Daily Chat Thread



  • MamaWannaRun
    MamaWannaRun Posts: 273 Member
    Day Two of being 'grounded' pending the MRA/MR test approval by the insurance company AFTER my doctor IMMEDIATELY sent me to have them!. I cannot believe an insurance company can dictate the outcome of my health by delaying tests my DOCTOR ordered. Seriously, if something bad happens, I told my husband to sue the pants off these morons!

    and most important of all, I WANT TO LIFT and exercise so I can eat dammit!

    To the rest of you, work it hard for me today! I will soon enough again be joining!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Okay, so my (end-of-May) photos don't look very different from the end of April. Boo.

    But, in that one month, through heavy lifting, I chiseled:

    - 1" off my natural waist;
    - 1.5" off my belly button waist; and
    - 1.75" off my hips

    So, May *was* a success.

    Oh, and I'm down one whole pound for the month.

    I'll take it. The quest continues....
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Beeps, that's awesome! You must have worked really hard.

    Mamawannarun- sounds scary, hope it's not too serious
  • MamaWannaRun
    MamaWannaRun Posts: 273 Member
    Nicely done beeps!!

    JenL - I am very sure it isn't anything serious, but I'm trying to stay healthy so I'm following orders for now!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Mama hope everything turns out OK.

    Beeps, GREAT progress Hard work pays off. Wonderful job!
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    Beeps - your post on the 1st was super motivating..

    This is my first post to the chat thread.. dunno why I never popped in here..

    Just did 7A stage 1 today. I've been also following Eat More to Weigh Less since March 25. I only measure once a month. I hope to see some progress on the 7th (my monthly measure day) but lately I'm not feeling very optimistic in that.. I hope i will be pleasantly surprised.
    I have seen my strength increase for sure and I'm getting more definition in my biceps which I'm really happy about.
    But at least I am sticking in out in NROL4W and EMTWL.. and that's great for me because I don't often stick with things..

    It is hard to wrap your head around the fact that we cant lose 10 lbs in 3 days like magazines have told us all our lives and sustain it, and this progression takes time.
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    Well I have also had a weekend of massive calorie consumption largely fueled by the insane decision to party like a rockstar on Friday night. I paid for it yesterday. I am just getting too old for that kind of nonsense!

    At any rate, I did have a good NSV along with that, though. I actually wore a short dress and felt comfortable in it, I haven't worn a short skirt probably since I was in college so its been a good 13 years give or take. I may not be seeing the numbers, but I am definitely looking better and feeling more confident. I will take that any day.

    Juicemoogan, I agree its hard to wrap your head around that, its really too bad that all these advertisements and what not beat that instant satisfaction idea into us. It makes sticking to the program that much more challenging! I'm very guilty of the making the quick change when I don't see immediate results but I'm making myself stick with this no matter what. And honestly I rather enjoy lifting so that helps :smile:
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    Yeah i am an expert at not finishing things...

    That shows in the number of martial arts belts and levels i moved through but never stuck with long enough to master and get a black belt.. damn.

    But i do really enjoy lifting!! its way better than spending hours slaving away on the eliptical.. haha

    Although i do still enjoy running. And i am really motivated to finish NROL4W all the way through to the end.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Well, I'm just done taking pictures. I swear, I can FEEL changes and I can SEE changes in the mirror (though subtle) but in pictures? Nothing. Grrrr. I want to be able to post some sort of progress pics but you can't tell that there is any!!!

    I feel good about what I'm doing and what I've accomplished until I do these pictures. It just shatters my self-confidence every time. Just not going to do that to myself anymore.

    I feel like pouting now. *kicks rock*
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    welcome, juice.

    ellie - I think that's an AWESOME NSV!!

    Oh, my *other* news is that I'm down 5 lbs since Xmas....which is the 1 lb. per month scale-weight loss (throughout 2012) that I am looking for. So, I am *on track*. Also, I am convinced this is 5 lb of PURE BODY FAT LOSS. Not muscle (since I've been lifting heavy the ENTIRE time).

    If, by the end of December, 2012, I have lost 12 lbs. of PURE BODY FAT, I think my body fat % will be in the very low 20's, if not the very high teens. So, this is ALL going in the right direction.

    FAST - NO WAY.

    But, consistent and thorough. Yes. I didn't lose 5 lbs. in a month. I did lose 5 lbs. in 5 months. And, my measurements are decreasing, too, which is WAY more important to me.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Yay to all the NSV!

    Juice, I have never finished a program. I am determined to get through New rules. I hope to begin stage 3 tomorrow and I have done 4 days of 30D shred . I think I need to cut back on that. My sleep patterns according to the BMF have been horrible.
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    I have what I call "Exercise ADD" too. I get bored with DVDs after a day or two. But I made it through C25K (twice), B210K and I am going to make it through NROL4W if it kills me!

    Great work everyone and hope you are having a great weekend!
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    I'm another one determined to make it thru this program just to say i have! The only thing i've ever completed before is Ripped in 30, which didn't do much for me.

    I'm quite keep to try strong lifts 5x5, I have all the info, but i'm not going to quit NR until it's done.
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    I do have a quick question guys, looking for a suggestion. So my last lifting day was on Friday which was A7. This week is a rest week because of a 5k obstacle course I am doing Sat so just light running/walking because I do NOT want to be the slightest bit fatigued or sore for this thing :p and then Sun-Tuesday I will be on vacation. That means that I will not be lifting from Friday 6/1 til Wed 6/13. Would you guys suggest I repeat any workouts, or just start with a lower weight on B7 or what? I hate that I have to do this, but this challenge is important to me and this will be my one small vacation :p Thanks!
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    It has been a weekend of dietary debauchery. And I do not care.

    This has been me too! At least I can say I did exercise for an average of an hour a day while eating all the really bad, high carb, high sugar, high sodium crap that passed my lips today. And I can't even blame it on TOM!

    So nice to hear all the dedication and determination! Since starting NROL4W, I can honestly say that even though I seem to gain and lose the same 3lbs on a weekly basis, I'm starting to like my body again, and I feel so much stronger and healthier than I have in a while. Beeps - my measurements are going way down, even though the scale isn't. I think that's more important to all of us in the long run! :)

    I've got my last 2 stage 1 workouts this week. Debating on whether to do AMRAP. I'm not taking time off, since allergies kept me down alot at the beginning of this program and I'll have a week off in the middle of stage 2 for vacation.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    DrG3n3 - I think you should just start where you left off once you are back from vacation. It *is* a good idea to lower the weights, watch your form, and if your form is great, than go ahead and up your weights RIGHT BACK UP SKY HIGH!

    I only have one work-out left in Stage 5 - will complete that on Wednesday. And then, it's onto Stage 6 - which I've been looking forward to for a LONG TIME!
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    I do have a quick question guys, looking for a suggestion. So my last lifting day was on Friday which was A7. This week is a rest week because of a 5k obstacle course I am doing Sat so just light running/walking because I do NOT want to be the slightest bit fatigued or sore for this thing :p and then Sun-Tuesday I will be on vacation. That means that I will not be lifting from Friday 6/1 til Wed 6/13. Would you guys suggest I repeat any workouts, or just start with a lower weight on B7 or what? I hate that I have to do this, but this challenge is important to me and this will be my one small vacation :p Thanks!

    Just keep going! Week-offs are not an exact science. Just carry on with the next one, lift what you can. As long as you take a week off every month or 2, the rest of it falls into line.

    And ENJOY your vacation!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Okay, so let's talk "goals"....

    What are your *goals* for this month??

    My goal is *consistency* - so if you see me wandering "off-the-path", please feel free to call me out on it and get me BACK to where I REALLY WANT TO BE.

    I have been 100% consistent with my nutrtion-plan AND my exercise for more than a week. It's a start....
  • jenschnack
    jenschnack Posts: 112 Member
    My goals are to not stay over 150 longer than a week. (I go up and down from 148-151)
    To finish stage 1. I only have 1 week left. I finished Stage 1 A7 today.
    Squats - 70 lbs
    Seated rows - 75 lbs
    Stepups - 20lbs in each hand
    Workout plus 5 minute walk/run warmup = 215 calories burned in 43 minutes
  • athletemcgoo
    athletemcgoo Posts: 23 Member
    I love this tread! I lurk around here every day, and you ladies are all awesome and inspiring, even when you're having a pity party! KEEP LIFTING & FOLLOWING YOUR PLAN! YOU WILL BE SUCCESSFUL! :)

    I would love to lose 15 more pounds, and since I've been on NROL I've pretty much only been maintaining. But, I'm ok with that for now. I am stronger. I moved 10 cubic yards of mulch over two days and wasn't sore. I can lift my 9 year old, 74 lb. son up onto my shoulder when we're playing around. I've gone down one size in pants. I look better in a bathing suit. I can run faster -- I will be able to run a 5k in 30 minutes, which is something that before lifting never seemed possible. I can deadlift 115 lbs!!!!! :) I'm going to run in a Ninja Challenge next weekend and I will probably live to tell about it. THANK YOU HEAVY LIFTING! :)

    Wait, the Ninja Challenge in Fuqua Varina next weekend on the 9th!?!?

    that's the one! :) are you?? we're in the 10:30 wave . . . .

    Yeeess!!! I'm in the first wave, 10 I think? I'm so excited but also kind of intimidated. Never have done anything like this and the obstacles they posted on Facebook are scary.

    i feel the same way! that rope across the pond and the wall?!? i know i'm in trouble! :) but it should be a lot of fun. and there's beer at the end . . . . ;)