Hello, need some support and motivation doing this thing!

Hi! I'm a girl who had always struggled with being overweight...I'm not obese but definitely not healthy. I start college in the fall and I'd really love to make some lifestyle changes before then and just be HEALTHIER- I'm sure the weight will come off along with it. I'm just so tired of feeling tired and weary all the time because of my weight, you know? ;)

I enjoy horseback riding and art...I work at a horse stable where I've developed some new muscles (gotta muck those stalls!)

I love the resources myfitnesspal has- I mean, tracking not only calories but nutrients as well is incredibly helpful! I just need some help, so I'm just reaching out to the community here for any motivation possible!

I'm so diligent to plan breakfast and even lunch...but it seems I spiral downward during the rest of the day. I let hunger overtake me and I tend to shove everything into my mouth that I can. Then I get SO frustrated and angry and disheartened because I know this habit will never result to any changes. What's worse, I never used to be this "addicted" to things like chocolate until I began this diet sort of thing. Which I'm refusing to call a diet because it puts my mind in the wrong mood. And once I splurge on one thing, I "give up" for the rest of the day and just become ravenous for everything unhealthy.

It's not that I'm fighting hunger because that's important...it's just when I'm hungry I lose all control.

It's like I can't help myself when I'm hungry- I HAVE to eat whatever's close to me.

I also know I don't drink enough water- I'm known to be a "camel" and go most of the day without drinking anything. It's that bad.

Didn't mean to write a novel, but I'm so desperate for some support and motivation to go through with this thing! I'm so tired of being fat...it's the weight, but it's also how tired and useless I feel in this state.

So hello, nice to meet everyone, and any encouragement would be amazing. :)


  • Teenamarie_36
    Welcome to MFP. I've been using mfp for about 20-25 days, not sure which. i log on daily and i track my food, water, and exercise daily. If you need a couple friends, feel free to add me to yours. I've lost 40 pounds since sept 2010 and have 15 more to go. I love MFP and am glad I found it.

    Good luck on your new lifes journey, you can do this! its just one day at a time.

  • christinathompson1
    christinathompson1 Posts: 144 Member
    hey!!! welcome to MFP! i will add you as a friend and hopefully we can support each other through our weight loss!
    actually drinking enough water is more important than you think..
    if you drink at least 8 glasses of water a day you will lose so much more weight. the water just flushes out all of the bad toxins in your body and it just works! water is like a miracle! i suggest the 30 DAY shred by Jillian Michaels. its a great work out that you can do for 30 days straight or 3 times a week (whatever works for you!!) :)
  • Chosen4Greatness
    Okay.... Just take a step back for a moment and breathe!!!! I want you to pay close attention to what I'm about to say. First thing first you have to change the way that you are thinking about this weight loss thing. Don't refer to your eating changes as a diet but more like a lifestyle change. The word diet seems to overwhelm many people and set up a defeated mentality before they can actually get started good with there "diet". Take one day at a time, and always pre-plan your meals now you said that you do good for breakfast and lunch but the rest of the day seems to go downhill so that means that you will have to make a conscious effort to plan in between healthy snacks to tie you over until dinner. Another helpful tip: Is to look at calories like you look at money for example you wouldn't go into the store and buy something without first making sure you can afford what u are getting ready to purchase and calories work the same way if you can only have 1200 calories per day and you have already taken in 900 calories it wouldn't be wise to choose a meal that is over 300 calories because you will be over spending on your calorie intake for that day. Last, but not least if you fall of the horse one day its okay get up brush yourself off, and get back on track. Losing weight is not a overnight process it takes time, patience, consistency, and determination. You can do this don't focus on the scale just work hard everyday ,eat properly, and the weight will begin to come off. I know you can do this two things are on your side for sure age and speedy metabolism!!!!! Now work it Girl