not getting the results I want fast enough and need a little

ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
I know I know, that's just how weight loss works it is never fast enough. But still summer is already here and the idea of trying to squeeze into shorts or a bathing suit just makes me feel kind of ashamed. I had planned out that I would be a size 8 by now (started at size 20) but I'm still only a size 14. I don't know where I went wrong in predicting my progress, maybe just overzealousness? In any case I can't help but feeling like I failed in a way. Now i know the only way to get the goal I want is to keep it up but still it feels like this summer will just be wasted away by low self esteem and unreached goals. Does anyone have any tips or words of advice to shrug this off (when you haven't quite reached your more short term goals and are running out of time to do it?) I'd love to hear anything you guys have got :(


  • Lstrhi
    Lstrhi Posts: 132
    I think going from size 20 to size 14 is a great accomplishment! Focus on how far you have came, I'm sure you'll be able to get back on track
  • Gingah
    Gingah Posts: 1
    First of all, pat yourself on the back for the awesome progress you've made!!! Are you at a plateau? I find that after a while, I start to get a little complacent, so a quick review of my daily food log can reveal some areas for improvement. I've hit a plateau and have responded by eliminating refined sugar and white flour as much as possible. (I allow myself a maximum of 1 Tbsp of refined sugar--from any source--per day. I've actually gone a week without any sugar or my favorite, spiced ginger preserves.) I'll admit that the first day, NO ONE wanted to be around me; I was Queen Cranky. But after that, it did get a little easier each day. I still have cravings, but I remind myself that cravings aren't real; they aren't hunger. And they're temporary. I've also cut out diet soda (all soft drinks, actually), so I only drink water, tea or skim milk. Also, take a look at your exercise; maybe you've gotten used to doing a certain workout and your body needs to have things mixed up a bit. Weight loss is about 75% nutrition, 20% exercise and 5% genetics. I've been running for a year and a half, and what I've learned the hard way is that no matter how much I run, the weight doesn't come off unless I'm diligent with my nutrition.

    Work your plan, stay the course, and BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! You can do it!!!
  • Jadesmommy2003
    Jadesmommy2003 Posts: 36 Member

    First of all, I can understand where you are coming from but there are some things you need to keep in mind. One, take the pounds you have lost and go to the store and pick up that amount in potatoes. That should give you an idea of the true meaning of each pound you lost. Second, the weight did come overnight, it won't go overnight. If you shrink too fast you won't like the results either. You are only 19 so you skin is going to snap back fast but even young skin has it's limits. Keep your beauty.
    Lastly, a big freakin hell yeah!!! for you for recognizing early and saving yourself and your health early in life. GREAT JOB!
  • tjsusong
    tjsusong Posts: 195 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I was down almost 20 lbs and due to some unfortunate circumstances gained almost all of it back:( I too was planning on being a size 8 by now, but it didnt happen. I just try and tell myself to look at how far I've come. I'm sure we could all kick ourselves at one point or another but its really counterproductive. Just remember to look at your accomplishment so far!!! Way to go!!!
  • Chosen4Greatness
    Well I think it could of been a realistic goal depending on when you started your journey to go from a 20 to a 8 will take work, dedication, and zeal. Although this goal is attainable you have to give yourself a considerable amount of time to attain it so that you wont get discouraged when its not happening in a short period of time. So stay encouraged and focused!!! Keep exercising and make sure you are making healthy eating choices!!!!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Really, it's up to you how you spend your summer.
    You can choose to enjoy wallowing in self pity because you aren't at your percieved "perfect size".
    Or you can celebrate the fact that you have lost a LOT of weight, have taken fantastic steps to be healthier and fitter and that you have a lovely (I hope!) boyfriend to spend the summer with.

    It's a hard lesson to learn in life but body size does not necessarily equal happiness. I've been happy overweight and happy thinner. I've been miserable at both ends of the scale too.

    Now, get out there and do some exercise to get those "feel good" hormones going, then go to the mall. Pick up a size 20 and a size 14 outfit to try on. You'll see very clearly how far you have come, and that this is something to be proud of!!
  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member
    I would LOVE to be in a size 14....I'm almost 50 and I don't think I ever have been!

    I'm a little jealous, but YOU are the one that put all the hard work in to get that far. I am just starting out, and the idea that I COULD be a size 14 with some (OK, a lot of) hard work is very inspiring to me.

    Please don't be down on yourself. It's why I don't put dates on my goals~just in case the journey takes a little longer than I thought it would. Keep it up. You will make it!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Sami, you have made wonderful progress, and let us pat you on the back for that!! We all want faster progress than what we get, because after all, life does happen ;/

    Anyway, take a look back at your food diary during the weeks you had the most progress and see if there's anything different now. If so, then maybe you could try eating exactly what you did on a good loss week.

    If there's nothing different, have you remembered to adjust your calorie intake down a bit as you've lost weight? Maybe you aren't eating all your calories and your exercise calories too? You really need to eat them all (I know it's counter-intuitive but it's true!!).

    Finally, if all else fails, try a new and different exercise and some new and different foods. Do you like Peanut Butter? Have you tried "Better 'n Peanut Butter" from Trader Joe's or PB2 from Bell's Plantation (online)? BPB is only 2 WW points+ for 2 TB, and PB2 is only 1 WW points+ for 2 TB, whereas regular PB is 5 points+

    Also, are you eating partially hydrogenated oils and/or corn syrup? If so, cut them out at once! You will drop weight just by doing that alone.

    best of luck, girlfriend, you are an inspiration!
  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member
    I would LOVE to be in a size 14....I'm almost 50 and I don't think I ever have been!

    I'm a little jealous, but YOU are the one that put all the hard work in to get that far. I am just starting out, and the idea that I COULD be a size 14 with some (OK, a lot of) hard work is very inspiring to me.

    Please don't be down on yourself. It's why I don't put dates on my goals~just in case the journey takes a little longer than I thought it would. Keep it up. You will make it!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    A great filling snack I like is 1 apple dipped in a mixture of 1/2 cup soy or almond yogurt mixed with 1 Tbsp. Better n' PB or PB2.
  • lizhipwell
    lizhipwell Posts: 70
    Focus on what you have rather than what you don't have. You have so much to be proud of yourself for. Going from a size 20 to a size 14 is pretty amazing. Imagine how you would feel if you hadn't even done that. In my opinion, the important thing is to not beat yourself up. I mean if you take the stress off yourself, then maybe your body will follow suit. I went one week where I lost nuthin' and the next lost 6 lbs. I made a decision to not be upset and stick to it. In the past I would have said forget it...

    Just keep doing what you've been doing and you will get there. As you lose more, sometimes the weight comes off slower...just be patient with kind...
  • mzhunnie
    mzhunnie Posts: 10
    YOU SHOULD PAT YOURSELF ON THE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have made GREAT strides, keep doing what you are doing it will come......YEA FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    You went from a 20 to a 14 since when...January?? Oh I'm sooooooooooooo jealous. I can get a 14 over my hips but I can't fasten them...well I tried on a pair 3 weeks ago and I couldn't. I set my goal to the end of July to be in a 14. Because I knew that I would probably start to plateau once I got close to my goal.

    Look you are doing a wonderful job. If you keep it up you will probably reach your goal sometime this summer. You have to allow yourself to appreciate your accomplishments. You are where sooooo many people would like to be so enjoy the fruits of your labor and continue to push ahead.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    Ditto on all the encouraging posts. You HAVE come a long way! Enjoy the fruits of your labor by treating yourself to some new awesome clothes that make you feel thinner! And if you keep at it, Im sure you'll be at your goal in a few weeks/months!!
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    Thanks so much :) I'll try to keep it in mind :)
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    Guys I want to say thank you to EVERYONE!!! you are all SO kind and I'm so grateful for all of your words!!! I swear for some reason I feel like crying but I can't say enough how thankful I am to you guys!!! (Also I am apologize in advance I cant use anyones names in my reply... for some reason it won't let me go back to see who said what but i still want to reply to everyone!!)
    I know it is how i decide to look at things and its true I shouldn't be wallowing in pity and let things ruin the summer... I guess i need to toughen up a little. Its also not like I expect life to suddenly turn into sunshine and constant happiness once I do shed all the weight I want but I am really looking forward to being able to climb up stairs without panting and of course seeing myself in the mirror and feeling confident. Its true I cant rush this kind of thing...
    Also I was trying to avoid any plateaus by switching up my work outs. For example, I started with bike machines then after that got too easy focused on the ellipticals and since then have started tackling the stair master (which i hate but i'm sure the fact that i hate it means it must be helping :) ) and i have also increased the amount of time i spend doing cardio, at first i did only 20 minuets and now I am pushing to do an hour. So I was hoping i wouldn't hit a plateu but I suppose it could be from my diet. Right now my target amount of calories is 1330 and I cut out pop mostly and all the desert like foods :) And i was Queen cranky for a long while too ^__^ The only thing is once in a while for special occasions i do let myself splurge a little bit (like I recently went to a wedding, graduation dinner and birthday party all in one week!!) I made sure not to binge but did i make a mistake on not staying strict with my diet??
    Also that apple snack sounds GREAT!!! I can't wait to try it!! I've never really thought of substituting things other than a few swaps like skim milk instead of whole and wheat bread for white. But maybe I do need to tweak that stuff out a little more!
    Anyway thank you again to everybody!!!
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    Also I love the idea of trying on a size 20 outfit vs a 14 one :) as well as gaging weight loss with potatoes :D Those really are really good inspirational tricks! I would never have thought of doing that!
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    heh sorry, just one more post I promise :)

    Also I just wanted to clarify that size 8 was a mini goal, so I've been trying to be realistic (like setting an ideal pants size for the end of each month) which is why I think I took this so hard. I guess the way I was looking at things was I am a 14 when according to schedule I SHOULD have been an 8 instead of well i WAS a 20 at least now i'm a 14.
    Also I was just wondering do you guys weigh yourselves regularly? I personally haven't other than to figure out my BMR and all that. So to anyone that does weigh yourself regularly, does it help? I was always just afraid to because I know your weight can fluctuate so much even in just one day.
    I am just so excited of how helpful this site has turned out to be! I never really used it other than keeping tabs on my calories but you guys are all great! :D
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    heh sorry, just one more post I promise :)

    Also I just wanted to clarify that size 8 was a mini goal, so I've been trying to be realistic (like setting an ideal pants size for the end of each month) which is why I think I took this so hard. I guess the way I was looking at things was I am a 14 when according to schedule I SHOULD have been an 8 instead of well i WAS a 20 at least now i'm a 14.
    Also I was just wondering do you guys weigh yourselves regularly? I personally haven't other than to figure out my BMR and all that. So to anyone that does weigh yourself regularly, does it help? I was always just afraid to because I know your weight can fluctuate so much even in just one day.
    I am just so excited of how helpful this site has turned out to be! I never really used it other than keeping tabs on my calories but you guys are all great! :D
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    heh sorry, just one more post I promise :)

    Also I just wanted to clarify that size 8 was a mini goal, so I've been trying to be realistic (like setting an ideal pants size for the end of each month) which is why I think I took this so hard. I guess the way I was looking at things was I am a 14 when according to schedule I SHOULD have been an 8 instead of well i WAS a 20 at least now i'm a 14.
    Also I was just wondering do you guys weigh yourselves regularly? I personally haven't other than to figure out my BMR and all that. So to anyone that does weigh yourself regularly, does it help? I was always just afraid to because I know your weight can fluctuate so much even in just one day.
    I am just so excited of how helpful this site has turned out to be! I never really used it other than keeping tabs on my calories but you guys are all great! :D