Do You Really Believe You Can Do This?



  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I actually did not start out thinking I could do this. I had also tried and failed SO many times.
    People would say you have to "want" it. I hated that because I REALLY wanted it when I failed.
    But finally it clicked, and I just kept doing it day after day and the results came :)
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I'm a big fan of fake-it-till-you-make-it motivation. What you need to do, is just start acting like you're already successful, follow in the footsteps of those folks who have already done it and do what they do, and the belief in yourself will catch up. Luckily, you don't have to look too hard on MFP to find someone who is a few steps ahead of you in this game to follow.
  • coldspringheadmomma
    I am roughly one week in, and I'm not sure. This is my first post on a message board, and I sit here wanting to go to the kitchen and eat something unhealthy. I'm ready for a snack, and when I look back at my food journal for the past week all my snacks have been pure crap. For meals I'm doing OK, but for snacks I keep reverting back to poor eating habits. On the weekend my husband (who is very healthy) and I cleaned out our cupboards, but of course there are always a few things left behind. As the OP asked "Do you really believe you can do this?" I'm not sure....I hope so. Being on these boards does bring me hope....!
  • TriumphNow
    TriumphNow Posts: 526 Member
    Yes, I know I can and so can you. It really has to be a lifestyle change. Break down your goals into mini goals and take it one day at a time. A lot of days I have to take it one hour at a time. Forget the naysayers and make the changes for yourself. When you see progress, it motivates you to stick with it. Be positive!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    NO. When I started here, almost a year ago, the honest answer was no, I didn't believe I could do this.. I was pushing towards 300 pounds, every recent time I tried to work out ended with a visit to my ortho, I worked a lot of hours and I had 2 kids at home to take care of. I set my goal weight but would have been ecstatic to lose just 20 pounds to keep me out of the Big and Tall store. I never thought I'd really see my goal weight.

    But then a funny thing happened. I stopped thinking about it, and just did it. Every morning I planned out my meals for the day. Every day when my alarm clock went off I answered the bell and worked out. I lost that 20 pounds. But I kept my planning my meals and answering the bell and kept going. Made my goal weight and set a new, lower one.

    Except this time I know I'm going to make my goal.

    Commit to putting in the work. You'll believe it soon enough.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    I don't *think* I can. I KNOW I CAN. I guess it's different for me because I don't have a long history of failures, a string of disappointments. I have something worse...complacency. I remember right after high school my mom got on a Richard Simmons kick and took my sister and me along with her for the ride. The whole nine yards, complete with Deal a Meal and Sweatin to the Oldies. It was my 1st diet but I wasnt really invested in it, I can't remember who quit first, me or mom. Doesn't matter. I didn't even attempt another diet in that decade. Finally about a dozen years later I had a friend who's mom had lost 100 lbs on WW and she was ready to try it but not alone. So I did it with her. We started WW in the spring of 2007. My friend quit within a month but I had started seeing results and I liked it. I had hope for the first time. Over 8 months I lost 68 lbs. I quit the diet in Nov for the holidays and promised to start up again in Jan. But I didnt. For the next 5 yrs I was back to my complacent ways. All the weight came back. I injured my back and gained another 20 pounds. Last spring another friend asked me to go on a diet with her. She lasted less than 2 weeks. I had promised myself I wasn't doing this for her, but for myself. This is my diet, my success. It's been almost 7 months and I've lost almost 60 lbs. I won't let anything stop me now. I learned from my mistake in 2007. If you live each day on a diet looking forward to eating whatever you want and not working out once you get to goal YOU WILL GAIN IT BACK. I understand now that for the rest of my life I'll either be dieting to lose or at the very least, maintaining. Fitness can't ever end either. I had success before, my only failure was the decision to quit for the holidays. I have learned my lesson. I wish I didnt have to gain back every pound I lost plus a bonus 20 lbs but apparently thats what it took before it really sunk into my thick head.

    This time around I haven't thought about quitting one single time. I won't quit till I reach my goal. I have a long way to go but I know I can do it. Nothing will stop me. It took me way too long to get to this point. Too many years of not caring, not trying, and just getting bigger and bigger. I'm 1/3 the way to my goal and I know if I quit this diet within 6 mos I'll probably gain it all back. If I keep going in 6 months I'll prolly be close to 2/3 the way to my goal. It's no contest. The time will pass regardless, the question is what am I going to do in that time?
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    It's been almost 7 months and I've lost almost 60 lbs. I won't let anything stop me now. I learned from my mistake in 2007. If you live each day on a diet looking forward to eating whatever you want and not working out once you get to goal YOU WILL GAIN IT BACK. I understand now that for the rest of my life I'll either be dieting to lose or at the very least, maintaining. Fitness can't ever end either.

    Congratulations on your losses, great job. If you are happier, healthier, will live longer and feel better - - then staying on a healthy diet is worth the effort!!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    you came here to tell us that you are standing in your own way and you know it! :drinker:
  • Sheila_Ann
    Sheila_Ann Posts: 365 Member
    Not sure if you saw my video, it was about this subject.

    You have think more in the short term, you're thinking to much. Can you eat 1 healthier meal? Can you log 1 meal? do that. I know it's something you can do.

    You have been here, so that's a good start, not sure if you're logging or not, if you're nto, get in the habit of doing it. Start small.
    For example when i started MFP i couldn't walk 10mins. I would have to walk 8mins, take a break, then walk another 2. I got in to the habit of exercising 10mins a day, that's not much at all. It didn't matter if i only did 5mins, the point was to get in to the "HABIT" of doing something physical.

    You can do the same thing with your diet, eat 75% good, and the rest 25% whatever you want. Then improve it over time. Doesn't matter if you start at eating 25% good, just start some where and improve.

    Weight loss is about habits, anyone can starve themselves, but can they maintain the weight off in the long run? I always see it like this, if a person loses 30lbs in 1 month, and another person loses it in 6 months, who's most likely to keep it off? The one who did it the longest, the one who has stronger habits. This is one reason why quick weight loss doesn't work, it takes time.

    ^ he knows what he is talking about. copy that to your blog, or file on your computer, and re-read as necessary. you can do it!! good luck

    ^^^ Agree 100% on both counts. Baby steps. Rome wasn't built in a day. You CAN do this!

    Best of luck to you!
    Sheila :flowerforyou:
  • megannxx
    megannxx Posts: 679 Member
    I never actually believed I could do this. There are still days when I feel like i'm not going to get where I want to be. You just have to take it one meal at a time, one day at a time. I set my mind to it and in 7 months i have lost 51lbs and 32 inches in 5 1/2 months.

    You can do this. You have to want to do it, or you wont.
  • raerae514
    raerae514 Posts: 171 Member
    I AM doing it. I'm halfway to my goal. So, don't think about it, just do it. The only thing stopping you is your brain being silly :) So make your body do it and your brain will have to deal with it.
  • TheCurvyGamble
    TheCurvyGamble Posts: 42 Member
    I try to remember this when I am on my weight loss kick...
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Listen to those people who have lost over a hundred pounds.

  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I try to remember this when I am on my weight loss kick...

    usually when you veer off the road, you dont have to turn around completely :drinker:
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Honestly? No. I don't.

    I do, however, believe I can do it for a day. So that's all that I try to deal with at a time.
  • QueenCat25
    Just take it a day at a time. Follow the plan and get in some basic workouts. Before you know it, it will be done. =)
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    One day at a time-that's how everyone begins. You will stumble, you will fall off the wagon, and then you'll just pick yourself back up because what is the alternative? You can either keep trying or give up. One setback doesn't mean you're giving up on your health and well being. I love the quote-"Being fat is hard and being fit is hard. Pick your hard." Good luck!
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    Yes, I can! I can do this one day and one meal at a time.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Listen to those people who have lost over a hundred pounds.


    I was referring to those people on page one of OP thread young lady.

    However, I am sorry; it appears that you've missed "being an authority" by just ONE pound! Tell you what, go get you a pixie cut, a mani/pedi, a brazilian, and then come back for the weigh in. :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    Listen to those people who have lost over a hundred pounds.


    I was referring to those people on page one of OP thread young lady.

    However, I am sorry; it appears that you've missed "being an authority" by just ONE pound! Tell you what, go get you a pixie cut, a mani/pedi, a brazilian, and then come back for the weigh in. :heart: :flowerforyou:

    i knew there were other ways to lose weight... a brazillian... excellent idea!!!