Daily Chat Thread



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I wear gloves. They do not effect grip. It's straps that the author says not to use. I have NO calluses.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Ran short on time and skipped BWM last night. I was in a bad mood to start and people just pissed me off at the gym. The guys gave me a wide berth. I must have been wearing major ***** face. It wasn't even that crowded and people were camped out on equipment and I had to wait 15 minutes for an incline bench. Sometimes I really hate people.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    DrG that is really great news about your cholesterol changes :)

    I wear gloves, I'm not interested in heavy calluses or hand rips. Or pain, lifting without gloves hurts.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Sam, you sound like me. I have days like that.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    I wear gloves, mainly cos i always have sweaty hands and am terrified of dropping my deadlift!

    Sam, I once couldn't get to an incline bench so I leaned back against my swiss ball. It was ok with DBs, might not want to do it with a barbell!
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Hi everyone--just catching up on the last couple of pages of posts--I was away for the long weekend, then this week I've been sick, overworked, and getting ready for my son's bday... Finally managed the last Stage 2 workout, after a week's break. It felt okay--but I still have this stupid, endless cold, so it wasn't my best.

    Sam--Awesome pics! Thanks for sharing!

    I wear gloves...and have callouses...

    Birdy, will be curious to see how you like your new program.

    I'm feeling frustrated with the whole program (NR, diet, and everything else right now), but I think that's mainly a function of feeling out of control with my diet lately (thanks Memorial Day picnic and bday cake) and not feeling well enough to get to the gym enough lately. Oh, PMS, too :( I feel the need to really throw in some long cardio sessions to snap myself out of this funk, but since I can't breathe, that's a no go! Patience...not my strong suit.

    Anyway, I'm planning to start Stage 3 tomorrow if I feel up to it. I'm already dreading the body weight matrix!
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    As to the comments yesterday - I always wear gloves!

    DrG - amazing! I get my labs rechecked in September. Last time they were done my LDL and HDL were both at the high end of normal, so hoping I made some progress on them, too!

    My diary is public and posts in my newsfeed. I'm more critical of myself and my shortcomings than the friends I have on MFP.

    Have to share my NSV! I'm at the end of stage 1 and started pushups at weight bench height, then to a step with 3 risers. Just completed 3 set of 8 full on floor pushups last night!!! And got my squats to 105lbs!
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    My gloves give callouses, they have seams across the palm that seem to be the culprit. I'm planning to get a new pair and see if that helps.

    Dandelion, I was feeling the same way last week. By the end of the weekend I was ready to quit lifting, drop my calories and join a yoga studio as I had somehow determined this was the best course of action but I got talked off the ledge by my supportive friends on here (thanks guys since some of you are in here :smile: ). Starting stage 3 this week really helped me get back in the swing of things. That is one tough workout! Its hard when you can't work out like you want to, you'll get back to it in no time!
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    They are golds gym gloves. Pretty thick. But they aren't really bad calluses. My skin is notoriously dry anyways :p

    I'm also pretty bummed about my diet. Has NOT been good this whole month. I've been eating around maintenance, but not the best foods. I haven't logged here, been keeping paper records because I just didn't really want to log online. I have made a vow to myself to do better this month, so hopefully in a few weeks when I measure I'll be plenty surprised.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Why won't my hips get smaller?!?!

    I've lost more than 3.5 inches off my waist. 1/4 inch recently. I've only lost 2 1/4 off my hips, and that was six weeks ago! I don't get why my hips won't shrink anymore. I know they are capable of it! I used to wear a size 2/4 for crying out loud!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I wear gloves and have zero callouses.

    Jessica, I hear ya. I have huge thunder thighs and saddlebags. I may have lost half inch since the beginning of this program.

    I am getting so frustrated. The scale keeps moving up. I don't understand it. I bought the body media fit so I could monitor calories. I have been eating at least a 500 calorie deficit for almost 2 weeks (with the exception of 2 days). I should have lost a pound or 2 NOT a gain of 2.5 pounds.

    I know I shouldn't be worried about the scale but it is unrealistic for any of us to say we aren't. For all the hard work I am doing, I want to see progress some where!!!!

    Times like this I want to throw in the towel. January and February I lost 6 pounds. Then in April I started gaining it back. What the heck is wrong with me? I have gained EIGHT FREAKING pounds! 1200 calories and being a cardio bunny (like January and february) is sounding awfully good right now.
  • heymom93
    heymom93 Posts: 65 Member
    I wear gloves and have zero callouses.

    Jessica, I hear ya. I have huge thunder thighs and saddlebags. I may have lost half inch since the beginning of this program.

    I am getting so frustrated. The scale keeps moving up. I don't understand it. I bought the body media fit so I could monitor calories. I have been eating at least a 500 calorie deficit for almost 2 weeks (with the exception of 2 days). I should have lost a pound or 2 NOT a gain of 2.5 pounds.

    I know I shouldn't be worried about the scale but it is unrealistic for any of us to say we aren't. For all the hard work I am doing, I want to see progress some where!!!!

    Times like this I want to throw in the towel. January and February I lost 6 pounds. Then in April I started gaining it back. What the heck is wrong with me? I have gained EIGHT FREAKING pounds! 1200 calories and being a cardio bunny (like January and february) is sounding awfully good right now.

    You know I am right there with you. Weighed myself and have now gained back everything I have lost. Uggg - I am determined to just move forward though. We can do it :)
  • jenschnack
    jenschnack Posts: 112 Member
    I wear gloves and have zero callouses.

    Jessica, I hear ya. I have huge thunder thighs and saddlebags. I may have lost half inch since the beginning of this program.

    I am getting so frustrated. The scale keeps moving up. I don't understand it. I bought the body media fit so I could monitor calories. I have been eating at least a 500 calorie deficit for almost 2 weeks (with the exception of 2 days). I should have lost a pound or 2 NOT a gain of 2.5 pounds.

    I know I shouldn't be worried about the scale but it is unrealistic for any of us to say we aren't. For all the hard work I am doing, I want to see progress some where!!!!

    Times like this I want to throw in the towel. January and February I lost 6 pounds. Then in April I started gaining it back. What the heck is wrong with me? I have gained EIGHT FREAKING pounds! 1200 calories and being a cardio bunny (like January and february) is sounding awfully good right now.
    I think your not eating enough. Trying going up to 1400 calories for a few weeks and see if you lose.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I wear gloves and have zero callouses.

    Jessica, I hear ya. I have huge thunder thighs and saddlebags. I may have lost half inch since the beginning of this program.

    I am getting so frustrated. The scale keeps moving up. I don't understand it. I bought the body media fit so I could monitor calories. I have been eating at least a 500 calorie deficit for almost 2 weeks (with the exception of 2 days). I should have lost a pound or 2 NOT a gain of 2.5 pounds.

    I know I shouldn't be worried about the scale but it is unrealistic for any of us to say we aren't. For all the hard work I am doing, I want to see progress some where!!!!

    Times like this I want to throw in the towel. January and February I lost 6 pounds. Then in April I started gaining it back. What the heck is wrong with me? I have gained EIGHT FREAKING pounds! 1200 calories and being a cardio bunny (like January and february) is sounding awfully good right now.
    I think your not eating enough. Trying going up to 1400 calories for a few weeks and see if you lose.

    I am eating 1600ish calories a day.
  • MamaWannaRun
    MamaWannaRun Posts: 273 Member
    I wear gloves and have zero callouses.

    Jessica, I hear ya. I have huge thunder thighs and saddlebags. I may have lost half inch since the beginning of this program.

    I am getting so frustrated. The scale keeps moving up. I don't understand it. I bought the body media fit so I could monitor calories. I have been eating at least a 500 calorie deficit for almost 2 weeks (with the exception of 2 days). I should have lost a pound or 2 NOT a gain of 2.5 pounds.

    I know I shouldn't be worried about the scale but it is unrealistic for any of us to say we aren't. For all the hard work I am doing, I want to see progress some where!!!!

    Times like this I want to throw in the towel. January and February I lost 6 pounds. Then in April I started gaining it back. What the heck is wrong with me? I have gained EIGHT FREAKING pounds! 1200 calories and being a cardio bunny (like January and february) is sounding awfully good right now.

    Are you taking any sort of measurements or checking your body fat?
  • HannahPTA
    HannahPTA Posts: 39
    Beeps- I have really struggled with my knee too. I am in physical therapy and my issue is IT band is too tight and my hip flexors are too. I also have a quad/hamstring strength imbalance and all of these factors lead to my knee cap shifting when I workout. I would try doing a lot more stretching...20-30 min. 2 x a day and ice/heat the knee and see if it helps. It sure has made a difference for me. Good luck.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Maybe you are talking to Manic, but.. Yes. I'm doing all of that. And so far as I can tell from my monitor, i've not lost ANY body fat.

    I bought a caliper, I hope it gets here soon.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,103 Member
    My IT band was SOOOOOOOOOOO tight when I started NROL4W, I couldn't even do body-weight squats (and get to parallel). With practice (without weight) and with ROLLING, it is much, much better, now.

    Here, I did bikram hot yoga for 2.5 YEARS thinking I was all flexible and shyte and strong and shyte, and, truth be told, it DOES loosen up some things, but it tightens up others. So, I'm glad I'm on the STRENGTH TRAIN, now....it's the right (long-term) choice.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,103 Member
    We are ALL going through this journey, together, and there HAS to be "strength in numbers", right??

    I hope you trust the methodology in the book. Please don't return to the endless cardio and small caloric intake to think it will lead to your healthiest/fittest self. Because, I don't think it will.

    We ALL have "down days" - and there is PLENTY of "back-sliding" in the strength-training process. But, I believe, with support, we can move through those "down days" and get to the other side.

    My (ex-) bodybuilding colleague, at the office, said it took her 2.5 YEARS, of increasingly difficult, strenuous and time-consuming exercise to get her body into a shape that COULD (and did) lead to competition. 2.5 YEARS.

    So, as newbies, we just have to manage our expectations better, I think.

    Are you going to end up spending 2, 3, maybe 4 hours PER DAY, on this pursuit?? Not likely.

    Are you 20 - 25 years old?? Many of us are older....

    Have you maintained a consistent, clean, diet for 2.5 YEARS?????????? Ummmmm, nopey.

    So, it is completely unrealistic to believe that our bodies will morph into magazine-ready shape in 6 months. (Yes, I WANT this. NO, I won't GET this.)

    I'm with you, ladies. 100%. It's a TOUGH journey. But, out the other side WILL be a STRONGER you, which leads to better health in mid-life and later-life, and soooooooooooooo many other benefits. Your body WILL change shape, but likely not on a linear basis, and likely with not as much "noticeability" as might have come in the first 8 - 12 weeks.

    stay STRONG. Go lift something HEAVY. And remind yourself that, in 2011, you could NOT lift that heavy thing - and NOW YOU CAN!!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Mama, my measurements haven't changed much. I haven't increased anywhere except for the biceps. So, that's a blessing. It's frustrating. WHY ? WHY? WHY am I gaining? I am eating too much I know. My body just does not like the amount of calories I am eating. I am beginning to believe the "eat more to lose more" is just another diet craze myth. It is NOT working for me.

    I checked GNC last night for calipers but the young boy said "I think we carry them but out of stock right now" and did not check. I wanted to buy protein bars and the bar code would not scan. I left without protein bars. Businesses do not care anymore.