Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I don't pretend to know TOO much about this....but, I'm gonna post my thoughts, anyway (on those of you trying to eat LESS calories!):

    1. If you metabolism is LOW (manic, I'm talking to you....), you are NOT going to "rev it up" by eating LESS. You are ONLY going to "rev it up" by eating at maintenance. And, eating at maintenance for a certain period of time (a MONTH is the recommendation, I'm afraid!!). Then, once your metabolism has smartened up, you can reduce your calories, but ONLY by 250-300 per DAY, so as to avoid SINKING your metabolism, again.

    2. austelle - why, why, WHY were you eating at a "deficit" in Stage 1??? I think this is breaking *the* golden rule of NROL4W!! I mean, I ATE at maintenance, for Stage 1 - and, frankly, THAT is the ONLY stage that I LOST WEIGHT in!! Why?? Because I had revved up my metabolism (after months of eating too little calories) and my body was willing to part with some poundage - and some inches!!) I think you CANNOT keep depleting your calories and expect results. Your body will hang on TIGHT to everything it has - and you'll sink your metabolism. Both BAD.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    dandelion - I was thinking the same thing - why not just head into a *true* diet (say, Dukan...) and get down the 10 - 15 lbs. and then BOOM - get back into weight-training, no problem.

    Except, HERE is where I think the problem lies:

    a) in order to "get back into" weight-training, I'll have to UP my calories (in order to FIX my metabolism, which I have just TRASHED in my "diet");
    b) that UP will mean I'll put back on a bunch of the weight I just lost....and
    c) I'll end up in EXACTLY the same place I am at, right now, except it will be AUGUST....

    So, THAT is why I cannot do that to myself. I'll accept SLOW PROGRESS (even when I vent about it, sometimes). I know that if I return to old habits, it will, in the end, mean NO PROGRESS.

    I'm going to eat ONLY 250 calories below maintenance. And, I'm going to try to zig-zag my calories, like I was doing at the beginning of May, because there WAS a "glimmer" of success going on there....a "glimmer".
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    As for pictures....keep taking them. For me, I didn't notice much difference between square zero and end-of-stage 1. The difference started showing about middle of the way through Stage 3.

    So, I'm REALLY glad that I have those photos because, they *do* show progress. And, frankly, I haven't BACK-SLID, at all - meaning: I'm no WORSE looking, in photos, than I was mid-Stage 3....so, that's a good thing. (I just don't feel like I've progressed all that darn much since that time.)

    Mind you, if I am being "honest", I certainly haven't UPPED my weights, between Stages 3 and 5, like I did between Stages 1 and 3. So, a LOT of the gains happen, when you're a newbie - and up-up-UPPING those weights through Stage 1 and 2....then, if you drift into "same ol', same ol" land, like me, it's kind of NO WONDER that I'm not seeing UBER-improvements.

    Dammit...I KNOW the formula - I just have to apply it to myself.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    So, here's my plan "F" (because I think I've used up plans "B", "C", "D", and "E", already...):

    1. eat an average of 11,305 calories PER WEEK.
    2. GET my weight work-outs in - and PUSH myself during those work-outs.
    3. do NOT do 'cardio' for the sake of doing 'cardio' - give my body the damn rest it craves and leave it at that....
    4. abs are made in the kitchen - so I really *do* have to be strict about what the heck I throw in my mouth. Period.

    With consistent application of these principles, I am GOING to succeed with this program.

  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    I don't pretend to know TOO much about this....but, I'm gonna post my thoughts, anyway (on those of you trying to eat LESS calories!):

    1. If you metabolism is LOW (manic, I'm talking to you....), you are NOT going to "rev it up" by eating LESS. You are ONLY going to "rev it up" by eating at maintenance. And, eating at maintenance for a certain period of time (a MONTH is the recommendation, I'm afraid!!). Then, once your metabolism has smartened up, you can reduce your calories, but ONLY by 250-300 per DAY, so as to avoid SINKING your metabolism, again.

    2. austelle - why, why, WHY were you eating at a "deficit" in Stage 1??? I think this is breaking *the* golden rule of NROL4W!! I mean, I ATE at maintenance, for Stage 1 - and, frankly, THAT is the ONLY stage that I LOST WEIGHT in!! Why?? Because I had revved up my metabolism (after months of eating too little calories) and my body was willing to part with some poundage - and some inches!!) I think you CANNOT keep depleting your calories and expect results. Your body will hang on TIGHT to everything it has - and you'll sink your metabolism. Both BAD.

    I have to agree with all of this.
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    I'm at a deficit myself, and just completed (literally 50 minutes ago) A6. But I had raised my calories a month before doing this, had also been lifting that month, and just raised my cals to the fat loss cals the spreadsheet gives me via the book any way. So I'm at 1700 right now. I've got two weeks left until I'll be finishing up stage 1, taking my weight and measurements, but I'm bummed that I don't feel I've gotten as far as I'd have liked. We'll see. I'm ok with slow progress as long as it is in the right direction, and thankfully I've never eaten low calories so I'm hoping my metabolism is in working condition. I'm starving all day long though still which sucks. Have to reign that in. It's allll about the diet and I need to keep getting that in my head. I do an hour in the gym three days a week with the program and then 20-40 minutes of walking or slow jogging/walking intervals at the park two days of the week.
  • i_miss_donuts
    i_miss_donuts Posts: 180 Member
    Hi Ladies, thread interloper here. I just had to chime in because I am in same boat and it is so freaking frustrating! I'm 1/2 way through stage 2 NROL4W - and no weight loss or changes in measurements. Its going on 4 mos into MFP and i am stll just juggling same 2lbs. - I thought I'd be in maintenance by now. So very discouraging!! With so many success stories it is a relief to hear others follow the rules but don't see immediate results. I am getting the BodPod done tomorrow and hopefully will have accurate read on my BMR & BF that can help with this plateau!!!!
    Birdy, do you see my post? Maybe it's on my wall. I broke down and bought the body media fit. ON resting days I burn an average of 1600 cals. My metabolism is low. I KNEW I was eating way more than I was suppose to but I wanted to test and even hope the "eat more to lose more" would work for me. Anyway, I have cut my calories back to 1300-1500.

    I am very discouraged with the weight gain AND I didn't mention this before but my before and after pics look the same.:sad: Yes, I have lost a half inch here and there but nothing significant. Then again, I have one more workout in stage 2. I will take another set of pics then and hopefully see a difference.

    We must keep on keeping on. What's the worst? Squatting more than our husbands? :happy:

    My before and afters look the same too, manic. I am with you on cutting calories. I ate at a deficit for stage one and lost no weight so I am looking at cutting even more.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    (Welcome Back Beeps LOL)

    I'm not sure if I should chime in here, or just be quiet. I am a success case. I think at this stage of the game I just "GO with it". I plan to eat at maintenance. Some days I'm over, some days I'm WAY under. I eat when my body says eat and I listen to the cravings. (Yesterday I NEEDED a huge chicken breast, but didn't have one and ate everything else not nailed down. I don't step on the scale often and I haven't taken measurements in about 2 months. I KNOW my body has changed,others have commented on it, and I FEEL wonderful. Off to gym now. Just keep trucking.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    (1. If you metabolism is LOW (manic, I'm talking to you....), you are NOT going to "rev it up" by eating LESS. You are ONLY going to "rev it up" by eating at maintenance. And, eating at maintenance for a certain period of time (a MONTH is the recommendation, I'm afraid!!). Then, once your metabolism has smartened up, you can reduce your calories, but ONLY by 250-300 per DAY, so as to avoid SINKING your metabolism, again. )

    Beeps, I started this program 7 1/2 weeks ago. I ate 1500-1800 (most days an average of 1550) . Isn't that long enough? let me go back through my diary to make sure I am accurate.

    Sam, THAT IS GREAT! I am so glad it is working for you. I'll keep trucking and hope it works. I am not about to give it up. I want to finish this.

    ETA: I saw a variety of 1500 and high as 1900 (but not that many usually no higher than 1800ish) Less than a handful under 1500 since I began the program. Since I started "eating less" I have only cut back to 1400ish-1600ish nothing drastic.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I'm in the same boat as y'all "MOAR PROGRESS" people. I've been busting my *kitten* for 90 days now. Only 60 of them calorie counting, though, I guess. I've only had 4 weeks of nrol4w, but I've only seen 5 lbs loss.

    I don't have a clue what I was eating before - It varied so crazily I couldn't come up with an average, so I can give myself a little leeway thinking that it's just an adjustment period.

    Still. When I think about it, I've lost 1% bf and a few inches here and there.. I've evened out my notoriously uneven biceps. I can't really complain, right? No. I can. STILL COMPLAINING.

    Hahah. I'm going to make a goal, too.
    I'm going to go up to maintenance for the next 30 days just to rule out any metabolic ridiculousness. I'm going to wait for this dumb knee to heal completely because I have no interest in knee surgeries and swim daily for the next week. Then I'm going to bounce back for 10 workouts of Stage 1 A&B each. Then, I'll take four days of sweet glorious rest and start stage 2.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Last nights workout songs (I swear my husband has some weird stuff on my ipod.)
  • Lysandra81
    Lysandra81 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey all,

    had a great workout yesterday - 4B stage one. :)

    To add my two cents to the weight loss/progress stalls:

    I actually did only start NR after I have met my goal weight which was originally at 115lbs for my height of 5'2". Once I entered maintenance I (unintentional) continued to lose more weight until I ended up at 106lbs which I am currently maintaining.

    After reading the book and reading a lot of posts in the success forums about heavy lifting I am not expecting any weight loss (just to avoid confusion - I also do not WANT any more weightloss). Most of the successful lifters report no weight loss or even weight gain. So I know it must be hard if you want to see the scale move - but I honestly don't think that programm will get you losing alot of weight (maybe unless you still have a bigger amount to lose).
    Even inches will not change dramatically if you are already close or at goal weight.

    Also I am not counting calories anymore as religiously as I did during my "weight loss phase". I log maybe once or twice a month. This way I have a rough idea of how much I eat on average.

    So I am pretty much with Samantha on it - I am in it for the strength gain.

    Great plan Beeps! As long as you always have a plan you will continue! To quote from Star Trek "Plenty of letters left in the alphabet!" :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I *officially* weigh 15 lbs. MORE than I did 3 years ago at this time.


    So, 3 years ago I was "skinny fat". Now, I'm just "muscly fat" - BIG DEAL.

    On the bright side - I look good in clothes. (And, I looked good in clothes when "skinny fat", too, I might add.) I'm tall and can hide a MULTITUDE of sins, plus, when clothed, I can always choose spanx as an option.

    But, I am TRYING to look good NAKED. And, the improvements are S-L-O-W coming - mind you, my husband comments that he's noticed "changes" in my body, so they MUST be there!

    Alas, 2012 ain't over, baby....I'll get there. Losing body fat % has been *the* most trying thing, EVER! Mind you, I did mindless cardio for 25+ years and never even gave it a second thought....I felt "successful" because while other people WHINED about trying to get to the gym "2- or 3- times per week", I was there, DAILY, without fail.

  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Oh, I hear you, Beeps. I've done Dukan before and yeah, lost a few lbs. quickly, but it comes back. I'm *trying* to be patient and hang in there, but, like you, while I look decent in clothes, without them I've got a long way to go until I'm firm all over. I lost 1% bf last month...if I keep it up (I keep telling myself) I'll be at 20% bf by December. Just seems a LONG time to wait. Of course, I've spent a lifetime at 10-20 lbs above that goal weight, so what's another 1/2 a year?

    Back to NR: Finished the last A workout for Stage 2 today. So glad to bid adieu to the Front Squat Push Press. I hate that sucker. Though, it should be au revoir, I suppose, since the b*tch is back in stage 4....

    I won't be able to do my last B workout for the stage until next Tuesday because I"ll be away for the long weekend (hope I can get a run or two in, or a hike or something), and then I'm definitely taking a rest week from lifting.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Yes, if I could lose 1% of body-fat per month, for the remainder of 2012, I'd be pretty stoked, lol!!

    I tell you, when you come back to that front squat push press, after you've done stage 3, you'll be IMPRESSED with yourself!!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Saw my cousin for the first time in a month and she is at the end of stage 2. Last night on the phone she sounded dejected about her progress, she started obese, but when I saw her today, I could she the different. In her face, her shoulders and yes even the back end. She can't see it (we always see the worst in ourselves) but I COULD. I made sure to tell her so.

    I did 3A3 last night. I was actually able to walk out of the gym after the body matrix, and I could walk today, so YAY progress. I think I'm doing it wrong though. When you do the jumping lunge is it 12 for each leg. For me it's front lunge back lunge for 1, so it works out to 24 jumping lunges all together, or should it be 12 JUMPS making 6 lunges on each leg. My time is still over 4 minutes though :sad:

    ALso, I should be starting stage 4 the first full week of June. Those of you who are in or have done stage 4, did you do 2 sets or three sets? I hate the vagueness. Knowing me, I'd probably push for the 3 sets like in stage 2.
  • austelle
    austelle Posts: 108 Member
    2. austelle - why, why, WHY were you eating at a "deficit" in Stage 1??? I think this is breaking *the* golden rule of NROL4W!! I mean, I ATE at maintenance, for Stage 1 - and, frankly, THAT is the ONLY stage that I LOST WEIGHT in!! Why?? Because I had revved up my metabolism (after months of eating too little calories) and my body was willing to part with some poundage - and some inches!!) I think you CANNOT keep depleting your calories and expect results. Your body will hang on TIGHT to everything it has - and you'll sink your metabolism. Both BAD.

    I ate at a deficit in Stage 1 because I was not new to lifting, and already had a grasp on my BMR, TDEE, and macros. About 2 months before starting Stage 1, I calculated my TDEE and BMR with the different formulas out there and later, bought a fitbit and used it to verify my TDEE.

    If I stop making gains in strength, wouldn't that be my body telling me that it needs more fuel? Also, how do you expect to lose fat if you are eating the same number of calories you are burning? As for metabolism slowing, doensn't regular exercise "stoke the metabolic fire?" Seriously trying to understand the whole idea of building muscle while burning fat. There's a wealth of info out there on various blogs and sites but A LOT of it conflicts and its hard to weed through it and decide the best course to take.

    BIG CAVEAT: my ultimate problem, the reason I'm not seeing results (I believe) is lack of consistency. I can make a plan but if I don't follow it, it isn't going to work! :) I binge on the weekends and often don't track it. I get SO sick of obsessing about every bite that goes into my mouth that I rebel for a few days, or even a week, sometimes. It doesn't matter how much I eat during the week (1300 or 1800) by the time Friday rolls around, I'm ready to self-sabatoge. I'm not sure how to get a handle on it. The only time I have ever been successful at weight loss was 1200 per day NOT eating back exercise calories. As soon as I stopped that (cause, if you have tried it, you know it is no way to live) the pounds piled back on. Not saying I'm going to do that because it is below my BMR, just trying to illustrate how difficult it is to wrap my head around eating at maintenance when the goal is to lose fat.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    austelle - I suffer from "lack of consistency", too. I can do *perfect* for 9 days, maybe 11, and then I'm OFF THE WALL for 4 or 5...blah, blah, blah.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    samntha - I *loved* reading about your cousin! good to know....and GREAT for you for making sure you TOLD HER what you have witnessed with your (unbiased) eyes!!

    You are doing the body matrix right. For the lunges, it's 12 lunges (on each leg, by alternating legs) and for squats it's 24. So, it is

    - 24 deep squats
    - 24 alternating lunges (12 x each leg)
    - 24 jumping lunges (12 x each leg)
    - 24 jumping squats

    Oh, and I did 3 sets in Stage 4. And, I'm doing 3 sets in Stage 5 (you can actually do 4 sets in Stage 5) - and 4 sets if I can fit in the time (I think I've done 4 sets twice!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    My "time" on the body matrix is abysmal...I spend a LOT of time having to shake out my legs in the middle of the jumping portions - can sometimes only get 4 reps in before I have to stop and shake (to avoid a charlie-horse). So, I am not *telling* you how bad my body matrix times are.

    But, it's kind of like golf, isn't it?? You're only competing against yourself, anyway...