NaCheezIt Member


  • That is some good looking cake!!
  • I typically weigh in about 2 lbs. heavier when I'm on my cycle even if I'm consistent with my calorie intake!
  • I have a hrm and I find that they are all too high except for circuit training, but I am really short, so that could be a factor :P
  • I would log just a bit higher than the three cups, but you didn't eat the whole bag, so 10.5 isn't really necessary! I really love my air popper, and I normally make my popcorn dry, but my parents add spray butter&salt etc. It's pretty great!
  • I have a Mio Petite that has no chest strap, and the face of the watch comes out so you can change out the band for different colors. It works great outside of the water, but I have a hard time getting a reading while I'm in the pool. Normally when I swim, I just use it as a timer or lap timer and then measure my heart…
  • I actually really want a bodybugg, but I have a Mio Petite Hrm that I bought on ebay for $30. Works a charm, it's waterproof, and I've had it for 7 months now and haven't changed the batteries yet! If you shop around you can get a good deal, but I would stick with some sort of name brand, I've heard bad things about the…
  • I don't know if this is your idea of a snack, but when I really just feel like I want to eat tons of food, I make oatmeal! You can do a half cup of oats (150 cal) with 2 cups of water, some cinnamon, vanilla, and sweetener. I bet ya won't be hungry after that! :]
  • I love getting coffee light frappuccinos! It's 80 cals for a grande w/no whip (I think!) And I normally get a scoop of protein added for 30 calories (6 protein 1 fiber). Super yum! Or if you need something lower D:, A plain iced Americano is 5 calories, and you can add sweetener and/or skim milk!
  • I'm recovering from bulimia, but for me it was common to be hoarse, flushed in the face, have a sore throat, bleeding throat, and a runny nose as well as a sore abdomen and knees. I really hope you get out of this as soon as possible. It gets harder to leave the longer you wait.
  • My usual is 1/2 Cup old fashioned oats- 150 1 oz. Fat Free Cheddar Cheese- 45 2 tbsp. Parmesan Cheese- 20 1 tbsp. ground flax- 35 Spices/Salt 2 cups water with the flax, if you omit the flax, use 1 to 1.5 cups. Grand total of 250 and lost of yummy protein :)
  • You would count the weight of the raw meat in the recipe calculator and then divide the dehydrated meat into equal servings and find the count for them. I would also count the glaze-stuff but you don't really have to.