

  • You should trying working out as soon as you wake up. Studies have shown that people who workout in the morning stay dedicated to it for a longer time. That way you're not coming up with excuses in the evening as to why you shouldn't work out. I've been doing this for quite some time now and I find that it always works for…
  • Eat whole wheat or multi grain bread. Don't eat the white stuff. I find that white carbs make me feel bloated. And I keep my carbs early in the day. After breakfast or lunch, I don't bother eating carbs. But than again, I usually workout in the morning.
  • You have to eat all day, preferably, every 2-3 hours. I know it's tough sometimes when you're working but just time it out. That's what I do. Even if you don't feel hungry, make sure you are still eating. And make sure to eat the most important meal of the day -- breakfast. You have to remember that your body needs to…
    in Struggling Comment by birkona May 2014
  • Carbs are not bad. But make sure they are 100% whole wheat. The white carbs will retain a ton of water. And try and keep them in the beginning of the day.
  • I used to be this way but with chocolate. When I started my diet (during Easter weekend which was a BAD idea lol) I had a VERY difficult time trying not to think of chocolate. It was so difficult. I just pushed through it and did not eat any chocolate. It was tough but after 3-4 days I started to feel like my cravings…
  • Why don't you try running while you take the dog out? You could do that every other day so that every other day you can have that extra 30-60 minutes of free time to do household chores. Also, some people will go on a brisk walk during their lunch break. What I usually do though is I workout first thing in the morning. I…
  • What else should I eat after 2 eggs, fruit and toast?
  • I've been doing this for almost one month now.
  • I usually change it up all the time. I find workout videos on YT. I do some cardio, HIITs (which are really great for weight loss.) Other times I would go for a run or go do the stairs by my house. Once in a while I'll just go for a nice brisk walk and take it easier. But it's important to switch it up all the time so your…
  • My friend is considered to be obese and so it's difficult for her to do intense workouts. She walks for 1 hour everyday after dinner and she lost 20 pounds the first month (with a clean diet as well.) So yes, walking is considered to be a great exercise. But it also helps to increase the speed and length that you walk for…
  • That's something I was struggling with as well. I usually workout before breakfast either HIITs or just cardio. And I found that I was super tired all day and sometimes a bit lightheaded. Just did't feel like myself. I usually eat about 1200 calories a day. But good idea, I will just have to up my calorie intake.
  • Try eating more protein. I find that it does the trick for me.
  • You did say you are doing strength training. Maybe you're losing fat but your muscle weight is replacing the fat weight. Just a thought.
    in Frustrated Comment by birkona May 2014
  • I've been wondering the same thing myself. I'm not one to take powders or pills or anything, I prefer it straight from my food. But my friend suggested it to help lose weight and keep you full. Hoping to get more comments on this lol.
  • When I started eating healthy and exercising two weeks ago, I had the roughest time trying to fight off chocolate cravings. It was like I would crave chocolate all day, everyday. Then I read online that lemon water helps reduce cravings. I started taking a cup and a half of warm water and squeeze half a lemon in it, than i…
  • For me, it really depends on what I am eating. If I eat bread all day (which never happens,) than I get extremely full and feel bloated all day. I usually keep my carbs in the morning only, and 100% whole wheat, usually toasted. It might depends on what you are eating.
  • Exercise usually helps reduce period cramps.
  • I wanna aim for 2 pounds a week. It can easily be attained. I lost 30 pounds in two months before and maintained a toned physique at the same time.
  • Great website! What's interesting is when I started doing HIIT yesterday, I felt hungrier all day (the website states that it helps you burn calories afterwards.) Where as when I do just regular cardio, I'm not as hungry all day. That explains it!
  • I started HIIT yesterday. I think I will start doing it more often.
  • Good to know! Thanks everyone! I will start adding some muscle building exercises alongside my daily cardio workout. I started HIIT yesterday. I think I will do it every other day and cardio on the opposite days.
  • I started working out before eating breakfast 3 days ago and I have already lost 4 pounds (probably some water weight.) I usually drink about 2 cups of water right before and during my workout. My morning workout usually consists of 25 minutes of cardio. The only downfall is that it does make me tired throughout the day…
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