I just keep failing



  • MizMimi111
    MizMimi111 Posts: 244 Member
    Maybe start with just one thing? Sometimes going all out can be frustrating and lead to giving up.

    When I started I focused first on calorie counting and making that a habit. Making that change I started to see progress so devided to add exercise. Got an elliptical, used it once and hated it. I mean, being as overweightband inactive as I was it hurt! So I gave myself permission to not feel guilty about but kept calorie counting. Then I started swimming (which I love). It's been a step by step process and I know if I had done it all at one time I would not have come this far.

    So maybe just start with the one thing you know you can stick with and add on as you are ready & capable.

    You can do this!
  • mary659497
    mary659497 Posts: 484 Member
    This is a struggle I have had my entire life. Just take your eating one day at a time. If that is too much to focus on take it hourly. Good luck.
  • I have been going through that same yo-yo process lately and I am finally making a push to do what I know needs to be done, I think we are all more than capable of reaching our goals we just need to focus on it. I've discovered that if I really involve myself by reading about exercise and eating habits and general health I tend to stay more focused on my goals. Hope that helps :smile:
  • birkona
    birkona Posts: 24
    Not being consistant is my biggest flaw, I think. I cook nightly, but no, I don't always track. I have a gym in my home, but slip from my daily workout routine after a few weeks. Thank you for the responses!

    You should trying working out as soon as you wake up. Studies have shown that people who workout in the morning stay dedicated to it for a longer time. That way you're not coming up with excuses in the evening as to why you shouldn't work out. I've been doing this for quite some time now and I find that it always works for me. It's become a routine now. I usually do anywhere from 30-45 minutes. I also used to go to the gym and do the classes. Everyone inspires one another and it will help to make it more of a lifestyle. I think all you need is routine and some good motivation!