Daily Chat Thread



  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    I love this tread! I lurk around here every day, and you ladies are all awesome and inspiring, even when you're having a pity party! KEEP LIFTING & FOLLOWING YOUR PLAN! YOU WILL BE SUCCESSFUL! :)

    I would love to lose 15 more pounds, and since I've been on NROL I've pretty much only been maintaining. But, I'm ok with that for now. I am stronger. I moved 10 cubic yards of mulch over two days and wasn't sore. I can lift my 9 year old, 74 lb. son up onto my shoulder when we're playing around. I've gone down one size in pants. I look better in a bathing suit. I can run faster -- I will be able to run a 5k in 30 minutes, which is something that before lifting never seemed possible. I can deadlift 115 lbs!!!!! :) I'm going to run in a Ninja Challenge next weekend and I will probably live to tell about it. THANK YOU HEAVY LIFTING! :)

    Wait, the Ninja Challenge in Fuqua Varina next weekend on the 9th!?!?

    that's the one! :) are you?? we're in the 10:30 wave . . . .

    Yeeess!!! I'm in the first wave, 10 I think? I'm so excited but also kind of intimidated. Never have done anything like this and the obstacles they posted on Facebook are scary.

    i feel the same way! that rope across the pond and the wall?!? i know i'm in trouble! :) but it should be a lot of fun. and there's beer at the end . . . . ;)

    Haha. I'm in a lot of trouble too but I'm gonna have fun. Beer! Goodluck too :)
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    My goal this month is to lose 6 pounds which would get me back to pre-Nrol4W weight and eat more fruit and protein.

    I really want to do this. TOM has passed so this will give me a good 3 weeks to do really REALLY good.
  • Aprill42
    Aprill42 Posts: 170 Member
    Anybody have any good excel spreadsheets for Stage 1 Workouts? I am so confused by the breakdown of what exercises to do and how to alternate them.
  • MeeshKB
    MeeshKB Posts: 120 Member
    Good idea to post some goals here...thanks, Beeps!

    My goal for June is to stick with NROL, doing 3 workouts a week throughout. Like some of the other posters here, I tend to get bored/discouraged/intimidated and stop what I'm doing. I vow not to do that with this program.

    My other goal for the month is to consistently log my food here on MFP. I have taken a few too many "MFP breaks" this past month, and it has showed.

    I'd post a weight loss goal here, but I am coming to accept that it's not something I can directly control, particularly on this program. And I'm getting to be okay with that. Slowly. :smile:
  • MeeshKB
    MeeshKB Posts: 120 Member
    Anybody have any good excel spreadsheets for Stage 1 Workouts? I am so confused by the breakdown of what exercises to do and how to alternate them.

    There's a link to a great spreadsheet in this thread. :smile:

  • worthyofchange
    worthyofchange Posts: 165 Member
    My June goals are to
    1) finish Stage 2 and start Stage 3
    2) Log my food all month

    Not very complicated but we all know how hard it is :smile:
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I guess I'll put down some goals too.
    I want to increase my deadlift... a lot if possible.
    I want to decrease a stupid belly button inch and a stupid natural waist inch.
    I want to consistently hit my macros this month, even if it means guzzling protein shakes all day long.

    Loving everyone's NSVs and I LOVE YOU BEEPS. You are our shining light of encouragement. ;)
  • amehime
    amehime Posts: 49 Member
    I just started stage 2 and my goals are to get in 3 workouts/week (might miss a day on vacation) and to drop my body fat to 24.0% (24.7% right now). I'm not totally sure how much you can drop in a month, but we'll just see what happens!
  • MamaWannaRun
    MamaWannaRun Posts: 273 Member
    Anybody have any good excel spreadsheets for Stage 1 Workouts? I am so confused by the breakdown of what exercises to do and how to alternate them.

    If you want to inbox me your email, I'll be glad to send the ones I did...
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Goals: Start/Finish Stage 4. Rock my bikini at the pool without the short covering my bottom. Get in MORE activity in general at the gym. Get out and get active with the kids as Summer kicks off here. ENGAGE!
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    My goal:

    Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    My goal:

    Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming.


    I'll steal your goal too .
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    Anybody have any good excel spreadsheets for Stage 1 Workouts? I am so confused by the breakdown of what exercises to do and how to alternate them.

    If you want to inbox me your email, I'll be glad to send the ones I did...


    This is the one Im using.. i just made a copy of it and erased the data to enter my own.. it has all stages.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    Although I'm at a 3 day work retreat and I ate WAYYY too much today including desert at lunch AND dinner!!
    I Still got in 2 runs AND they have a fitness centre with weights, so i should be able to do my 7B tomorrow (At least most of it.). + a run ( there is 2 hours free time).
    I may have to do variations for lat pull down and deadlift - i don't think they had a barbell, only free weights.

    I'm determined to complete this program.. AND my short term goal is to get to 180 by the end of the month. I keep fluxuating between 184-186.. i hoped to see some inch reduction by my measure date but since its on the 7th and im gonan have 3 days of lots of food here, im not so hopefully anymore.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I ended up at a cardio class last night at the gym....penance for the HANDFUL(s) of chocolate-covered almonds I scarfed down yesterday afternoon.

    So, no more of that....I need "rest" more than I need "cardio".

    Yet, today is a HIIT (on bike), abs and stretching day. I'll go back to lifting heavy tomorrow. (It will be my very last work-out in Stage 5.)

    What are YOU gonna do, today, to make it a SUCCESS????
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    My goals for this month

    1. consistency - in eating and exercising
    2. BF% to 22% (I'm somewhere around 22.5% per my Omron)
    3. lose at least 1/2 inch at my belly button

    I feel like I look different and I'm really liking what I see - my pants are fitting better - but I haven't lost any inches in a month. Ok maybe 1/4 inch off my waist. I haven't actually done an official measurement, I just always measure real quick about once a week to see where I am. I know my weight is down - instead of hovering around 152, I now hover around 150 and I was at 148.4 on my week break. I started at 151 in March, so I guess you could say I've lost 2.5 lbs in 3 months.

    Oh yeah, today - I already got my workout in, now to just do good with my eating today.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I'm all about "consistency", too, jennie....i already posted all about it on the "10-week-challenge" board.

    I'm going to be a ROLE MODEL about 'consistency' this month. Just to see what the tale will tell if I TRULY was 100% consistent 100% of the time!

    (Might as well call it an 'experiment' - and, if it works like it is supposed to, IMAGINE THE HAPPY CAMPER I'LL BE!!!)
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    I finished my last stage 2 workout. YAY! Good riddance! I am taking a full week off before starting stage 3. I'm traveling this week, so it seems like a good time.

    Right now I am just happy to keep my head above water. If I can make it the next several weeks and continue to make reasonably good choices, I will be happy. Really. I'm not quitting. I'm not giving up. I am just going to keep on keeping on. I am continuing the program; continuing to log (when possible). When life becomes somewhat normal again, I can get more hardcore.
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Hi All!
    Love the goals idea.

    Consistency covers mine, really--just stay at my calorie goal (which I've recently lowered, sob) for the entire month, despite any events/dinners out/curveballs life throws at me.

    Also, 5 workouts a week--NR 3x a week and light cardio 2x. To fit this in, I have to wake up at 5 during the week...and I've done it twice. So far, so good.

    My thighs are so sore from S3, WO1A (Body Weight Matrix for those who've progressed long ago) I can hardly stand it!
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Well i'm a little sad, I woke up today feeling quite slender so thought i'd measure and take pics (it's been a couple of months).

    What did i find? Inches GAINED :sad: only half or one inch here and there, but not what i was expecting. My pics looked the same as 2 months ago too.

    It can't be explained by TOM, the bloating's not for another week at least. I am the same weight as usual, which is good, i don't want to gain or lose at all, just want to swap fat for muscle! My little belly is going nowhere it seems, even if i can feel good abs underneath.

    I was supposed to finish stage 4 today, but had some neck problems, so just did the HIIT instead (on my bike, didn't aggravate my neck)

    I'll crack on with things on Thurs after my night shifts and not give up till i've got thru the whole program. :grumble: