what do you do?



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    5ft 5in, I work as a nurse (about 8000/10000 steps according to my fitbit)

    1950 calories daily (30% cut from approximate TDEE)

    30% carbs, 40% protein and 30% fats.

    Do not eat back exercise calories, as it's figured into the equation. After a 4-6 weeks report back and we can look at your true TDEE.
  • kirsty2604
    kirsty2604 Posts: 46 Member
    5ft 5in, I work as a nurse (about 8000/10000 steps according to my fitbit)

    1950 calories daily (30% cut from approximate TDEE)

    30% carbs, 40% protein and 30% fats.

    Do not eat back exercise calories, as it's figured into the equation. After a 4-6 weeks report back and we can look at your true TDEE.

    that's fantastic thank you
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    The only thing I track is calories, I don't track macros at all.
  • mrmagee3
    mrmagee3 Posts: 518 Member
    Here is what I would suggest. Since you have 60 lbs to lose, set your account to 1 or 1.5 lbs per week (which you are probably at) and eat 50% of your exercise calories or research TDEE and take a 20-30% cut (you can get away wit 30% now but will should drop to 20% once you hit 50 lbs from your goal). Aim for 1g of protein and .35g of fat per lb of lean body mass or take 70%-80% of your current weight and eat that in grams of protein. If you want, post your weight and we can set macro's. Generally, I set macro's for most people to 40c/30p/20f. Generally, this hits the macro's required.

    The biggest suggestion, lift heavy and do some cardio for exercise. You might as well maximize strength gains and minimize muscle loss.

    What about the other 10?

    haha, drink it is sugar alcohol's. I just updated it to reflect 30f's. Nice catch

    I was thinking -- that's where BOOZE comes in! I like your diet. :D
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    do you what you want but cut calories or do you eat a specific healthy eating regime?

    I know I cant do 1200 cals (busy job) so I have mines set at 1650 plus eating back exercise calories.

    but its my macros I am not sure about - I want to lose 70lbs - should I change my macros and subsequently my eating habits to reflect this to make the weight loss process easier?

    I see a lot of people are low carb, some low fat - im not sure what I should be doing

    I lost the majority of my weight doing alternate day IF and did it with the typical SAD diet (lots of fast food, frozen dinners, sugary snacks etc. This is what I was eating before I started losing weight and it was great, not having to make any big changes, all at once!). Just doing this, without any exercise, I lost almost 50lbs and hit goal several months ago. So, for weight loss-it was about calories/restricting them for me.

    Now I'm in maintenance and have transitioned to a whole foods, plant based diet, because I feel that for me, it's better for my health. This was a gradual shift of mindset and I've gotten to this point naturally, over the course of several months. I now eat until full, don't count calories, don't really mess with macros etc. And I'm now losing weight again-last week was .5lb and this week I'm down another pound, for another new low :tongue: I'm still figuring out my maintenance sweet spot, someday I'll get there :)

    For you-I'd just spend some time and look over your different options-there's a ton out there! You can do MFP's plan, the TDEE method, or any of the other weight loss plans out there. The important thing is to find something that clicks with you're lifestyle and you can do long term.
  • kirsty2604
    kirsty2604 Posts: 46 Member
    do you what you want but cut calories or do you eat a specific healthy eating regime?

    I know I cant do 1200 cals (busy job) so I have mines set at 1650 plus eating back exercise calories.

    but its my macros I am not sure about - I want to lose 70lbs - should I change my macros and subsequently my eating habits to reflect this to make the weight loss process easier?

    I see a lot of people are low carb, some low fat - im not sure what I should be doing

    I lost the majority of my weight doing alternate day IF and did it with the typical SAD diet (lots of fast food, frozen dinners, sugary snacks etc. This is what I was eating before I started losing weight and it was great, not having to make any big changes, all at once!). Just doing this, without any exercise, I lost almost 50lbs and hit goal several months ago. So, for weight loss-it was about calories/restricting them for me.

    Now I'm in maintenance and have transitioned to a whole foods, plant based diet, because I feel that for me, it's better for my health. This was a gradual shift of mindset and I've gotten to this point naturally, over the course of several months. I now eat until full, don't count calories, don't really mess with macros etc. And I'm now losing weight again-last week was .5lb and this week I'm down another pound, for another new low :tongue: I'm still figuring out my maintenance sweet spot, someday I'll get there :)

    For you-I'd just spend some time and look over your different options-there's a ton out there! You can do MFP's plan, the TDEE method, or any of the other weight loss plans out there. The important thing is to find something that clicks with you're lifestyle and you can do long term.

    I really want to try and eat as clean as possible but I am not willing to give up my milk lol
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    do you what you want but cut calories or do you eat a specific healthy eating regime?

    I know I cant do 1200 cals (busy job) so I have mines set at 1650 plus eating back exercise calories.

    but its my macros I am not sure about - I want to lose 70lbs - should I change my macros and subsequently my eating habits to reflect this to make the weight loss process easier?

    I see a lot of people are low carb, some low fat - im not sure what I should be doing

    I lost the majority of my weight doing alternate day IF and did it with the typical SAD diet (lots of fast food, frozen dinners, sugary snacks etc. This is what I was eating before I started losing weight and it was great, not having to make any big changes, all at once!). Just doing this, without any exercise, I lost almost 50lbs and hit goal several months ago. So, for weight loss-it was about calories/restricting them for me.

    Now I'm in maintenance and have transitioned to a whole foods, plant based diet, because I feel that for me, it's better for my health. This was a gradual shift of mindset and I've gotten to this point naturally, over the course of several months. I now eat until full, don't count calories, don't really mess with macros etc. And I'm now losing weight again-last week was .5lb and this week I'm down another pound, for another new low :tongue: I'm still figuring out my maintenance sweet spot, someday I'll get there :)

    For you-I'd just spend some time and look over your different options-there's a ton out there! You can do MFP's plan, the TDEE method, or any of the other weight loss plans out there. The important thing is to find something that clicks with you're lifestyle and you can do long term.

    I really want to try and eat as clean as possible but I am not willing to give up my milk lol

    'Clean' eating is such a subjective term-if you want to have milk everyday then there's nothing wrong with that :)
  • kirsty2604
    kirsty2604 Posts: 46 Member
    very true - I think trying to stop all the rubbish over processed foods may be the best place for me to start
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    A nutritionist once told me that if you focus on lean healthy proteins, the fats/carbs will take care of themselves. I've found that to be relatively true. Still have to pay some attention to fats, but the carbs have decreased a lot in doing things this way.

    I've also noticed that the healthier the food, the more of it you can have. I've gone over on calories some weeks and ate "better quality foods" (not a big fan of the term "clean eating" - don't know why - just not a fan) and still lost decently even with going over some.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    very true - I think trying to stop all the rubbish over processed foods may be the best place for me to start

    Good for you, because I am not giving up my klondike bars or candy or daily mt dews...
  • AJL437
    AJL437 Posts: 71 Member
    I use MFP's suggested calorie count and eat back all my exercise calories. I don't worry about macros. I focus on eating protein, fruits and vegetables with limited sugar and carbs, but again I don't really worry about it as long as I am near my calorie goal.
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    I look at calories only; however, over time, you realize that certain foods stay with you longer and help you feel full while others (like pure sugar) add up very quickly and fade very fast. Then you start to adjust and choose "healthier" foods that satisfy long-term vs. short-term "fixes." I still enjoy my treats and "budget" for them, but they are no longer the main focus of my diet.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    There is nothing magic about that 1200 number. It isn't appropriate for most people. I lost this weight eating over 1600 plus burned. Forget1200...it usually means you're not understanding MFP! (not directed at OP).
  • kirsty2604
    kirsty2604 Posts: 46 Member
    I think I will be happy eating 1950 cals a day for sure!!