
Sorry everyone random question:

MFP tells me I need to eat at 1900 cals a day to maintain while many other websites say 2200. Who should I trust?!


  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Trust your body rather than a website ...... Why dont you try 1900 - if you are still losing weight up it slowly by a 100 calories a week until your weight starts stabilising - that should be your maintenance calories....

    One thing - give it a week or two every time you up your calories - anything less might just be scale fluxuations...
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    Trust your body rather than a website ...... Why dont you try 1900 - if you are still losing weight up it slowly by a 100 calories a week until your weight starts stabilising - that should be your maintenance calories....

    One thing - give it a week or two every time you up your calories - anything less might just be scale fluxuations...

    this is the correct answer
  • itsrainingoutside
    itsrainingoutside Posts: 8 Member
    Ah thank you very much I'll try this!:)