Daily Chat Thread



  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I just had a week full of crappy workouts in stage 4. I feel the need to go back to basics and make sure my squats are parallel and my deadlifts are knees bent, head up....I am not making much progress in strength...it is so hard to juggle life and food and fitness and expect fitness to come out on top...I love having a plan to work through though because, unlike the rest of my life, it is measurable, when I succeed the weights increase or the pounds go down and I can say that I was successful at SOMETHING....

    just having a bad day today, I guess.

    Just think, though.. everything that we're doing here, even if they're not the results we WANT are so incredible for our body either way. We're successfully changing our body composition and working towards something. It may be slow progress, but it's still progress towards a better you. I HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER.

    Oh, also, I don't know if you've gone back to regular deadlifts for a look-see, but those awful wide grip suckas increased my standard DL significantly. So you may just be making your other lifts stronger while you muddle through the fancy stage 2-3-4-5 lifts. :)
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Thanks Funbun and Gillee! I made a stop at the store to buy "liquid " eggs, Kashi high protein cereal (love cereal. it's my down fall), and fresh produce. After reading the nutrition part, I really need to increase my protein.


    My husband and I were talking. I currently weight 157. When I started the program I weighed 150. BUT I had been jogging/walking and eating ONLY 1200 calories. Starting the NROL4W, my calories significantly increased. I would have gained that weight back anyway. My husband tells me to think I just started out at zero and not really count that as weight gain. I like to think that so that's what I am going with. So, if yall see in previous post where I talk about weight gain and now I'm saying ZERO weight gain, hopefully , you won't think I am crazy. :smile:
  • keyboardwench
    keyboardwench Posts: 121 Member
    Thanks Funbun and Gillee! I made a stop at the store to buy "liquid " eggs, Kashi high protein cereal (love cereal. it's my down fall), and fresh produce. After reading the nutrition part, I really need to increase my protein.


    My husband and I were talking. I currently weight 157. When I started the program I weighed 150. BUT I had been jogging/walking and eating ONLY 1200 calories. Starting the NROL4W, my calories significantly increased. I would have gained that weight back anyway. My husband tells me to think I just started out at zero and not really count that as weight gain. I like to think that so that's what I am going with. So, if yall see in previous post where I talk about weight gain and now I'm saying ZERO weight gain, hopefully , you won't think I am crazy. :smile:

    Wahoo for protein! That type of Kashi sounds really good, I'm going to have to give a try. As much as I want something protein filled for breakfast like eggs or bacon, it's not really achievable for me.

    Haha not crazy, good to see that you have such a positive mindset on this. Most would freak out with any gain.

    Also yesterday I did Stage 1 B3 and I deadlifted 80lbs! I'm really proud of that, earlier it was a lot of testing to see what weight I could take. Seems like 80 is a challenge, but doable. I was shaky on the last couple reps but I finished the three sets of ten! :)
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Wow, if you miss a day you miss a whole lot!

    So picking up pieces and parts here, I think you all are reading my mind I swear. I was feeling after yesterday's workout that I wasn't ready to be done with this stage 1. No, I'm not finished, I did 6A yesterday and I focused on form because I know I very easily lose that trying to lift heavier. I raised my step ups to 14" and had to drop weight down to 5lb dbs YIKES! I think I'll regain the weight quickly - at least I hope! I am still doing pushups at 30 degrees (16") getting down farther, but still not deep enough I know. I haven't been able to move up much higher with the bent over barbell row - I tried 65 yesterday, and could do a few but I had to go back down to 50 to finish. The good news is that my prone jackknife is getting really good even as I struggle to finish the 12 in this group I am hitting the form and really conscious of using core muscles and not shoulders for movement. All in all, I'm really not feeling like I've going very far with this A group. Did you feel this way too?

    I totally caved last night. Hubby wanted MacDonald's - I can't tell you how long it's been since I had a whole order of fries from there but I did last night - a small order, and I had a double quarter pounder with cheese minus the bread and the breaded McBites too yikes! Eating better today, promise!!
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    <---New bicep pic. Pretty intense especially when I compared it to the others in my album.

    Nice, Sam!
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    I can't wait to see what everyone thinks of NROLAbs.. I thought the intro was adorable.

    I'm suffering the... wah-wah-wahs today since I tried to fit into some pants and discovered I haven't dropped a pant size. I think maybe only my upper body is getting smaller? It looks smaller. I don't know. All I know is my *kitten* is not fitting into the jeans I totally feel it should be fitting into. My macros have been all over the place, so a part of me says I don't deserve a smaller size. And again. Wah Wah Wah.

    That said, my strength gains have been amazing, so yet another reason I shouldn't complain.... looking better, feeling better, stronger... urrgh, I just want it ALL.

    I also have no clue what's a normal bodyfat% loss for a month. I've lost 2.4% since I started, and I'm now in the middle of stage 3... is that good? Does it mean I obviously have been eating too many carbs? LOL. Who knows. Anyways, enough of my whining!

    Hope you ladies are all doing well this week! Love the AWESOME bicep Sam, now that I finally had time to check and see the before biceps too! what amazing progress!

    I was feeling that way last week. And then I wanted to wear my fave jeans this weekend and they were so so tight. So I said, screw it,its summer, and I love dresses WAY more than jeans. :) I'm done whining too. I'm making strength gains and feel best when I don't look at the scale so I'm done with that too. Screw the jeans! My butt is getting bigger,but I like the way it looks now.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Wow, if you miss a day you miss a whole lot!

    So picking up pieces and parts here, I think you all are reading my mind I swear. I was feeling after yesterday's workout that I wasn't ready to be done with this stage 1. No, I'm not finished, I did 6A yesterday and I focused on form because I know I very easily lose that trying to lift heavier. I raised my step ups to 14" and had to drop weight down to 5lb dbs YIKES! I think I'll regain the weight quickly - at least I hope! I am still doing pushups at 30 degrees (16") getting down farther, but still not deep enough I know. I haven't been able to move up much higher with the bent over barbell row - I tried 65 yesterday, and could do a few but I had to go back down to 50 to finish. The good news is that my prone jackknife is getting really good even as I struggle to finish the 12 in this group I am hitting the form and really conscious of using core muscles and not shoulders for movement. All in all, I'm really not feeling like I've going very far with this A group. Did you feel this way too?

    I totally caved last night. Hubby wanted MacDonald's - I can't tell you how long it's been since I had a whole order of fries from there but I did last night - a small order, and I had a double quarter pounder with cheese minus the bread and the breaded McBites too yikes! Eating better today, promise!!

    It happens. We went to our local burger joint and I got a grilled chicken meal with fries AND onion rings. I did resist that Dr Pepper and full on burger though so I'm okay with it. For some reason, when I look in the mirror and feel like I actually look good naked, I want junk!

    And manic, cereal is my kryptonite. I can eat an entire box in one sitting if I'd let myself.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Everyone that's "liked" Alwyn's FB page knows he does his Q&A sessions and I think he said something that really needs to be said not only in this group, but probably the main boards:

    "write this down - you don't get ANY results from training - you get results from RECOVERING from training."

    That's going to be my response to at least 25% of questions :wink:

    I actually wanted to get a question in but was a few minutes too late. There was a woman (may be one of you ladies) asking about fat loss and this and that and he said NROL4W wasn't designed as a fat loss program so another woman asked what program IS designed for fat loss and he said NROL4Abs and his wife's book (still haven't gotten it yet).

    I know a lot of you ladies are planning to go into NROL4Abs so here's my question - what are the biggest differences in this program and that one seeing that it was designed to shed fat? Is there more cardio or less recovery time between sets? I was thinking maybe it was designed more like stage 7 but the entire program?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    I bought NROL4Abs this weekend, but haven't had time to go through it. I am likely going to bring it on my week-long vacation to read it from start to finish. I'll plan on a couple of sessions with my personal trainer to walk me through the "hard" stuff, and then I'm on my own for the duration!

    I'm excited!

    jnh - I TOTALLY agree with the "recovery" part. I think that is the *key*....and I think MOST women are over-training....either doing too much cardio, or not permitting sufficient rest between heavy-lifting sessions.

    I don't know ANY weight-lifting guys who even TOUCH a cardio-machine. So, pay attention! What works for men can work for women, just it takes longer because we don't have enough testosterone in our systems. I'm okay with that! (No beard for Beeps!)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    I'm glad NROL4Abs is about fat loss. Because, I think that is the key. Adding muscle is not really my TRUE goal - but eliminating the fat around the body I already have, IS my TRUE GOAL!

    I am officially in a calorie deficit. I'm going to keep this deficit while I aim to get down 10 lbs by my birthday in November. I *know* I will lose a little muscle, as well, but am going to heavy-lift 3 x per week to keep the muscle loss to a minimum. I have to lose the fat in my hips/saddlebags to make any measurable progress, from this point, I feel.

    Wish me luck!

    Getting off BAD carbs is key. I've just finished 2 days without a SINGLE bad carb! (In fact, I had bananas on saturday, but only sugar snap peas on Sunday - NO OTHER CARBS!) I'll get through the enxt 3 days with very depleted carbs, as well, just to get the "cravings" out of my system.

    Then I'll return to measured carbs.....but am determined to eliminate BAD CARBS from my diet, altogether, excepting the odd alcoholic beverage that I will permit!

    No more rice, potatoes, bread. No more chips, chocolate or candy. Minimize my fruit intake (not hard for me - fruit is NOT my thing!) and maximize my veggie intake (sometimes this is difficult - I can do the salad at lunch, but if there isn't a hot veggie at supper, I just don't eat anymore raw!)
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Everyone that's "liked" Alwyn's FB page knows he does his Q&A sessions and I think he said something that really needs to be said not only in this group, but probably the main boards:

    "write this down - you don't get ANY results from training - you get results from RECOVERING from training."

    That's going to be my response to at least 25% of questions :wink:

    I actually wanted to get a question in but was a few minutes too late. There was a woman (may be one of you ladies) asking about fat loss and this and that and he said NROL4W wasn't designed as a fat loss program so another woman asked what program IS designed for fat loss and he said NROL4Abs and his wife's book (still haven't gotten it yet).

    I know a lot of you ladies are planning to go into NROL4Abs so here's my question - what are the biggest differences in this program and that one seeing that it was designed to shed fat? Is there more cardio or less recovery time between sets? I was thinking maybe it was designed more like stage 7 but the entire program?

    I just saw that JNH! I am very disappointed because I thought while I was building muscle I was losing fat. I did miss the question about what program will help with fat loss.

    I am curious to know what's the difference from NROL4W and NROL4abs, too.

    I need to lose an overall 15 pounds for fat loss. Cardio helps me shed weight but I am so exhausted from lifting and it decreases my strength gains .
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Everyone that's "liked" Alwyn's FB page knows he does his Q&A sessions and I think he said something that really needs to be said not only in this group, but probably the main boards:

    "write this down - you don't get ANY results from training - you get results from RECOVERING from training."

    That's going to be my response to at least 25% of questions :wink:

    I actually wanted to get a question in but was a few minutes too late. There was a woman (may be one of you ladies) asking about fat loss and this and that and he said NROL4W wasn't designed as a fat loss program so another woman asked what program IS designed for fat loss and he said NROL4Abs and his wife's book (still haven't gotten it yet).

    I know a lot of you ladies are planning to go into NROL4Abs so here's my question - what are the biggest differences in this program and that one seeing that it was designed to shed fat? Is there more cardio or less recovery time between sets? I was thinking maybe it was designed more like stage 7 but the entire program?

    I just saw that JNH! I am very disappointed because I thought while I was building muscle I was losing fat. I did miss the question about what program will help with fat loss.

    I am curious to know what's the difference from NROL4W and NROL4abs, too.

    I need to lose an overall 15 pounds for fat loss. Cardio helps me shed weight but I am so exhausted from lifting and it decreases my strength gains .

    I know he said NROL4W wasn't designed for fat loss, but if you're eating at a slight deficit, how could we NOT be losing fat?
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Hey everyone - I had a very busy weekend and missed a ton on here!!

    Sam - great bicep pic!!!

    I just joined the FB group for NROLW so if anyone wants to friend me feel free.

    I've had a bad couple of weeks - letting life get in the way, then had company this last week. I started Stage 5 on Thursday and should have done WOB on Saturday, but wasn't feeling it. I've got to get back into it, I have 10 lbs of fat to lose still and it hasn't gone anywhere it the last couple of months. My measurements haven't changed either since late May, I think. I need to do an actual measurement, not just a quickie in the morning. Not sure how much I trust my handheld BF% tester, but it says I'm at 22% bodyfat and trust me, there is a lot of jiggle left on this body.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    22% sounds awesome....I don't think you're jiggling that much!

    And, the last 10 lbs is just a B-I-A-T-C-H. (Says me for 4 years, now!)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    I'm going to pick up the abs book when I get home this weekend. Plan to start around the same time as Mary. I' know Alwyn may have said it's no "designed" for fat loss, but I've lost an estimated 10%. Let's face it, I eat kinda crappy, but I'm a veggie/chicken crap eating kinda girl. Maybe that has something to do with it. I'm high sugar, low fat, fairly good on cals. I'm way over today, but did good yesterday, considering the few opportunities to eat well here in the mountains. I'm meeting with a PT next week. Not sure what to do with that. Always a sales pitch, but I obviously am not in "need" of his services, but curious about what he thinks he can do for me...besides check on form. I have seen some of those guys teaching their folks "bad" form. So, what should I do with this guy? Ideas? Also, is there a way to access the forums from the mobile app?
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    I so needed to hear the "you don't get ANY results from training - you get results from RECOVERING from training" today. This week, I'm dropping down to 2 NROLFW sessions each week and dropping my mileage as well. Upped my cals again last week and started eating 6 times each day too. I was a ***** to live with and always crabby and fatigued. Not cool.

    As far as the NROLFAbs-I read it before NROLFW and only remember that they said forget all of the other ab exercises from the other New Rules books. That those exercises would build your muscles which would cause them to protrude (something most women don't want). Go figure! :)

    What is it with this group and cereal addiction? I can't live without a nightly bowl of the crappy sugar cereal.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    MsTawnya, we're just too much alike.:tongue:

    Yes, my abdominal area has increased in size but I don't think they are protruding. EEEEKKKKK if they are . natural waist line has increased about an inch but after pics have me looking curvier. WEIRD I know. I'll take it.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I just ordered NROL4abs from Amazon. Maybe I can read it while we drive to Disney World in September and then when I get home I can begin implementing what I read.

    Not sure if I want to do the newest book. I'll probably order "Rach's book" after the ABs. It seems interesting and I am ready to burn some fat!
  • Bluemountain22
    Bluemountain22 Posts: 170 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm on my rest week after finishing up phase 1 and I've been lurking and looking over the last day or two of discussions and now I'm torn over whether I should switch to New Rules of Lifting for Abs to focus on fat loss or The female body breakthrough ( both books are in the library) and return to nrolfw afterwards, or carry on and complete nrolfw and then move to another programme after.

    I made some good strength gains in the programme:

    Squats- 20kg to 55kg (45lb to 121lb)
    Push ups- 2x 15 reps done on a 30 degree incline 
    Dumbell bent over row ( no cabel station) - 5kg Dumbells to 40kg barbell (11lb to 90lb)
    Step ups - 7.5kg Dumbells (16.5lbs)to 10kg dumbells (22.5lb) to 5kg dumbbells (11lb)  onto weight bench  
    Reverse crunch -2x15 
    Prone jacknife- 3  to 15

    Deadlift- 20kg to 55kg (45lb to 121lb)
    Dumbbell shoulder press - 2 x 5kg Dumbells to 2 x 7.5kg Dumbells ( 2 x 11lb to 2 x 16.5lb)
    Wide grip lat pull down - 20kg to 30kg ( normal weight bench as seat) (45lb to 66lb)
    Lunges - 2x 7.5kg Dumbells to 2x 11.2kg Dumbbells- 22.4kg ( 2 x 16.5lb to 2 x 25lb)
    Swiss ball crunches- body weight 12 reps  to 5kg (11lb) medicine ball in hands stretched out. 

    Weight loss 3lb
    Inches lost unsure : my laptop is getting fixed and the numbers are not there!

    Any opinions ladies?
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm on my rest week after finishing up phase 1 and I've been lurking and looking over the last day or two of discussions and now I'm torn over whether I should switch to New Rules of Lifting for Abs to focus on fat loss or The female body breakthrough ( both books are in the library) and return to nrolfw afterwards, or carry on and complete nrolfw and then move to another programme after.

    I made some good strength gains in the programme:

    Squats- 20kg to 55kg (45lb to 121lb)
    Push ups- 2x 15 reps done on a 30 degree incline 
    Dumbell bent over row ( no cabel station) - 5kg Dumbells to 40kg barbell (11lb to 90lb)
    Step ups - 7.5kg Dumbells (16.5lbs)to 10kg dumbells (22.5lb) to 5kg dumbbells (11lb)  onto weight bench  
    Reverse crunch -2x15 
    Prone jacknife- 3  to 15

    Deadlift- 20kg to 55kg (45lb to 121lb)
    Dumbbell shoulder press - 2 x 5kg Dumbells to 2 x 7.5kg Dumbells ( 2 x 11lb to 2 x 16.5lb)
    Wide grip lat pull down - 20kg to 30kg ( normal weight bench as seat) (45lb to 66lb)
    Lunges - 2x 7.5kg Dumbells to 2x 11.2kg Dumbbells- 22.4kg ( 2 x 16.5lb to 2 x 25lb)
    Swiss ball crunches- body weight 12 reps  to 5kg (11lb) medicine ball in hands stretched out. 

    Weight loss 3lb
    Inches lost unsure : my laptop is getting fixed and the numbers are not there!

    Any opinions ladies?

    How much weight are you trying to lose (well, that you *think* you're trying to lose)? I mean, a 3lb loss is actually pretty fantastic considering your gains and the fact that you're more than likely retaining quite a bit of water still.