

  • The reason why interval cardio training is so effective is because of the rapid change of heart rate going up and down while doing the intervals. Its almost like the body is being tricked with constant fluctuation of the heart beat which causes you to burn more calories and in return you loose weight!!!!
  • If you want to loose weight at a pretty rapid speed you can always do some brisk-pace walking/running I mean the weight will literally look like its melting off this is a great form of cardio also while you are at home you can do some strengthing exercise as well like squats, abs, push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks, even…
  • Sure, there is nothing wrong with that alot of times I get up early in the morning and run about 3-4 miles, and then I go the gym later on a workout.. I havent experienced anything wrong with this regiment just make sure you allow your body to rest at least two days out of the week so if you are going to workout Mon-fri…
  • Alright Lady Lord, We are some dangerous people when we finally make up in are minds to do something. Im glad you were able to come out of that depression mode, and finally get motivated to keep on the journey of healthy living. I know that you can do it, and I look foward to your continue progress as strive to reach your…
  • Well I think it could of been a realistic goal depending on when you started your journey to go from a 20 to a 8 will take work, dedication, and zeal. Although this goal is attainable you have to give yourself a considerable amount of time to attain it so that you wont get discouraged when its not happening in a short…
  • Well I have two children ages 5 & 7, and loosing belly fat is always a work in progress. You just have to make sure that you are being mindful of your calorie intake, fat grams. Making sure that you are getting enough cardio and the only way to see your abs getting toned is to make sure that the fat on the belly is…
  • I have a pretty simple solution for your sister, my husband works night shift he works out and eats really healthy, but when he first started this he was also kind of confused on how he would pull it off with his work schedule, he goes in at 6p.m - 6a.m. So we had to pre-plan all of his meals he eats dinner before he…
  • Okay.... Just take a step back for a moment and breathe!!!! I want you to pay close attention to what I'm about to say. First thing first you have to change the way that you are thinking about this weight loss thing. Don't refer to your eating changes as a diet but more like a lifestyle change. The word diet seems to…