Daily Chat Thread



  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    In some weird turn of events the scale was down .2 this morning. It isn't really a loss, as I was up .6 from a few weeks ago, but hey, I'll take it. I decided to lower my calorie goal just a bit. 1750, rather than 1850. I have been eating about 2050-2150 when I lift. I was losing more before I upped it to 1850. We'll see if that helps. I sure hope so. I'm not happy about lowering calories. I really want to eat. I'm not going to lower more than 1600. Period. I'll just stay like I am. I am not going to starve myself. And eating less than that FEELS like starving.

    I had some blood drawn this morning for labs. Dr is checking my vitamin levels, thyroid, etc. Hopefully it will all come back normal.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Cool thanks, Beeps.
  • kimgettinfit
    kimgettinfit Posts: 20 Member
    ok, I started a few weeks ago with stage 1 and haven't been real consistent. I did 3 times the first week and then 2 times and now this past week I only lifted once. I have worked out almost everyday, doing something, but haven't stuck to the NR schedule. What are your thoughts? Should I start all the way over or just keep going and make sure to lift 3 times per week from now on??

    BTW, I have learned a lot from this group and reading your posts inspires me to keep going :)
  • worthyofchange
    worthyofchange Posts: 165 Member
    ok, I started a few weeks ago with stage 1 and haven't been real consistent. I did 3 times the first week and then 2 times and now this past week I only lifted once. I have worked out almost everyday, doing something, but haven't stuck to the NR schedule. What are your thoughts? Should I start all the way over or just keep going and make sure to lift 3 times per week from now on??

    BTW, I have learned a lot from this group and reading your posts inspires me to keep going :)

    I think the book suggests 3 times maximum, 2 is good, 1 is not really enough. Why don't you aim for 2x a week and see how that goes? i don't think you need to think of it as starting over again... it's just continuing with the same exercises. you might back off your weights the first set and see how it goes.
  • kcfaber
    kcfaber Posts: 123 Member
    Yup. I think shoot for twice a week and just keep on doing it.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,972 Member

    I recognize that 20 years from now, 30 years from now, I'm going to look back at myself and say, "Gawd, woman, your body was in EXCEPTIONAL shape....what the HELL were you fretting for??"

    And, I just need to bring that attitude into my present life. I really want to stop "obsessing" about the things that are "wrong" and start focusing on all the things that are "right" - that are 'good".

    I have lost inches! I have gained strength! My clothes DO fit better (than they did at Xmas, for sure...). And, I like certain parts of my body much more....the lolly-gaggers will catch up, I'm sure.

    Have a GREAT FRIDAY! Life is TOO SHORT not to like EXACTLY who you are at EXACTLY this moment in time.

    Thank you, to ALL of you - because it is YOUR support that makes me realize how MUCH I LOVE MFP~!!
  • kcfaber
    kcfaber Posts: 123 Member
    YES! I think this is the right mindset, Beeps. If we can all recognize and celebrate all the things are bodies can do, have done while still reaching for new goals whether it is strength or body fat percentage or how clothes are fitting that is the key to longterm health and happiness. I cannot ask my body to do more unless I am in turn giving it more: more sleep. more nutrition, more fun/variety, more challenge balanced with more rest. If we can all quiet these voices in our heads that are constantly telling us we are not good enough, thin enough, fit enough, and countless other negative things. We would NEVER say those things to a loved one. Why should we continue to say them to ourselves??? Anyway, it may just be that today I felt good about my body when I got out of the shower, stretch marks belly softness and all but I have decided what I am doing is working and I will thank my body for working so hard for me every single day and try to practice a little more positive self talk and a little less obsessive self criticism. The end. Off my Oprah self-affirmation.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    It's official, I'm a fitness junkie. Six months ago I didn't think it was possible. I thought people who spent all their time at the gym were insane and I reveled in my laziness. Now, even when I feel like crap, I go and I feel better. Almost didn't go tonight, but hubby pushed me out the door with a guilt about his schedule. I almost skipped the intervals but I nagged myself into doing them and realized I LOVED IT! I love how I feel, I'm loving how I look a little more everyday, and I really love having that 1.5 hours out of the house away from the stress of life. One more week of Stage 3, rest then onto Stage 4!!! Definitely need to do pics and measurements this weekend. I also noticed something about my thighs, my point of contention...a serious lack of "cottage cheese".
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,972 Member
    samntha - AWESOME!

    I am hoping to get in 3 x lifting days this week. The last 2 weeks, I have only managed to get in 2 x lifting days. Mind you, I have a seminar this morning, it's supposed to get out by noon....so I can *hopefully* race for my lifting.

    In any event, I'd like to get in 3 x lifting days through June and then go down to 2 x lifting days, with one-day-per-week doing outside work-out (likely light cardio) so that I don't feel like such an "indoor gym rat"....

    Have a good week, ladies!

    Let me know how everything is going!
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    I'm so irritated this morning. I hate having my food diary open. It goes against everything in my privacy-loving nature. And last night, someone makes a comment about how crazy high my lunch was. Well, yes, it was. Is that all you can say? Nothing encouraging or constructive? Then SHUT UP! I am also of the mind, that a high meal once in a while is not the end of the frigging world.

    And while I'm venting, just because you lost a chunk of weight doing cardio and eating 1200 calories, doesn't make you a health and fitness expert. Grrr.

    Okay, obviously going off my morning coffee is making me a little cranky.

    Going to get ready to lift. Maybe I can sweat myself happy.
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    I'm so irritated this morning. I hate having my food diary open. It goes against everything in my privacy-loving nature. And last night, someone makes a comment about how crazy high my lunch was. Well, yes, it was. Is that all you can say? Nothing encouraging or constructive? Then SHUT UP! I am also of the mind, that a high meal once in a while is not the end of the frigging world.

    And while I'm venting, just because you lost a chunk of weight doing cardio and eating 1200 calories, doesn't make you a health and fitness expert. Grrr.

    Okay, obviously going off my morning coffee is making me a little cranky.

    Going to get ready to lift. Maybe I can sweat myself happy.

    Maybe it's time to lose a little weight from your MFP friend list?

    But seriously, it doesn't sound like you have the same fitness goals and priorities as this person. I'm sure they just think they are being supportive and they would probably beat themselves up over a big meal, but if that isn't the type of feedback that is helpful to you, then you might want to re-evaluate who is on your friend list.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    I'm so irritated this morning. I hate having my food diary open. It goes against everything in my privacy-loving nature. And last night, someone makes a comment about how crazy high my lunch was. Well, yes, it was. Is that all you can say? Nothing encouraging or constructive? Then SHUT UP! I am also of the mind, that a high meal once in a while is not the end of the frigging world.

    And while I'm venting, just because you lost a chunk of weight doing cardio and eating 1200 calories, doesn't make you a health and fitness expert. Grrr.

    Okay, obviously going off my morning coffee is making me a little cranky.

    Going to get ready to lift. Maybe I can sweat myself happy.

    Maybe it's time to lose a little weight from your MFP friend list?

    But seriously, it doesn't sound like you have the same fitness goals and priorities as this person. I'm sure they just think they are being supportive and they would probably just beat themselves up over a big meal, but if that isn't the type of feedback that is helpful to you, then you might want to re-evaluate who is on your friend list.

    I totally agree. It gets sticky, because it is someone I know from other places and IRL. That's not to say I'd never delete her, just that I need to avoid it if I can.

    So... I'm venting here to you all. ;-)
  • kitkat4141
    kitkat4141 Posts: 379 Member
    I'm so irritated this morning. I hate having my food diary open. It goes against everything in my privacy-loving nature. And last night, someone makes a comment about how crazy high my lunch was. Well, yes, it was. Is that all you can say? Nothing encouraging or constructive? Then SHUT UP! I am also of the mind, that a high meal once in a while is not the end of the frigging world.

    And while I'm venting, just because you lost a chunk of weight doing cardio and eating 1200 calories, doesn't make you a health and fitness expert. Grrr.

    Okay, obviously going off my morning coffee is making me a little cranky.

    Going to get ready to lift. Maybe I can sweat myself happy.

    I was going to look at your diary but it isn't available for viewing. I'm frequently "calorie heavy" on one meal or another, usually dinner, but don't think that's a big deal. I still lost weight and have been maintaining since March 2011.

    Don't let someone else get you down. If they do this on a habitual basis, then it'll be time to "de-friend".

    Keep up the good work!
  • MamaWannaRun
    MamaWannaRun Posts: 273 Member
    I totally agree. It gets sticky, because it is someone I know from other places and IRL. That's not to say I'd never delete her, just that I need to avoid it if I can.

    So... I'm venting here to you all. ;-)

    lol.. I NEVER friend anyone from IRL. I would be too worried about that person and NOT me. I'm selfish that way. I want to be able to tell the whole truth and not worry that I'm being judged... I have a S-I-L on MFP that I would not friend for a million dollars.. That's my rule and I'm sticking to it!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member

    I recognize that 20 years from now, 30 years from now, I'm going to look back at myself and say, "Gawd, woman, your body was in EXCEPTIONAL shape....what the HELL were you fretting for??"

    And, I just need to bring that attitude into my present life. I really want to stop "obsessing" about the things that are "wrong" and start focusing on all the things that are "right" - that are 'good". great advice Beeps.

    I looked at pictures from 15-20 years ago, and think "What the HELL was I complaining about?!!" (I hate typos!!)
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Kikat- I have set to friends only.

    Mama- that's a really good policy! Wish I'd thought of it BEFORE!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member

    I recognize that 20 years from now, 30 years from now, I'm going to look back at myself and say, "Gawd, woman, your body was in EXCEPTIONAL shape....what the HELL were you fretting for??"

    And, I just need to bring that attitude into my present life. I really want to stop "obsessing" about the things that are "wrong" and start focusing on all the things that are "right" - that are 'good". great advice Beeps.

    I looked at pictures from 15-20 years ago, and think "What the HELL was I complaining about?!!" (I hate typos!!)

    I always thought I was fat in high school. I would LOVE to have a body like that again. I was 130-135 pounds. Not really lean but not as fatty as I am now.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    I think my diary is open, but i set my notifications so it doesn't announce when i'm under or over cals. Anyone looking at mine when i'm on night shifts will have a laugh when it looks like i'm eating curry for breakfast and being 500 under one day and 500 over the next day depending on whether i eat 'lunch' before or after midnight!!!

    Anyone that judged me about one big lunch would not be popular. At least you're logging, being honest, and it's your business! You have your own goals.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Damn, this makes me wonder how I sound. I know I've been inclined to say something like, "Hells yes, that's a huge lunch" - but I'm really grunting and pleased with the hugeness of it. I also do it for specific items I approve of like, "yeehaw reuben sandwich". I'll have to make sure I get the "I am really jealous of your meal and would like to come dine with you for a week" part across. I'd hate to make someone self conscious with my enthusiasm.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,972 Member
    I have no mfp friends who I know "in real life".

    I think posters who say "insensitive" things are few-and-far-between - and YES, you (still) should be able to VENT about them here (in the safe haven!).

    I actually like my body much more now, than I did in high school....I was WAY too thin back then - and I like my muscles. But, heck, what I wouldn't give to have my 18-year-old METABOLISM. Um, french fries?? Check. Mayonnaise?? Check. Booze??? Check. Check. Check.

    Soooooooooooooo, yes, to be able to eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, and think NOTHING about it - now THAT was a pleasure I didn't even KNOW I was experiencing!!