've had some sweet potato or pumpkin or extra seasonal fruit. I have zero added white sugar in my diet, no chocolate and no artificial sweeteners either. Wheat / grain free as well apart from a small amount of rice perhaps once a month.

    That's me. I did find a great pasta substitue in Miracle Noodles - they are made from shirataki mushrooms and wow are they great and easy to prepare too! Open the package, blanche drain eat!. I also just picked up some kelp noodles with green tea. I'll try them tonight and let you know what I think tomorrow. There's also some low carb bread that's supposed to be quite good, and very healthy. Have to find the name and let you know about it. If I eat grains, I stick with flax mostly, and I use almond flour if I need that sort of ingredient. There's a wealth of info out around the internet, many low-carb forums with great recipes! If anyone wants more info, message me - I don't want to tie up the thread with it all.

    So, does anyone else feel like their shoulders just don't get stronger fast enough? I am impatient with them! I did S1 5B today and really struggled with 17 each dumbbell, I had to drop back to 15 to finish the sets and I was at failure on #10 or set 3. I know I'm progressing, when I started S1 I was pushing barbie weights 5lb dbs.

    I bumped weights on everything today including lunges - all with 3 sets. deadlifts a 70 today for the first time and felt GREAT!!! I really love them! Lat pull-downs at 50, struggled with the last 5, but finished. Muscles feel very jello-y if that makes any sense!

    Sam I hope you have a wunnerful time in the mountains and dandelion hope the stay-cation is more play and very little work!!
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I'm also trying to reduce carbs. ...Actually, honestly, I'm not trying hard enough. I'll have days where I do great, then days where I completely blow it all to the wind and end up eating 300+ carbs. LOL

    My best days, I get it up to 35 protein, 30 fat, and 35 carbs - I would prefer to eat fattier at the expense of the carbs, since I don't have much animal fat to speak of, only nice yummy veggie fats and milk fat, since I don't eat much cheese! I could go back to skim milk, but I feel better with higher fat dairy- though I still can't make the leap to whole or raw, though that's the ideal! I know I need to buck up and learn to love fish, since they're the only meat I feel comfortable eating, but they're so damned expensive for the kinds I want and untasty in the kinds that are cheap.

    Sue, I also struggle with my shoulders. I think when you get to stage 2 and you do the front squat push press you'll break that plateau. I was at 20 - unable to make 25 for all of stage 1, but after the push press I was able to increase.. switching back and forth from different types of exercises, barbell and dumbell seems to be what gets me past all strength plateaus. Those dumb wide grip deadlifts from box gave me a huge increase in my DL when I came back to it on a random "Lets do the pleasure lifts" day. I can't wait to do stage 4 again.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    2) Do you guys have a suggestion for an alternate to Push-ups? I injured my wrist last year falling off a horse and its still not fully healed, my doctor is forbidding me from push-ups. I bought some Wrist Supporting weight lifting gloves for the other workouts. Any ideas?

    I want to suggest a dynaflex powerball - obviously run it by your doctor, but it's a physical therapy tool to increase wrist strength, flexibility, and mobility. It's also addictive as ****.
  • winetoweights
    winetoweights Posts: 32 Member
    To the rest of you carb-a-holics.. you will not believe how much better you feel if you start cutting back on the "white" carbs! I follow a semi-primal/paleo diet (basic idea is here: http://paleodietlifestyle.com/paleo-101/ ).
    I am telling you this as someone that could not live without oatmeal or cereal for breakfast, and often at tortilla chips 3x a week, and pasta 4x a week, and of course the best, bread, 5x a week.
    When you cut back, you stop craving it. I read this a zillion times and didn't believe it one bit until I did it myself.

    I will admit that on the weekends, I let the "lifestyle" (not "diet") go a bit, and enjoy my pizza, basket of bread or a handful of tortilla chips, but once you cut back and then try to eat it, you just start to feel gross about it! I still enjoy the "bad" foods, but just feel so much better physically (and your gut will thank you, too!)
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Anyone else trying to hit lower carb numbers (besides Sue)? I try to be around 50-60/day.

    Yes, I look to stay between 30-70 a day, only occassionally hit 100 when I've had some sweet potato or pumpkin or extra seasonal fruit. I have zero added white sugar in my diet, no chocolate and no artificial sweeteners either. Wheat / grain free as well apart from a small amount of rice perhaps once a month.

    That's me. I did find a great pasta substitue in Miracle Noodles - they are made from shirataki mushrooms and wow are they great and easy to prepare too! Open the package, blanche drain eat!. I also just picked up some kelp noodles with green tea. I'll try them tonight and let you know what I think tomorrow. There's also some low carb bread that's supposed to be quite good, and very healthy. Have to find the name and let you know about it. If I eat grains, I stick with flax mostly, and I use almond flour if I need that sort of ingredient. There's a wealth of info out around the internet, many low-carb forums with great recipes! If anyone wants more info, message me - I don't want to tie up the thread with it all.

    So, does anyone else feel like their shoulders just don't get stronger fast enough? I am impatient with them! I did S1 5B today and really struggled with 17 each dumbbell, I had to drop back to 15 to finish the sets and I was at failure on #10 or set 3. I know I'm progressing, when I started S1 I was pushing barbie weights 5lb dbs.

    I bumped weights on everything today including lunges - all with 3 sets. deadlifts a 70 today for the first time and felt GREAT!!! I really love them! Lat pull-downs at 50, struggled with the last 5, but finished. Muscles feel very jello-y if that makes any sense!

    Sam I hope you have a wunnerful time in the mountains and dandelion hope the stay-cation is more play and very little work!!

    Hey Ms Sue, I went back and looked for ya. First stage 1 workout I was pressing 12.5lb dumbbells, by the last workout, I'd worked up to 20lb dumbbells so it looks like your progression has been really good. When I did the front squat push press in Stage 2, I started with 45lb barbell and barely made it through. I didn't increase that weight until last Friday, stage 4, when I went up to 50lbs (but I'm stepping out on a limb to say these were as close to perfect form as possible. Up on toes for each rep). So that's exactly double the amount of weight since mid-April when I started.
  • jojojo909090
    jojojo909090 Posts: 205 Member
    That's me. I did find a great pasta substitue in Miracle Noodles - they are made from shirataki mushrooms and wow are they great and easy to prepare too! Open the package, blanche drain eat!. I also just picked up some kelp noodles with green tea. I'll try them tonight and let you know what I think tomorrow. There's also some low carb bread that's supposed to be quite good, and very healthy. Have to find the name and let you know about it. If I eat grains, I stick with flax mostly, and I use almond flour if I need that sort of ingredient. There's a wealth of info out around the internet, many low-carb forums with great recipes! If anyone wants more info, message me - I don't want to tie up the thread with it all.

    Sue - I think you are referring to Shirataki Noodles? They are actually made with a Japanese yam called konjac, and there is also a tofu based version too. It's easy to confuse the name with shiitake mushrooms :) I have used them for several years and we've done some nice recipes with them on our low carb / paleo website here in NZ.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 994 Member
    I love shiritaki noodles!! gonna make me some tonight!!

    Did my first stage 3 workout today...

    What the hell is with that overhead handed Squat crap?!?!
    so awkward.
  • jojojo909090
    jojojo909090 Posts: 205 Member
    :laugh: I felt like a pro last nightworking out with my first ever pair of lifting gloves on. My husband was most impressed! They certainly made it a good deal more comfortable.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I love shiritaki noodles!! gonna make me some tonight!!

    Did my first stage 3 workout today...

    What the hell is with that overhead handed Squat crap?!?!
    so awkward.

    Yeah. That squat makes me feel like a weakling. I think it was Sam who said if you did it with your legs really far apart it wasn't as jarring.. I'm not sure if a plie (is that how you spell it?) squat does the same thing, but I know that squat feels all kinds of wrong.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    you're right Funbun, that one armed squat thing is like a grande pliet squat. (ballerina style lol)
  • joannezuk
    joannezuk Posts: 153 Member
    you're right Funbun, that one armed squat thing is like a grande pliet squat. (ballerina style lol)

    Lol. It might be similar to a grande pliet, but I'm sure it just looks like a grande disastre when I do it! :)