Daily Chat Thread



  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Okay, I'm feeling less sensitive now.

    Beeps, I SO wish I could have my 18 yo metabolism again! I was too skinny, also. If I could have my 18yo weight and metabolism, with my muscles now, I'd be smokin'! LOL!
  • ItsPheebs
    ItsPheebs Posts: 127 Member
    Someone on the fitness boards just suggested I might be too turned in. Suggested turning my feet out slightly. Did it in the loo at work and it seems that was the issue. See how deadlifts go tomorrow.

    Do you ever use a foam roller? Sometimes tightness in hamstrings can cause knee pain. Rolling out the muscle (or, if you can swing a massage) can help that. A good sports massage with a a knowledgeable professional can help you know where you're holding too much tightness to avoid pain. I get pain in my feet if I don't stretch my calves.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    No lifting yesterday - but I did end up doing about a 7 km hill-walk last night. Yay!

    And, today isn't a scheduled lifting day, so I think I'll go to the gym and do some HIIT on the bike, my abs, and LOTS of stretching.

    Back to lifting tomorrow - only 4 more sessions and Stage 5 is OVER!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Yeah, I didn't lift yesterday either, too tired after getting home from camping all weekend. Going to the gym at lunch for intervals and back to lifting tomorrow. I have 4 weeks to lose some fat so that I feel better about my bathing suit and can go in the hot springs when we go on vacation. Final Stage 2 workout tomorrow, then straight on to Stage 3. I need to get some more dumbbells since mine only go up to 10 lbs.

    Beeps - I totally agree about the attitude toward one's self. Gotta appreciate what you already have!

    Jessica - I would so totally go off on that comment, even if it was someone I knew IRL. I do have my hubby and my sister as friends on MFP, but they are never on here so it doesn't really matter.
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    I'm finally back home.

    I missed a few days because of a convention, where I walked FOREVER and hopefully didn't kill myself with food too bad. I did B6 today, felt much stronger so maybe a few days or rest worked out. Totally ready for stage one to be over, but I don't think I've lost any weight or inches so a bit bummed. But feeling stronger is cool too :)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Walked and hiked a lot this weekend, ate bad ta-boot. Unplanned rest day today, but planning to make it up on my usual rest day Thursday. Hope everyone had a great weekend. I'll try to post some pics later.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    OK how do I post Pics? THey are on my profile.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Great progress Samantha!

    To share photos you have to have them on site like photobucket. Then you copy the photobucket link here with in front of the link and at the end of the link.

    edit: Oops! It tried to do it even without a link in the middle and you couldn't see the instructions! Follow the above instructions but change the IMG to img.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Well, I still haven't taken the progress pictures yet but I did do my measurements. Nothing much changed from the end of February except my biceps did go up about 1/8 inch and my thighs went down 1/2 inch on the right and 3/4 inch on the left. I'm not really changing in size but my shape/ configuration is subtly shifting. It's slow but I can't really complain, my body IS changing.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Sam, you look great. I almost friend requested you but thought that might be kinda creepy stalkerish. So I'll wait until tomorrow. :laugh:
  • kcfaber
    kcfaber Posts: 123 Member
    Great progress pics Sam!! Thanks for sharing. Jealous of your bicep groove there!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Excellent pics Sam! Thank you for posting them; I really needed a bit of inspiration.
  • sbrBirdy
    sbrBirdy Posts: 224 Member
    I know it's a repeat... but GREAT PROGRESS SAM! :)

    My slightly ADD-I-hate-lifting self has left NRoL (for now) in favor of 5x5. I made it through most of Stage 5. I know, I'm a quitter... but I needed a change. I haven't looked at Stage 7, but I've *heard* it's a doozy. ;) So I may go back and throw it in later.

    I have decided to post progress photos on this board - there's not a huge difference, but I like seeing other's progress, and I don't want to post on the main forum. (Have to get photobucket working... what a PITA. You'd think MFP would have it's own internal system.)

    Jessica - I have my diary open for people who are curious, but I don't have it post to the newsfeed because I really don't want the comments. :)
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Birdy-- I just changed mine to not show up at the end of the day. I don't really want the comments either. I don't really want to comment on other's food anymore either. I prefer to encourage people's activity and interact on other comments. I'm sure some will end up unfriending me for not being supportive enough, but whatever. :-P

    I downloaded the Stronglifts 5x5 yesterday. I haven't read through it yet. I also downloaded a program by Nia Shanks, who did the Beautiful Badass program. I'm going to look at it, too. I'm beginning to wonder if I'm going to be able to finish the whole NROL4W. I am really hating stage 2. I only have two more workouts left in it, so I guess I will give stage 3 a try.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Oh Birdy - I've been thinking longingly of 5x5 while doing those long Stage 4 workouts, but have been trying to convince myself to see this programme through until the end. Now you've made me question myself again; I'm in turmoil!

    I have my diary open too, but don't post it. Didn't appreciate some of the comments I got either, when people didn't really understand what I was doing.
  • sbrBirdy
    sbrBirdy Posts: 224 Member
    OH NO! I'm sorry guys. I didn't mean to cause chaos and confusion. ;)

    I wasn't getting sore on the NRoL anymore, and some of the moves are just bizarre. What a troublemaker I am...

    Seriously, though, I think that if you are in that middle place - not a beginner, but not a fitness competitor - changing things up is not a big deal. Lifting hard and clean diet = good things.

    BUT for those who are new to lifting, it's a great program to take you through lifting, and give you some way to measure progress at the start vs finish.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    samntha - PICS ARE GORGEOUS!! Look at how all of your efforts are paying off!! So awesome!

    Birdy - I think it's okay to "change things up", too. The body NEEDS to be "confused" in order for it to work at its optimum - so good for you!

    As for Stage 2, please move onto Stage 3 if you can - some of the balance work in Stage 3 is just soooooooooooo good for developing the "weaker" muscles on your body (i.e. your non-dominant side) that I think you'll be grateful. Stage 2 (and 4!) seem tough because of ALL THOSE LUNGES. But, I think the relief in Stage 3 and Stage 5 is with the one-legged stuff (and the BB row stuff, too!).

    I'm going to finish NROL4W....I promised it 6 months and I'm only at 5. Even still, I'm too close now not to see it through - and I'm pretty excited to do Stage 6. One of my goals was to be able to do a pull-up - and it's supposed to be "on the horizon" with that stage, so YEAH!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Gosh, I don't seem to have any problem with my open diary....nobody has been very "mean", that I can remember. But, I also haven't specifically asked anyone to comment on my diet. It is what it is....I know the areas that need some "attention" and could be "fixed".

    I am glad that there *are* supportive threads (like this one) and mfp posters (like you) out there - it sure helps this "journey" I'm taking!
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Gosh, I don't seem to have any problem with my open diary....nobody has been very "mean", that I can remember. But, I also haven't specifically asked anyone to comment on my diet. It is what it is....I know the areas that need some "attention" and could be "fixed".

    I am glad that there *are* supportive threads (like this one) and mfp posters (like you) out there - it sure helps this "journey" I'm taking!

  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I can't remember if mine is open or not. I don't post too much on the regular board because I don't have the answers to all the questions. That's why I am here :bigsmile: I am struggling to find what works for me.