jaegging Member


  • I wouldn't argue that, but the problem, particularly with thyroid disease, is that you rarely actually reach a controlled state. Personally, I was diagnosed in 2005 and have never maintained a uniform TSH level. At one point I went from .01 (overactive) to a 13 (underactive) in a period of 10 weeks (the limit to how…
  • Because treatment isn't about just taking a pill and being cured. It is continuing, and just because they are treatable doesn't mean they are stable. It's hard to find the right dosage for medications, and needs change as bodies change. I think it's important to reinforce to people who suffer from metabolic disorders that…
  • The problem with thyroid disorders is that they alter your metabolic rate, and thyroid disease is difficult to manage. This is especially true for people trying to lose weight. Why? Because weight loss, reduction in caloric intake, and increased physical activity all alter the bodies need for and production of thyroid…
  • Sometimes being correctly controlled is the hard part. I've been treated for hypothyroidism since 2006, and have had blood tests every 3-6 months ever since. Not a single one of those tests would ever be anywhere near the same from one to the next. Since I started my weight loss in April, I've been hyper. Yesterday I had…
  • I've never been fond of the mentality that a diabetic should never eat sweet things again following a diagnosis. It is unrealistic to permanently cut out all/nearly all sweets, sugars, or carbs for the rest of your life. No one will ever be able to convince me that a piece of fruit is unhealthy for me. The key is always…
    in Sugars Comment by jaegging February 2015
  • I agree with this! Our local CSA offers work shares, and they also have a hardship program, in which people who can afford donate so those who can't afford have access. I plan on signing up for ours this spring.
  • No, it's a financial assistance program through the state. I guess it's kind of like food stamps. If you qualify, they give you so much money per month for food. I'm not 100% sure of the requirements, but I think you can apply online at http://access.wi.gov
  • Honestly, I don't think it's difficult to shop for healthy items on a budget. What I find the hardest is that what you don't pay for in cash you generally have to make up for in time, and I am really time-poor! Stock up on cheap chicken whenever you have the opportunity. It is really versatile. If you're at risk for…
  • I never seriously considered surgery until more reports started to indicate that some of the procedures are capable of reversing (or drastically improving) type 2 diabetes, which I have. While I ultimately didn't go with surgery and am confident that I will not need it, it is really something that you need to weigh on a…
  • I wasn't really keeping track back then, but when I had mine out, I'd guess I gained some weight because I could eat without feeling like I was about to give birth to a xenomorph.
  • I think around 30 lbs was when people started to really take notice of my weight loss. I find it to be a mixed bag, because people want to talk about it and I don't always want to talk about it to people I don't know very well. I've inspired several people to join the fitness program offered by the hospital I work for.…
  • That's great for people who don't eat things they don't like. Unfortunately, some of us only really like cheeseburgers and realize that is unreasonable. Cucumbers, tomatoes, and mushrooms are high on my list of things I'm trying to eat but do not really like.
  • I ate a two pound box of See's candy soft center chocolates over the course of like a day and a half. I am diabetic. Still surprised my feet didn't just fall off. If I am honest with myself and everyone here, I would probably do it again if someone put one of those things in front of me. Get thee behind me, devil-candy.
  • My husband happened to come upon one of our old neighbors at WalMart. The neighbor was pacing around the electronics department and generally creeping customers out. The guy stopped pacing, shoved his hand down the back of his pants, then ripped it out and gave it a big sniff. Then he went over to the CDs and started…
  • If you go to the Check In page, there's an option to edit previous entries. Starting weight is right at the top.
  • My thyroid function appears to be improving as I lose weight. My TSH went from 1.3 to .02, so I need to cut back on my medication.
  • I have PCOS (and a bunch of other metabolic disorders) and have had the apple shape since puberty. My arms and legs are very slender, and of course as I've been losing weight, I've lost the most from those locations. I'm probably 20 lbs away from having a thigh gap and a 45 inch waist, haha. I am sick of trying to dress…
  • Forgive me in advance, but is your doctor sure you're not an adult onset type 1? On a strict low carb diet and Metformin with your A1C at 12.6 (that is about an average BG of 315), that is still really high! I feel like a jerk even questioning you about that, but that's insane to me. Good luck to you and I hope you reach…
  • I feel for you, I am type 2 and stuggle to eat enough while keeping my carbs where I want them. I can echo a few suggestions here like cheese (I go for string cheese and pepperjack slices most often) and nuts. I enjoy Dannon Light & Fit greek yogurts. Hard boiled eggs are great. I get turkey sticks which are delicious and…
  • I've been using a Fitbit Flex for about 2 months and I have a Polar FT4 out for delivery today. I was concerned because I've been struggling to eat enough (I know, woe is me...) and started to become more concerned that I was burning more than I estimated during work outs (making my calorie deficit even worse) because I…
  • I'd be happy to add you! I'm about 20 lbs into a 130 loss goal. I'm discovering all kinds of great things about myself and have really made some awesome connections on MFP already.
  • I don't have a scale at home, so I tend to jump on one whenever I see one. Since I work in a hospital, this tends to be about every other day or two. I also check my weight before I work out and log it for my fitness program. I weigh in no less than once a week, but I only log my weight on MFP if I've lost. I also use the…
  • If you think you can't, you wont. Having the right mindset is really important. You are newly diagnosed and seem to be doing pretty good, I hope that will encourage you to have a bit more confidence in your ability. I have been all over the place. I've maintained well and I've spent years in "meh" and I can tell you that…
  • I don't know that it has a direct effect on weight loss, but I imagine that a diet that was consistently of a low quality would make it more difficult over time. I try to think of it like gasoline. The higher the grade, the better overall health of your cars working parts. You can get by one the cheap stuff for years and…
  • Hey, we are pretty close, but you are a bit farther along than I am. Age: 31 Height: 5'5 HW: 280 SW: 260 (04/24/14) CW: 255 GW: 130
  • Love this thread; super inspiring! Any apple shaped ladies with PCOS/hypothyroid/diabetes who need a friend on MFP? I'd love to share this journey with a few like minded/bodied ladies!
  • Courtney, I am hypothyroid as well, so I definitely feel the pain of trying to keep both conditions in check! It's been a long and cold winter here and with hypothyroidism, my skin is so dry and itchy I am scratching myself to death.
  • Hello everyone, I'm Jena. I've been Type 2 since 2005 with a lot of ups and downs between then and now. I've recently been on the biggest down yet, and my last A1C was over 11. I stopped checking my sugars and ignored my diet. I work full-time and am also a full-time student, so I've used that as an excuse for the last…