Daily Chat Thread



  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    I checked GNC last night for calipers but the young boy said "I think we carry them but out of stock right now" and did not check. I wanted to buy protein bars and the bar code would not scan. I left without protein bars. Businesses do not care anymore.

    Manic we even have a GNC store in Bahrain, and i got a small pack of their choc protein powder, the stuff is UNDRINKABLE! So salty. Not even sure i want to put it in my protein cookie recipe. So lucky I found some Opt nutrition :drinker:

    This is why everyone shops on line now, so much easier.
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    We are ALL going through this journey, together, and there HAS to be "strength in numbers", right??

    I hope you trust the methodology in the book. Please don't return to the endless cardio and small caloric intake to think it will lead to your healthiest/fittest self. Because, I don't think it will.

    We ALL have "down days" - and there is PLENTY of "back-sliding" in the strength-training process. But, I believe, with support, we can move through those "down days" and get to the other side.

    My (ex-) bodybuilding colleague, at the office, said it took her 2.5 YEARS, of increasingly difficult, strenuous and time-consuming exercise to get her body into a shape that COULD (and did) lead to competition. 2.5 YEARS.

    So, as newbies, we just have to manage our expectations better, I think.

    Are you going to end up spending 2, 3, maybe 4 hours PER DAY, on this pursuit?? Not likely.

    Are you 20 - 25 years old?? Many of us are older....

    Have you maintained a consistent, clean, diet for 2.5 YEARS?????????? Ummmmm, nopey.

    So, it is completely unrealistic to believe that our bodies will morph into magazine-ready shape in 6 months. (Yes, I WANT this. NO, I won't GET this.)

    I'm with you, ladies. 100%. It's a TOUGH journey. But, out the other side WILL be a STRONGER you, which leads to better health in mid-life and later-life, and soooooooooooooo many other benefits. Your body WILL change shape, but likely not on a linear basis, and likely with not as much "noticeability" as might have come in the first 8 - 12 weeks.

    stay STRONG. Go lift something HEAVY. And remind yourself that, in 2011, you could NOT lift that heavy thing - and NOW YOU CAN!!

    There is hope!

    On another note, I think eating less to lose more is MORE of a diet craze than properly fueling the body. I don't mean eating 2-3000 calories a day, but we all have to find the PROPER amount for OUR bodies, NOT too high OR too low. Either way, I'm eatnig 1700-2000 (some days at maintenance) and I'm up 6 lbs, most of which I am pretty sure is water weight and I don't care. I'm healthier than two years ago and can outlift my boyfriend. THAT is an amazing accomplishment.
  • jenschnack
    jenschnack Posts: 112 Member
    manic - I need to slow down and read closer I thought you were saying that you were only eating 1200 calories. Sorry.

    I did Stage 1 B6 today. I haven't been the greatest at making sure my calories are good but I haven't been terrible. I started Nrol4 W on April 30th at 147.6 eating what the book said then I tried cutting 200-400 calories. This week I decided to try to net about 1400 calories i was 150.8 on Monday. This morning i was down to 148.9!

    I walk/run for 5 minutes before workouts and sometimes do cardio 1 day a week but usually just do 2-3 Nrol4 W workouts.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I have vowed to finish this program out even though I am griping about it. I want to be healthy but seriously 8 stinking pounds!!!!! I have implemented 30 Day Shred. Today is day 3. I must see results or I will throw in the towel, sabotage myself, and eat myself into a sugary carb coma. (which I am very close to doing)
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Beeps-- you are such an encourager. Thank you for the endless pep talks. :-)

    Today has just been a rough morning. I had to cut my workout short because of a headache. The headache came from crying after a disagreement with my dh. The cry was more from feeling sorry for myself about EVERYTHING. I'm not progressing, I'm not losing fat/inches/pounds. I'm lonely in this town we moved to. I'm stressed. blah blah blah. It was an ugly cry, too. I'm better now, except for the headache and pitiful workout. Hopefully my medicine will kick in and I can finish later.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    I have vowed to finish this program out even though I am griping about it. I want to be healthy but seriously 8 stinking pounds!!!!! I have implemented 30 Day Shred. Today is day 3. I must see results or I will throw in the towel, sabotage myself, and eat myself into a sugary carb coma. (which I am very close to doing)

    I am having to really resist doing that very thing. I would love to eat myself sick on fettuccini alfredo, white wine, and milk & chocolate chip cookies.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Beeps-- you are such an encourager. Thank you for the endless pep talks. :-)

    Today has just been a rough morning. I had to cut my workout short because of a headache. The headache came from crying after a disagreement with my dh. The cry was more from feeling sorry for myself about EVERYTHING. I'm not progressing, I'm not losing fat/inches/pounds. I'm lonely in this town we moved to. I'm stressed. blah blah blah. It was an ugly cry, too. I'm better now, except for the headache and pitiful workout. Hopefully my medicine will kick in and I can finish later.

    Aw, Jessica - so sorry to hear that. Hope you are feeling better now. We may not be real people (!), but we are here for you anyway. And remember, we WILL all get there in the end.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Beeps-- you are such an encourager. Thank you for the endless pep talks. :-)

    Today has just been a rough morning. I had to cut my workout short because of a headache. The headache came from crying after a disagreement with my dh. The cry was more from feeling sorry for myself about EVERYTHING. I'm not progressing, I'm not losing fat/inches/pounds. I'm lonely in this town we moved to. I'm stressed. blah blah blah. It was an ugly cry, too. I'm better now, except for the headache and pitiful workout. Hopefully my medicine will kick in and I can finish later.

    Aw, Jessica - so sorry to hear that. Hope you are feeling better now. We may not be real people (!), but we are here for you anyway. And remember, we WILL all get there in the end.

    Thanks MissMaggie. (((hug)))
  • epcooper
    epcooper Posts: 161 Member
    Hello, everyone! I'm starting my NROLFW journey on Monday, and I'm so glad to have found this community! I'm super excited, but it sounds as though there will be some struggles in the beginning. I'm doing it by myself, as my husband is currently in Afghanistan and I can't find any other army wives in my community (in germany) who are interested.....I'd really like some MFP friends who are also lifting, so I don't feel quite so alone. I'm hoping to lose weight (eventually), but I'm really much more interested in gaining strength and definition. This is going to be great!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,103 Member


    The end.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,103 Member
    I also believe, whole-heartedly, that women who QUIT this NROL4W program (or other weight-training programs) demonstrate 2 traits (which are VERY common in women):

    1. they don't REALLY want to "succeed". They are likely on the CUSP of the success, but simply no longer see the "forest" (i.e. permanent strength results and change in body shape) for the "trees" (i.e. measurements, scales, calipers, whatever!); and
    2. they think they've found a BETTER "quick fix". (Whether it's switching programs, changing back to cardio, manipulating diet in ways not recommended, etc.)

    We HAVE to want to succeed and we HAVE to remain CONSISTENT with our plan to succeed. You can plan to succeed or you can plan to fail. That's it. There's only 2 choices.

    For me, CONSISTENCY has been my achilles heel. For the month of June, I am promising, to myself, that I will remain CONSISTENT. If I cannot keep even THAT simple of a promise to myself, I don't belong in the company of you terrific women. You are all SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO great at giving this thing YOUR ALL. Count ALL of your blessings!! Legs that MOVE and can SUPPORT YOUR BODY WEIGHT as you propel iron ABOVE YOUR HEAD. Arms that work and bend and stretch. A brain that makes you WANT a "better self". And feet planted FIRMLY ON THE GROUND.

    YOU ALL ARE ROCK-STARS. Just admit that to yourself, dust yourself off, pull up those bootstraps and GET BACK OUT THERE FOR ROUND 9.

  • sbrBirdy
    sbrBirdy Posts: 224 Member
    @Colleen - WOW girl those are awesome stats! I do pretty good with pushups... but a 105 squat!!!! I bow to your prowess. :)

    @Sam – LOL at hating people… I have those days too. And your back looks amazing girl!

    @Manic, Jessica and others frustrated with weight… have you tried changing up your macros? I confess... I don't think I read the diet portion of the book (shame on me). In my defense, I do have some issues (diabetes) that dictates my diet already. BUT... I've read many many times that you NEED protein to build muscle. Are you ladies getting in your .8 to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight? For me, that's 117 to 147 grams of protein! Not always easy to do, but very very filling. Also, you may want to experiment with dropping your carbs *slightly* to make up for the calories added in protein. I'm not suggesting that anyone go on my diet - which needs to be low carb for my health - but I can tell a huge difference in how far my belly pokes out when I do have a high carb day.

    @Beeps... you are just awesome. :)

    @Jessica - I'm so sorry you are frustrated. I agree with Miss Maggie... we may not be real, but there are some wonderful ladies on here that are full of compassion and want to support you and see you succeed... including me!! Feel free to vent anytime.

    @EPCooper - Welcome!! :)

    Me... finally feel better after the stomach virus. I still have one who is throwing up, but she is a little soldier about making it to a trash can. NRoL is definitely a great program. As much as I HATED the squats and lunges and steps ups... my rear has never looked so good as it does now. (Not perfect... just the best it's ever been on ME lol.)
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    We are ALL going through this journey, together, and there HAS to be "strength in numbers", right??

    I hope you trust the methodology in the book. Please don't return to the endless cardio and small caloric intake to think it will lead to your healthiest/fittest self. Because, I don't think it will.

    We ALL have "down days" - and there is PLENTY of "back-sliding" in the strength-training process. But, I believe, with support, we can move through those "down days" and get to the other side.

    My (ex-) bodybuilding colleague, at the office, said it took her 2.5 YEARS, of increasingly difficult, strenuous and time-consuming exercise to get her body into a shape that COULD (and did) lead to competition. 2.5 YEARS.

    So, as newbies, we just have to manage our expectations better, I think.

    Are you going to end up spending 2, 3, maybe 4 hours PER DAY, on this pursuit?? Not likely.

    Are you 20 - 25 years old?? Many of us are older....

    Have you maintained a consistent, clean, diet for 2.5 YEARS?????????? Ummmmm, nopey.

    So, it is completely unrealistic to believe that our bodies will morph into magazine-ready shape in 6 months. (Yes, I WANT this. NO, I won't GET this.)

    I'm with you, ladies. 100%. It's a TOUGH journey. But, out the other side WILL be a STRONGER you, which leads to better health in mid-life and later-life, and soooooooooooooo many other benefits. Your body WILL change shape, but likely not on a linear basis, and likely with not as much "noticeability" as might have come in the first 8 - 12 weeks.

    stay STRONG. Go lift something HEAVY. And remind yourself that, in 2011, you could NOT lift that heavy thing - and NOW YOU CAN!!

    Thank you. :heart:
  • austelle
    austelle Posts: 108 Member
    birdyblue: glad you are over the stomach bug...it has been going around in our circles too! Congrats on the great butt too! lol. I feel the same way. I tend to be a "flatty patty" and the program has done wonders for my tush!

    epcooper: welcome!

    beeps: "hear, hear!" Your posts are so inspiring! Thanks for your encouragement.

    In fact, I wore a VS bikini to the pool yesterday instead of my Land's End "momkini." It is all because of your encouragement. Reading this thread has helped me to embrace and enjoy the successes of today instead of relentlessly pursuing some unattainable goal like a horse running after a carrot just out of reach. My body isn't perfect. I have extra fat, stretch marks, and my waist won't ever be 10" smaller than my hips. BUT, I have worked really hard on fitness for the past 6 months. My body has visibly changed for the better. I have a perkier, firmer butt. I have more muscular thighs and calves. My biceps pop when I flex, and I have definition in my abs. Isn't that worth celebrating? Back fat has disappeared. Shouldn't that be worth enjoying?

    We go to the pool every other day during the summer. My usual routine is this: pull out tiny sexy bikini and try on. Turn. Turn. Suck in. Frown. Take off and put in drawer. Pull out full coverage momkini and put on. Tell myself, "This is what I deserve." Dejectedly, go to the pool in frumpy attire.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Me... finally feel better after the stomach virus. I still have one who is throwing up, but she is a little soldier about making it to a trash can. NRoL is definitely a great program. As much as I HATED the squats and lunges and steps ups... my rear has never looked so good as it does now. (Not perfect... just the best it's ever been on ME lol.)

    Awww, but yay for making it to the trash can!

    I can say the same for my backside. I still have a ways to go but I don't absolutely hate it and feel like I need to stand with my back to a wall all the time. I guess that's an NSV?

    I was having a terrible day at work and one of our subcontractors just brought me the most beautiful cherry tomatos from his garden. I love garden tomatos. I guess that I am a simple creature that this has completely turned my day around.
  • MamaWannaRun
    MamaWannaRun Posts: 273 Member
    Just jumping on the wagon here!
    We are all here for one reason, important reason - ourselves.

    We all fight this fight and we all made a choice to make our bodies the best we can be. The results (or lack there of) can be minimal or it can be AMAZING, but it is our own bodies that fight us and if we give in (yes, i want a bottle of wine too!), then in the end, WE are the ones to suffer.

    For folks as old as me, remember the Gym Commercials Cher used to do? ' if great bodies came in a bottle, every one would have one'.... CHANGE IS HARD!!! We are all living examples of it!

    In the end, you KNOW you are getting stronger and more BA everyday - whether or not the scales or measurements or calipers concur... So, in the end, we may not all end up at 120 pounds and 15% body fat, but we will be the BEST we can be and kick most everyone else's booties right out of the way!

    To our new friends, welcome and come join with us and kick some good ole' fashioned *kitten*!

    @EPCooper - Welcome!!
  • MeeshKB
    MeeshKB Posts: 120 Member
    Hello, everyone! I'm starting my NROLFW journey on Monday, and I'm so glad to have found this community! I'm super excited, but it sounds as though there will be some struggles in the beginning. I'm doing it by myself, as my husband is currently in Afghanistan and I can't find any other army wives in my community (in germany) who are interested.....I'd really like some MFP friends who are also lifting, so I don't feel quite so alone. I'm hoping to lose weight (eventually), but I'm really much more interested in gaining strength and definition. This is going to be great!

    Congrats on making the choice to start this program! I'm only a couple of weeks ahead of you (nearly half way through Stage 1). Feel free to add me if you like. I'm always happy to have more buddies to share the journey with. :happy:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Boards been busy the last 24 hours. Beeps, Yes, Yes, Yes, to everything you have said in the last 24 hours.

    As for me today, migraine, bed, sleep. Have a good one ladies and keep on trucking.

    The light IS at the end of the tunnel, but you have to drive through the dark before you get there.

    I'm up 2 lbs if it makes anybody feel better. FRankly I don't give a crap... about the weight, you guy are awesome.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I said I was gonna go up to maintenance for a while, but then I remembered I hadn't been doing option #1 long enough. LOL. I always forget to stick with things long enough to know if they're actually working for not.

    I'm juggling the same lbs as everyone else, but man am I STRONG. If I can just focus on that, it will be delightful.

    Your bikini truth is awesome, Austelle! Go tiny sexy bikini go!
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    Hail consistency. I've started doing that for myself today.

    Oh the upside, free double meat today at Subway.


    AND My squat went up to 140 today. I def realize that I need to rest more between workouts. Maybe this will help me? We'll see. :D