Daily Chat Thread



  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I was supposed to do s1 8B today, but my knee is killing me. Baaaah. Austelle, booty is looking fantastic! I look forward to meeting my squat booty. As of right now it's just covered in fat, fat, fat. Ahh.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    wow! you lifted the butt, austelle!

    I didn't take pics after stage 2 or did I ? I can't remember. Either way I don't have them. I do have before pics and after stage 1. I'm halfway finished with stage 3. hmmm I want to see if there's a change. Just might do that tomorrow.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    I want my bum to perk up :sad: It's none existant *sigh*
    Went to the gym before work this morning (for the first time) was quite busy but had a nice chat with an old chap about the new MASSIVE dumb bells the gym has got.
    Been super tired last couple of day, ate like a beast yesterday, bad times. Feel so much better getting in a morning gym session though!
  • sbrBirdy
    sbrBirdy Posts: 224 Member
    Awesome work austelle!!!

    That was one of the biggest disappointments I had when I reached my goal weight last summer... I was no longer a fat *kitten*, I was a FLAT *kitten*. LOL

    My husband has been very happy this time around with the results from all of the lunges and steps ups from NRoL. So even those I curse like a sailor under my breath while doing them... I smile when I look in the mirror. I think step ups may be a part of my lifting routine for a long long time.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    samntha - I don't know how to post pics, either. But, I googled "one leg back extensions" and this came up:


    It will make sense as soon as you see an "image" of it.

    austelle - AWESOME! Just simply awesome. My butt hasn't lifted THAT much, but it is my *trouble* area, and I'm going to keep keeping on because I believe that it is tightening somewhat - just need to get the fat reduced in that area in order to see the muscles!
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    Finally back. Long absence from lifting D:

    We finished the Ninja Challenge sat! I took a week before that to rest up and saw the scale back down. The challenge was SO fun. I am COVERED in bruises but I feel they are battle wounds. Took my team 1 hour and 13 minutes and we worked as a team. Some of the walls were literally 8 ft tall. I am 5 ft 1. GOT OVER THEM ANYWAY! I thank NROL4W for the strength to even fathom this.

    Then vacation hit. Didn't eat well at all (wanted to try a lot of the local food) but I did swim and walk a lot so hopefully the sodium is what has the scale up so high. Anyway, two more rest days (to recover) and hitting up Stage 1 again Friday!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Austelle - great job!! I think I'm finally starting to see mine lift as well, but I never took pictures of that area.

    DrG - welcome back! Glad you had a great race!! and vacation.

    I was really hoping to make it all the way thru Stage 3 before needing a break, but I have been so tired this week and haven't been able to get up in the morning. Just the thought of lifting is making me tired. I only have 4 more workouts, then I'm on vacation. So hoping I can get up tomorrow.
  • MamaWannaRun
    MamaWannaRun Posts: 273 Member
    Ha ha, you guys, I got put in my place today! I am taking a break between stage 2 and stage 3. I was jonesing for a workout today so I went to Body Pump at my gym. I was kind of thinking, "this is going to be a joke" when I picked up the super-light bar and plates. It kicked my tail...not so much the squats and lunges but the shoulders and triceps were no joke. My arms turned to jelly. The weights are light but when you do 5 minutes worth of reps it is tiring!

    yes, so been there!
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Jenniet- listen to your body, if you need a break, do it, doesn't have to be between stages exactly.

    Austelle- fabulous, I've had a similar result, squats and DLs really give you elevator *kitten*, it just keeps going up!

    Dr3, I think you'll come out even. Whenever i go on an active vacation I can eat/drink WAY more than normal and not gain!

    I'm falling behind, I started stage 5 on Sunday, and I'm still in too much hamstring pain to do workout B 3 days later! Did some HIIT today instead, but even that hurt.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    THanks, Beeps! My gym doesn't have the apparatus for the back extension but does have the pictured(link you provided). woohoo! Can't wait to try that exercise.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    BTW, anyone working out at home, or whose gym doesn't have one of those contraptions- you can use your swiss ball. It won't have the full range of motion, but it does the job! Face down with the ball under your hips, feet on the floor with your ankles hooked under something (i use the bed frame). Wedge the ball as far down your body as you can so that you're hinging at the hips i think.

    But i imagine the one leg option on the ball might end in tears...!
  • athletemcgoo
    athletemcgoo Posts: 23 Member
    Finally back. Long absence from lifting D:

    We finished the Ninja Challenge sat! I took a week before that to rest up and saw the scale back down. The challenge was SO fun. I am COVERED in bruises but I feel they are battle wounds. Took my team 1 hour and 13 minutes and we worked as a team. Some of the walls were literally 8 ft tall. I am 5 ft 1. GOT OVER THEM ANYWAY! I thank NROL4W for the strength to even fathom this.

    Then vacation hit. Didn't eat well at all (wanted to try a lot of the local food) but I did swim and walk a lot so hopefully the sodium is what has the scale up so high. Anyway, two more rest days (to recover) and hitting up Stage 1 again Friday!

    I had a great time at the Ninja Challenge too! Finished just about the same as your team. Not only did I get over all the walls (with a little help from my team) but I did the Shinobi Escape all by myself! :) The only one I couldn't complete was the monkey bar one, but I did try it. I figure by the time I get to stage 6 I'll be able to do that along with a chin up.

    Back to Stage 4 this week -- been a little lazy and only lifting twice a week, but really need to get back to 3 times/week.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    BTW, anyone working out at home, or whose gym doesn't have one of those contraptions- you can use your swiss ball. It won't have the full range of motion, but it does the job! Face down with the ball under your hips, feet on the floor with your ankles hooked under something (i use the bed frame). Wedge the ball as far down your body as you can so that you're hinging at the hips i think.

    But i imagine the one leg option on the ball might end in tears...!

    I knew I was missing something when I tried this at home. I'll have to look around and see if there is anything in my workout room to put my feet under.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    f*cking scale....why do I do this to myself??

    I'm up 1.5 lbs since last Wednesday. Even though I've eaten fewer calories in the last week than in any week I can even think of. GAWD-DAMMIT.

    Stupid friggin' scale. What the hell??

    I don't want to eat more, eat less, or whatever. I just want to eat when I'm hungry - and not eat when I'm not. Why the hell can't that be enough???????????

    How *do* people lose those "last 10 lbs."??? How *do* fitness models get down those "last 10 lbs"??? I see them in the magazines, so I *know* it can be done - but nobody is saying "how" - because if it just about eating lean meats, healthy veggies, etc., I'm friggin doing that.

    End. Of. Rant.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    Austelle your back looks great!!

    I want a sexy back.. and not a flabby one any longer!! :)

    Did AMRAPS today for Stage 1A...
    B on Friday.. then moving on to stage 2!! woo hoo
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    f*cking scale....why do I do this to myself??

    I'm up 1.5 lbs since last Wednesday. Even though I've eaten fewer calories in the last week than in any week I can even think of. GAWD-DAMMIT.

    Stupid friggin' scale. What the hell??

    I don't want to eat more, eat less, or whatever. I just want to eat when I'm hungry - and not eat when I'm not. Why the hell can't that be enough???????????

    How *do* people lose those "last 10 lbs."??? How *do* fitness models get down those "last 10 lbs"??? I see them in the magazines, so I *know* it can be done - but nobody is saying "how" - because if it just about eating lean meats, healthy veggies, etc., I'm friggin doing that.

    End. Of. Rant.

    *pats hand* there there. I know exactly how you feel I want to lose another 9/10 lbs, but think how far you have come, how strong you are, how awesome you are! This is a true fact.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Now now Beeps. Just think how strong you are becoming and healthier you are. :bigsmile:

    Yeah, I know how you feel. It stinks. Rant away. I will be ranting later this month too.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    For the record, on the one-legged back extensions, I bend my non-working leg at the knee....just kind of a "nod" to all the dancers out there!! (i.e. I'm "posing" while I'm in that RIDICULOUS position!) I still hold a weight plate across my chest, but it's LESS weight, when doing it with one leg, than what I can perform with 2-legged back extensions.