Where to start?!

Hi, I have my cousins wedding in February, but her engagement in September 2014.
Hoping to be focused with my weight loss, and healthy eating.
Just a bit confused and need help time tabling my exercises.
I've started C25K, but have read people have gotten great results from Billy Banks Tae Bo, and Julian's 30 Day Shred after 2weeks
I've brought both DVDs, and have no idea where to start. I have tried them both and happy too do them, but which one!!
Or would it be crazy/ stupid to do all 3..? Would like to keep running 3x a week, but feel I should bring something else too, and need help on how to timetable it. Basically have evenings free.
Just to remind people, that have just started, but the motivation is definitely there!

Any advise, links, and new friends welcome.

Thanks ;)


  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    She's not engaged yet but the wedding date is already set? Maybe I'm misreading...

    Anyway, don't overwhelm yourself :) Set a good pace so you don't burn out!

    30DS always made me mad because I'd launch headfirst into it and get frustrated with myself. I've always liked the Tae Bo workouts, though, they're kind of hilarious and get your heart beating fast! Everything you're doing sounds really positive, though, just keep up that motivation :D
  • raj_pharani
    raj_pharani Posts: 11
    Nope your read correctly. Ha yeah it's really weird and confusing. I was literally a rushed thing. I don't know if that makes it any better.. But yeah came round to give the wedding card, I just sat the like righhhhhhht. I have my opportunity.
    I'm thinking I might do my C25K and 30DS in the evenings, but because I only run 3x a week, would be okay to do it for only 3 days a week so I can have rest days in between. I understand it will obviously make it longer, but I feel I'm more committed to this plan, and build endurance and hopefully be able to do it daily with some results. And maybe do Billy Banks on weekends, just to mix things up a bit.
    Not sure this is a good plan or not or if I've taken a lot on for a beginner, but the days are going past, and September is only a couple of months away.

    Any advice/ concerns?
  • pandapop1
    pandapop1 Posts: 4 Member
    I don't think there is such a thing as ''too much working out'' As long as you are tailoring your diet to your workouts that's all that really matters, I think a combination of all 3 would be really great as your body wont get set to one routine and you can switch up your work outs quite easily :] Just try your best that's all that matters! <3<3<3
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    first, 30 day shred is a marketing name. it is not meant to be done every day for 30 days.

    if you like couch to 5k, and you like the dvd's you've bought, then do them. variety is the spice of life and what not. C25k has you running 3 times a week, right? so the other three days do the dvds. alternate the dvds back and forth, and you have a plan that will likely not get boring any time soon.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    That's a lot of cardio. have you thought about incorporating some strength/resistance training?
  • raj_pharani
    raj_pharani Posts: 11
    Thanks everyone. Going to start 30DS on Tuesday. Just working out my timings before work for the run. Seems doable.
    Need to look into about weight training, preferably without equipment.
    I'm completely brand new at this. Also anyone willing to share there plan for approx 30min, and there success rates?

    @pandapop1 I guess your right haha. Hope your good. Need to catch you when I'm next in leeds. Hopefully all smexy ;)!

    @Capt_Apollo your right I'll just stretch my 30days. I was hoping to do the DVDs in the evenings, the same day as I do my runs, that way I can recover better, but work out a range of places...? And I do my regular 30min leisure pace walks to and from my way to work/home. I'm not sure if this is making any sense, as I'm just making this up as I go :S

    Please reply

    Raj :)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Thanks everyone. Going to start 30DS on Tuesday. Just working out my timings before work for the run. Seems doable.
    Need to look into about weight training, preferably without equipment.
    I'm completely brand new at this. Also anyone willing to share there plan for approx 30min, and there success rates?

    @pandapop1 I guess your right haha. Hope your good. Need to catch you when I'm next in leeds. Hopefully all smexy ;)!

    @Capt_Apollo your right I'll just stretch my 30days. I was hoping to do the DVDs in the evenings, the same day as I do my runs, that way I can recover better, but work out a range of places...? And I do my regular 30min leisure pace walks to and from my way to work/home. I'm not sure if this is making any sense, as I'm just making this up as I go :S

    Please reply

    Raj :)

    If you are looking for programs without equipment, check out Nerdfitness, You Are Your Own Gym, Convict Conditioning, Fitnessblender (I think), and Daily Burn.
  • pandapop1
    pandapop1 Posts: 4 Member
    Deffo lady!!! :} Although I'm in Doncaster now!! But I can get to leeds no problemo!! <3
  • raj_pharani
    raj_pharani Posts: 11
    @PikaKnight I don't actually know what strength/ resistance training means, as in without equipment :(. And the Internet is just saying loads of different things.
    How important is resistance? I just assumed it was sit-ups and push ups etc.
    However I am thinking about buying a rowing machine, considering it does a full body work out, any recommendations?
    Of a good brand, with variety of levels, easy to pack, and around the £60-100 figure.

    @Pandapop1 ooo Doncastor, hope the business is good. When I reach my goal I'm coming to you for a tattoo as a reward/ reminder :)! Maybe we could meet in York for tea or in Leeds town. Me and the beau are up on the 15th July.. Be good to see you <3!

    Raj :)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    @PikaKnight I don't actually know what strength/ resistance training means, as in without equipment :(. And the Internet is just saying loads of different things.
    How important is resistance? I just assumed it was sit-ups and push ups etc.
    However I am thinking about buying a rowing machine, considering it does a full body work out, any recommendations?
    Of a good brand, with variety of levels, easy to pack, and around the £60-100 figure.

    @Pandapop1 ooo Doncastor, hope the business is good. When I reach my goal I'm coming to you for a tattoo as a reward/ reminder :)! Maybe we could meet in York for tea or in Leeds town. Me and the beau are up on the 15th July.. Be good to see you <3!

    Raj :)

    Per the definition: Strength training is a type of physical exercise specializing in the use of resistance to induce muscular contraction which builds the strength, anaerobic endurance, and size of skeletal muscles.

    Cardio is great to build endurance, but for strength and body composition, you are looking at strength/resistance training. There are also medical benefits to strength training..you can google search them for the benefits :)

    There are different types. The most common that is recommended is heavy lifting with barbells because you get the most bang for you buck, so to speak. Other types are dumbbells, sprinting, TRX Suspension, Sandbag training, and Bodyweight exercises.

    I gave you the names of sites/books with routines in one of my earlier posts if you want to check that out.

    I honestly would recommend on a barbell and bench over a rowing machine. Or at least a bench and dumbbells with plates.

    Here is a recent story/example that you can check out in regards to what adding strength training can do for you.

  • birkona
    birkona Posts: 24
    I usually change it up all the time. I find workout videos on YT. I do some cardio, HIITs (which are really great for weight loss.) Other times I would go for a run or go do the stairs by my house. Once in a while I'll just go for a nice brisk walk and take it easier. But it's important to switch it up all the time so your body does not get used to the workouts.