AJL437 Member


  • Out of sight - out mind. Take all the unhealthy food and put it in the veggie drawers and take out all the veggies and put them where you can see them. Also - make a deal with yourself that if you see a trigger food you want - you will do enough jumping jacks, burpees, whatever to burn off the calories to earn it.
  • Is there a way you could move your family meal to the morning? Then you and the kids could eat at 5:30 pm and your husband could eat when he gets home without missing out on that family time. It's a lot easier to control what happens before you go to work then when you get home.
  • So glad you posted! I got a lot of tips here. I agree with the poster who said you can achieve some of your weigh loss goals through diet while you are in this healing process. This may sound weird but check out chair aerobics. You can google it or look it up on youtube. It's a set of exercises you can do while seated so…
  • I have MFP set at BMR so I eat them all back.
  • I use MFP's suggested calorie count and eat back all my exercise calories. I don't worry about macros. I focus on eating protein, fruits and vegetables with limited sugar and carbs, but again I don't really worry about it as long as I am near my calorie goal.
  • awesome!!
  • Did you run outside? Heat can inflate your heart rate and make it seem like you burned more than you did.
  • When I started this - I made two and only two commitments to myself: I will do some type of activity at least 30 minutes a day and I will log what I eat every day. I log in every day no matter what. Between the app and the computer, it's just too easy not o. Even if I ate 4,000 calories - I log in. This past two weeks I…
  • I eat basically the same foods on the weekdays and spice it up the weekends Breakfast: greek yogurt, green smoothie, hard boiled egg or leftover protein, milk in coffee Lunch: sandwich thin sandwich, apple, almonds Dinner: Monday - black bean burrio bowl Tuesday - Fish with rice and veggies Wednesday - out Thursday - out…
  • I do a lot of sandwiches and lettuce wraps. I'll mix tuna with greek yogurt and some relish or dill and then spread that on lettuce wrap, I also use the food processor to shred carrots and green onions with a sprinkle of champagne vinegar. I also make hard boiled eggs in the mornings as a snack.
  • Yep. We get up at 5:00 am Monday - Friday and head to the gym. We do cardio MWF and Body Pump class (his idea) Tues/Thurs. We go for walk on Saturday and Sunday. At the beginning of this year, I took a challenge to work out for 30 minutes every day. He got inspired and decided to join me. Now we figure out a way to get it…
  • Yes. You should always consulate a PCP before attempting to lose weight - especially with the systems you have been experiencing.
  • I came a long way when I realized people can never be who we want them to be - they can only be who they are. I can't change someone else. All I can do is change me and how I react to others. If your mom chooses not to support you, that is really sad, but it is who she is. You can't change that. All you can do is focus on…
  • Brush your teeth. Seriously - this really helped me. It somehow signaled my brain that I was done eating for the day. If I felt the boredom - not hungry- urge to eat, I would go brush them again.
  • This may sound cheesy, but for me what has worked is just focusing on today and today only. I have an alert that goes off in my phone first thing in the morning so the first thing I read is: "Today I will work out and log my calories. Just for today. I can do it" This really has helped a lot.
  • Go to bed at 9:30 pm and up at 5:00 am and in the gym by 5:30 pm. I work out M - F 5:30 am - 6:30 am and then sleep in on Saturday and Sunday
  • They have very different functions. What type of working out do you do? Do you do high intensity workouts or just hope to burn calories throughout the day? I used a fitbit for a few months and found that it was helpful when I was on vacation and not "working out" to figure out how much walking I had done, but didn't work…
  • I make a sandwich with sandwich thins - usually 4 slices of salami or deli turkey. I also bring almonds, an apple, cheese stick, celery with peanut butter or hummus to dip.
  • We go all out on Thursday nights - usually 5 doubles rum and diet cokes so 10 ounces of rum. I do a double work out. Cut back on breakfast and lunch calories by focusing on just protein and veggies and then factor in chicken wings. I shoot for going no more than 500 cals over.
  • Before I got better at cooking and created some go-to meals, I would go to the store with a couple recipes and spend a TON of money buying non-seasonal vegetables, spices, or bottles of condiments when I would only need 1 tsp. Now, I can cook without a recipe pretty well and make meals with what we have on hand. I am lucky…
  • I really focus on fruits and vegetables that are in season and featured in the ads. 10 mangoes for $10, 10 ears of corn for $2, etc. This means you are getting food that hasn't traveled quite as far. I have also found that Asian markets generally have much lower prices on fresh vegetables and fresh fish and farmers'…
  • I don't take a "rest" day. I do some sort of activity every day. I do interval training on the stationary bike Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Body Pump - a weight lifting class on Tuesday and Thursday and walk 3 miles each day on Saturday and Sunday. I found it is easier for me to work out every day. I have logged 156 days…
  • One thing that helped me was if I put in my worst case scenario for going out in my fitness pal friday or saturday morning before I went out. Seeing it there in black and white made it a lot easier to find compromises - a salad instead of french fries, one less piece of pizza - 1 bud light instead of a gin and tonic to get…
  • You are fierce and strong! Way to go
  • One more thought - also try to double check your exercise calories using a heart rate monitor or using an online calculator. I was surprised how my calorie burn lowered after losing 15 pounds. Activities that burned 500 calories when I started now burn a lot less.
  • You are an inspiration! Way to go
  • I absolutely hate stairs too, but it's where I can really see I am making a difference in building my stamina in a short time period. Being able to climb one more stair without needing a break is very encouraging when you are trying to get results in a short time period.
  • Stairs, stairs and more stairs and then some more stairs.
  • One thing that helped me was that it takes 20 minutes for your stomach to signal to your mind that you are full. Eat a reasonable portion and then wait to see what happens. Also - just replace your non-water drinks with water and high water fruits like watermelon or lettuce. I eat a lot of lettuce.