Daily Chat Thread



  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Sorry ladies for my earlier pity party. It's that TOM. Can you tell? I get this way when I feel down, fat, and yucky. But I am still frustrated.

    I am and WILL see through this program. I want to finish so I can say I gave it a try.

    Thanks for the encouragement and support. I know I can count on my Online friends/support group. :flowerforyou:
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Sorry ladies for my earlier pity party. It's that TOM. Can you tell? I get this way when I feel down, fat, and yucky. But I am still frustrated.

    I am and WILL see through this program. I want to finish so I can say I gave it a try.

    Thanks for the encouragement and support. I know I can count on my Online friends/support group. :flowerforyou:

    Everyone has their moments, TOM or not. But you talked it out instead of walking away. Be proud of that!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Wow, busy board today!

    Beeps - you are awesome and always so encouraging. I couldn't agree kore with everything you said.

    Mary & Jessica - hope you are both feeling better. We all have bad days, you just have to keep sticking with it.

    Epcooper - welcome!

    I had a pretty good day today. Finally was able to get started on Stage 3 today. Hubby is out of town for the weekend so I have all four boys to myself. We went for frozen yogurt tonight and may go see a movie tomorrow.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Family gathering today. Walking and maybe some canoeing. Hubby got me a cruiser, so bike riding tomorrow (I wanted a mountain bike. If he was going to buy me a used bike it should at least be something I want. I Know, I know gift horse) Hubby has state finals for the TT series Sunday, so no gym for me until Monday. Kids, dog, me, outside all weekend, weather permitting. Have a great weekend ladies.
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Thanks for all the encouraging, SANE posts ladies--Beeps and everyone else! I pledged to myself to make June about consistency and commitment (and then promptly eight my weight in birthday cake and tortilla chips, lol--thanks PMS) and I'm going to stick to that, starting today. I *know* in my head that if I do that, I'll lose fat and gain strength, and that it may take a year...and that that's okay. This is such a process and it is such a test, but sticking with it will be a huge accomplishment--even if we don't end up with "perfect' bodies at the end of it, we'll have gained so much. So glad to have this supportive group to turn to!!

    I'm so incredibly sore after my last Stage 2 workout Thursday--still sore on Saturday morning! I was planning to start Stage 3 today, but this cold just won't go away, and I feel like I've been pushing myself too hard. So, I'm going to wait until Monday to start the next stage--I need the time to read up on the moves anyway. I'm scared of the body-weight matrix--the jumping sounds like it's going to hurt my foot and knees. But I bet it's great for the butt--I've definitely felt all the stage 2 lunges/Bulgarian squats in my butt and thighs, which I loved.

    Have a great weekend, all! Here's to keeping our chins up (and maybe someday doing chin ups!)
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    I'm feeling a little better this morning. I won't tell what I ate last night, but it did put me over my cal goal by 200. Not THAT bad considering. ;-). I have been pretty stressed, and was having myself a royal pity party yesterday. I am working on my attitude. It ain't easy.

    Today I am going to finish yesterday's workout. I feel absolutely no soreness from what I did do. I wonder if I should just redo the whole workout.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    I'm feeling a little better this morning. I won't tell what I ate last night, but it did put me over my cal goal by 200. Not THAT bad considering. ;-). I have been pretty stressed, and was having myself a royal pity party yesterday. I am working on my attitude. It ain't easy.

    Today I am going to finish yesterday's workout. I feel absolutely no soreness from what I did do. I wonder if I should just redo the whole workout.

    Gosh! 200 over is nothing! I regularly do that - but I work to a weekly rather than a daily limit, which makes it easier if I do transgress :)

    I'm not convinced that soreness is anything to go by. I get little if any, and I know I work really hard. Usually, lol!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Don't sweat the days you are over a little. THe days that you are under will balance it out.

    I tend to only be sore the first few workouts of each stage. Then my body acclimates to the new movements and I tend to not feel it any more even though I'm adding weight. THat's why I like that the stage change every four weeks. My body obviously needs regular change-ups.
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    I completed A7 yesterday. I'm usually sore the next day and day two afterwards, but for some strange reason I'm not sore today. I don't measure my workouts by soreness, I just find it strange that my body is reacting differently. I don't know how I feel about it :/
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    I did not comepletely redo. I picked up where I left off with the exception of squats. I only did body weight squats yesterday, so I did some goblet squats today with a 15db. Otherwise I just did the remaining exercises.

    Positives... I lowered my push up incline again, and I held my prone cobra (because I forgot to do it on the last B workout) for 90secs.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    I too get sore at random, unrelated to how hard i work. Just work your a** off, and you'll get there!

    In other news, I may have convinced my hubby to make me a power cage!!!! DIY instructions here:

    Hope we can pick up the wood somwhere, and some heavy bolts and we should be good to go! Bless him :heart: .

    1 more 4B and i'm done with stage 4, won't miss it.... :grumble:
  • athletemcgoo
    athletemcgoo Posts: 23 Member
    I love this tread! I lurk around here every day, and you ladies are all awesome and inspiring, even when you're having a pity party! KEEP LIFTING & FOLLOWING YOUR PLAN! YOU WILL BE SUCCESSFUL! :)

    I would love to lose 15 more pounds, and since I've been on NROL I've pretty much only been maintaining. But, I'm ok with that for now. I am stronger. I moved 10 cubic yards of mulch over two days and wasn't sore. I can lift my 9 year old, 74 lb. son up onto my shoulder when we're playing around. I've gone down one size in pants. I look better in a bathing suit. I can run faster -- I will be able to run a 5k in 30 minutes, which is something that before lifting never seemed possible. I can deadlift 115 lbs!!!!! :) I'm going to run in a Ninja Challenge next weekend and I will probably live to tell about it. THANK YOU HEAVY LIFTING! :)
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    In other news, I may have convinced my hubby to make me a power cage!!!! DIY instructions here:

    Whoa! That's so awesome. I think it's a little short for the giants of my house so I'll have to find a tall wooden powerrack discussion. Or.. cry as I go to the athletic store and buy one for one zillion dollars.
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    I love this tread! I lurk around here every day, and you ladies are all awesome and inspiring, even when you're having a pity party! KEEP LIFTING & FOLLOWING YOUR PLAN! YOU WILL BE SUCCESSFUL! :)

    I would love to lose 15 more pounds, and since I've been on NROL I've pretty much only been maintaining. But, I'm ok with that for now. I am stronger. I moved 10 cubic yards of mulch over two days and wasn't sore. I can lift my 9 year old, 74 lb. son up onto my shoulder when we're playing around. I've gone down one size in pants. I look better in a bathing suit. I can run faster -- I will be able to run a 5k in 30 minutes, which is something that before lifting never seemed possible. I can deadlift 115 lbs!!!!! :) I'm going to run in a Ninja Challenge next weekend and I will probably live to tell about it. THANK YOU HEAVY LIFTING! :)

    Wait, the Ninja Challenge in Fuqua Varina next weekend on the 9th!?!?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    I'm glad to read all the good news here - the ladies who have made it through TOM with renewed commitment, the ladies who agree that "CHANGE" is good for one's body, the ladies who have learned that "REST" is a really important part of this journey. You are all doing AMAZING things.

    So nice to read!

    Today was a steady-state cardio day pour moi. C'est la vie!
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    It has been a weekend of dietary debauchery. And I do not care. Tomorrow I can care again. :-P

    For my mental stability, I just needed a "break" weekend. It isn't a complete break. I still worked out, and I still watched a lot of what I ate. I've just had a couple "free" nights with my husband. We actually had a date tonight.

    Tomorrow... Back to reality. :-D

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend!
  • MamaWannaRun
    MamaWannaRun Posts: 273 Member
    I love this tread! I lurk around here every day, and you ladies are all awesome and inspiring, even when you're having a pity party! KEEP LIFTING & FOLLOWING YOUR PLAN! YOU WILL BE SUCCESSFUL! :)

    I would love to lose 15 more pounds, and since I've been on NROL I've pretty much only been maintaining. But, I'm ok with that for now. I am stronger. I moved 10 cubic yards of mulch over two days and wasn't sore. I can lift my 9 year old, 74 lb. son up onto my shoulder when we're playing around. I've gone down one size in pants. I look better in a bathing suit. I can run faster -- I will be able to run a 5k in 30 minutes, which is something that before lifting never seemed possible. I can deadlift 115 lbs!!!!! :) I'm going to run in a Ninja Challenge next weekend and I will probably live to tell about it. THANK YOU HEAVY LIFTING! :)

    completely agree and completely awesome success stories!
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Well ladies, I may be a bit late jumping on the bandwagon here, but I can now totally vouch for the greatness of floam rollering!!

    Of course I can't get a real one here, but I got one of those swimming pool noodle type things, only about 4" diameter, but better than nothing. Had a good roll around on it after my workout last night, and FOR ONCE I didn't wake up with seized up butt/hamstrings. I'll have another go tonight to avoid the day 2 seize up too.

    Back to work for me....
  • athletemcgoo
    athletemcgoo Posts: 23 Member
    I love this tread! I lurk around here every day, and you ladies are all awesome and inspiring, even when you're having a pity party! KEEP LIFTING & FOLLOWING YOUR PLAN! YOU WILL BE SUCCESSFUL! :)

    I would love to lose 15 more pounds, and since I've been on NROL I've pretty much only been maintaining. But, I'm ok with that for now. I am stronger. I moved 10 cubic yards of mulch over two days and wasn't sore. I can lift my 9 year old, 74 lb. son up onto my shoulder when we're playing around. I've gone down one size in pants. I look better in a bathing suit. I can run faster -- I will be able to run a 5k in 30 minutes, which is something that before lifting never seemed possible. I can deadlift 115 lbs!!!!! :) I'm going to run in a Ninja Challenge next weekend and I will probably live to tell about it. THANK YOU HEAVY LIFTING! :)

    Wait, the Ninja Challenge in Fuqua Varina next weekend on the 9th!?!?

    that's the one! :) are you?? we're in the 10:30 wave . . . .
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    I love this tread! I lurk around here every day, and you ladies are all awesome and inspiring, even when you're having a pity party! KEEP LIFTING & FOLLOWING YOUR PLAN! YOU WILL BE SUCCESSFUL! :)

    I would love to lose 15 more pounds, and since I've been on NROL I've pretty much only been maintaining. But, I'm ok with that for now. I am stronger. I moved 10 cubic yards of mulch over two days and wasn't sore. I can lift my 9 year old, 74 lb. son up onto my shoulder when we're playing around. I've gone down one size in pants. I look better in a bathing suit. I can run faster -- I will be able to run a 5k in 30 minutes, which is something that before lifting never seemed possible. I can deadlift 115 lbs!!!!! :) I'm going to run in a Ninja Challenge next weekend and I will probably live to tell about it. THANK YOU HEAVY LIFTING! :)

    Wait, the Ninja Challenge in Fuqua Varina next weekend on the 9th!?!?

    that's the one! :) are you?? we're in the 10:30 wave . . . .

    Yeeess!!! I'm in the first wave, 10 I think? I'm so excited but also kind of intimidated. Never have done anything like this and the obstacles they posted on Facebook are scary.