Elleinnz Member


  • One thing I would add - for your cardio days - instead of "steady state" cardio I suggest you do 30 mins of HIIT (interval training) or tabata style training - suggested to be much more efficient for fat burning.
  • If you are "dieting" rather than making sustainable changes the likelihood of gaining the weight back once you stop "dieting" is very very high.... For me I had to change my entire attitude to food and exercise - forever.....this is not something that has an end date.... I will always have to make good healthy food…
  • Number 1 - you look gorgeous and elegant - and a bit sexy with that lovely neckline and waist :-)
  • bump so I can browse and post later
  • This ^^^^^ Or as I said to my sister when she tried to criticise me "the right answer is Thank You!!"
  • Bump for awesomeness :-)
  • Started at 330lbs ...... 110lbs down just by changing how I eat and moving my body!! And more importantly been "maintaining" that loss for the past 3 years!! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/Elleinnz/view/6-september-one-year-later-50-kgs-dropped-146443
  • Yes - absolutely - I cut out coke zero for a year - and lost 110lbs!! Oh wait - maybe I lost 110lbs because I maintained a calorie deficit for a year.....the basic stuff ;-) By the way - I only cut out coke zero towards the end of the year - did not make one iota of difference to my weekly losses.....
  • Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn - loved it :-) ^^^^
  • Bike, swimming, elliptical.
  • I logged for 3 years - lost 110lbs.....would never have been able to do that without obsessive pre-logging and checking everything I ate. A year ago I was challenged to drop obsessively counting calories and try eating more intuitively ....becoming "calorie aware" The "rules" Eat first class protein, Vegetables (LOTS) and…
  • Winter here in New Zealand - Dinner Party tonight - Cheese Fondue and Raclette (cheese and potato's) - Cheese and more Cheese..... tomorrow we are back to protein and vegetables ;-)
  • Buy a few basics at one of the cheaper places .... I used to buy one new black pair pants, one new pair jeans every time I dropped a size.....went from 26 to 14, so had to buy a few ;-) so I would have a very baggy pair, and one well fitting pair - when the baggy ones got to big it was normally time to buy a smaller…
  • My trainer has an online training offering - I train with him one-on-one, but others uses his online programs. It is a full program - training and nutrition plans... Www.alexflint.com
  • Kept on pair of size 28 jeans and one size XXXL men's t- shirt ..... Everything else I donated to goodwill. For me one of the keys to my success is not to have any clothes to " grow" back into..... If something gets tight it is time to get back on plan and drop a few kg's to where I am comfortable again
  • Trust your body rather than a website ...... Why dont you try 1900 - if you are still losing weight up it slowly by a 100 calories a week until your weight starts stabilising - that should be your maintenance calories.... One thing - give it a week or two every time you up your calories - anything less might just be scale…
  • What a fabulous story - you have achieved some amazing results - been a wonderful example to your kids - and so many other "makers of excuses" out there...... High fives Joy!!
  • Breakfast is just another meal - you can eat anything you like :-) Yesterday it was savoury mince with heaps of vegetable, this morning it was mixed vegetables, cannelini beans with grilled steak. Also had an egg white and ricotta pancake with blueberries and yoghurt, and some chicken risoles with brocolli in this past week
  • I really like the double chocolate and French vanilla creme
  • ^^^^^^ This - a 1000 times!! My situation is / was very similar to this poster, so I am not going to type it all out again..... Like us you have to be able to do this for a while - there is NO WAY I would have managed to stick with this for the past 4 years - and lost ( and kept off) 110 lbs +...... Give yourself the best…
  • You asked three questions : 1) I am legitimately curious as to why people think acetic acid has a health benefit. 2) Do these articles explain how acetic acid affects blood sugar 3) link to any scientific studies whatsoever That is the questions I answered - make your own informed decision from these links - I am not a…
  • Yep - but it might be a little bit too basic for a wise guy like you to actually understand .... " These data suggest that vinegar ingestion at bedtime may favorably impact waking glucose concentrations in type 2 diabetes. The antiglycemic effect of acetic acid, the active ingredient in vinegar, has been attributed to…
  • Google is your friend......."apple cider help lower blood glucose levels" http://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/30/11/2814.full http://www.medindia.net/patients/lifestyleandwellness/apple-cider-vinegar-blood-sugar-and-lipids.htm
  • Can of Salmon, some shredded cabbage mix (buy a big bag and keep in fridge) 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard mixed in with the cabbage BOOM - Protein and Omega 3's with excellent fibre - and ultra low carb
  • I am 5'9 and maintain eating around 2800 to 3000 calories a day.....I do weight training 3 days a week, and HIIT 2 to 3 days. I am not quite at my goal weight, but took a 6 month break after 3 years of eating at a deficit.
  • I lost close on 50lbs before people started to comment - some apparently noticed a bit earlier, some did not say anything because they thought I might have medical issues.... but eventually it became so obvious that people had to start asking about it.... Even now - after 110lbs lost I meet people that has not seen me in a…
  • Awesome post - counting worked really well for me for a long time (2 years plus) I loved the numbers and feedback, but got to a point in my life that I did not want to keep thinking about food as numbers. I have been " not counting" for more than a year now - but I could do that because I have a fundamental understanding…
  • New Rules of Lifting for Women will be fine - no such thing as "too old" Just work with what you have and start - adapt where necessary... There is also a group on here that you can join and ask questions etc http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/102-new-rules-of-lifting-for-women-nrol4w There is also a book "strong…