what did u do with your before clothes?



  • slr90
    slr90 Posts: 212 Member
    Took them to a charity shop :)
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Sold via Craigslist and a huge garage sale I advertised via facebook groups. Made some serious cash.

    Now I mostly donate. Every once in awhile I find myself having to part with some of my absolute favorite pieces and I'll put those in a lot of 10-15 items and sell via Craigslist.
  • Megan101792
    Megan101792 Posts: 3,194 Member
    I moved into my house seven months ago, seven months since I began before moving, so I just got rid of them with all of the other crap before moving.

    Now, i donate.
  • kaseyr1505
    kaseyr1505 Posts: 624 Member
    I donated ones that were in fairly good condition, some of the shirts I kept to sleep in, and I added some things to my fabric bin.
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    gave mine to the first charity that called saying they'd be in the area doing a pick up. Thanks Diabetes foundation! :)
  • manicautumn
    manicautumn Posts: 224 Member
    I'm scared to get rid of them because I'm worried that I'll regain the weight I've lost.

    But, I'm starting to see the light and getting more comfortable with the idea of tossing the biggest of the clothes and the ones that I didn't really like anyhow. Basically, if I can't wear it in public now and it isn't one of my favourite items, it can go.

    I think I'll keep a dress and my favourite pair of shorts (even if I can't wear them right now) and donate the rest.
  • grantairesbottle
    Gave them to my Drama Club so they can use them for fabrics.
  • LifeOfBrian78
    LifeOfBrian78 Posts: 397 Member
    Stuff that was too "worn out" I threw away, but other stuff I donated to the Salvation Army. I did keep one pair of pants to remind myself of where I came from though.
  • mblair1968
    mblair1968 Posts: 323 Member
    mine went to Goodwill Industries
  • Leggylass
    Leggylass Posts: 215
    EBAY! and had a holiday with the money :bigsmile:

    if i dont have them i wont fit back into them .. im irish,it works in my brain :wink: :tongue:
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Well my situation is a little different than most…. I was skinny my whole life. All my before clothes are too small because I was a size 0. Gained all my weight in the past 3 years due to medication and endocrine disorders. All my "before clothes" are underneath my bed in hopes of wearing them again soon :)
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Threw most out. I'm never getting that big again! I kept a couple things, like bras an a few shirts for future pregnancies, but most went to Goodwill. I also sew, so I was able to take in and refashion a lot of stuff that got too big for me.
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    My wife is a high school teacher and she took my name brand stuff (Nike and such) to some of her less fortunate kids who snatched it all up. The rest went to the rag pile and donated to Goodwill.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    My wife is a high school teacher and she took my name brand stuff (Nike and such) to some of her less fortunate kids who snatched it all up.

    oh I love this. Nice!

    Several years ago when I was at my heaviest size, I ordered some clothes from Lane Bryant that were on clearance and when they came in they were like all bedazzled & hideous, and more appropriate for someone either under 18 or over 60. Instead of taking it back I posted for free on Craigslist and they went to a teenage girl and became her back to school clothes. I was so touched.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I donated most them to goodwill. I kept only a few things that I just could not give up. Such as my '100 Monkey's' autographed 3x concert tee, a beautiful purple dragonfly shirt that is a 2X, a pair of size 20 jeans (for comparison purposes), a dress my husband bought me for Christmas 8 years ago marked size 16, my 'Rob Zombie' tank top L, and my nicer bra's (gonna be trying for a baby soon and my husband thinks I might need them)
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    Hey, wait a minute! I am over 60 and I don't wear "hideous" matronly apparel!

    However, I still wear garments suitable for girls under age 18. I wish I still had my clothes from high school that were lost in storage. They'd be cutting-edge style right now AND they'd still fit me.
  • Phoenix__Rising
    Phoenix__Rising Posts: 9,981 Member
    Goodwill, Salvation Army, Mom's friends and my aunt.
    I spared a few to take down but am thinking they might
    be too big even to alter in a few months so to send away
    if it looks that way when I jump into my sewing.
  • darkrose20
    darkrose20 Posts: 1,139 Member
    Donated them to work.

    The corsets I still have...going to consign to a local "Alternative" consignment botique.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Kept on pair of size 28 jeans and one size XXXL men's t- shirt ..... Everything else I donated to goodwill.

    For me one of the keys to my success is not to have any clothes to " grow" back into..... If something gets tight it is time to get back on plan and drop a few kg's to where I am comfortable again
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I donated everything that was in good condition and threw away the rest.