How much weight did you lose before...



  • wmcmurray61
    wmcmurray61 Posts: 192 Member
    People I used to see every day didn't notice until I lost about 40 lbs. People I saw less frequently, like months apart, noticed after the 1st 20. I think a lot of it depends on where you carry your weight and how much there is to lose.
    SW 206
    cw 147
    gw undecided
  • back2twentyfive
    back2twentyfive Posts: 36 Member
    edited November 2014
    At 17 lbs. down, a co-worker who knew that I was working on losing weight, said that my face looked soooo cute and that she could see I had lost weight. That made my day! At 30 lbs. lost, another co-worker noticed and also commented on how defined my face looked! I had forgotten that I have high cheek bones, lol -- they didn't show at the higher weight.
    SW 195
    CW 165
  • KathleenCora
    KathleenCora Posts: 160 Member
    I started at 213. I've lost 23lbs and some of my coworkers noticed today. Made me smile!! I still have 49lbs to go though.
  • wagglesworth
    wagglesworth Posts: 53 Member
    edited November 2014
    For me it was 30 lbs. and the comments came from co-workers. I hadn't told anyone I started "another" diet because of all my past failures - and there were more than I can count. Now that I'm close to an 80 lb. loss (I only get weighed by my Dr. once a month) I feel like I'm in the spotlight. So many comments and questions every day. While I certainly am flattered I have to admit it's kind of getting on my nerves. My diet is working for me. My family and I are ecstatic and my Dr. is very proud of my progress because he taken me off my daily insulin injections and other meds for high blood pressure and cholesterol. I still have a long way to go and thank everyone for their kind remarks, however; I don't appreciate getting unsolicited advice from those who clearly need to take their own and follow their path and leave me to mine.
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    really depends on how often people see you and if they are afraid of offending you or not. My mom only sees me a couple times a year but only said she noticed a different when i posted on facebook I had lost weight.
    My inlaws see me couple times a month and can sometimes see a difference.

    My husband says he can tell but I dunno, he might just be trying to be supportive. I'm 75lbs down and just NOW starting to tell a different. (mostly the fact my boobs are disappearing)
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    I think at about 50 lb my ex-BF's mom complimented me... something she'd never done when we were dating (about 5 years). His dad said something too, but thinks I've lost enough & should stay at the weight I am now (which is still in the obese BMI range, and about 50 lb from my initial goal).

    Oh, and not too long after that a gal I hadn't seen probably since early this year met me at a social function, stopped, looked me up & down, and said, "Damn, woman, you look good!" :smiley: She'd probably seen on Facebook that I'd hit 50 lb down, but hadn't seen me in person in a long time.

  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    I am 17lbs down and no one has noticed/said anything yet. But no one noticed/said anything when I gained 20lbs last year either, so I am fine with radio silence while I do my thing.
  • Soggynode
    Soggynode Posts: 1,179 Member
    Nobody said anything for about the first 35lbs. Either they didn't notice because of my ill fitting clothes or were being polite/cautious. Once I bought proper fitting clothes and it became common knowledge that I was losing weight on purpose... everybody started commenting on it. I personally think it had more to do with being polite/cautious than not noticing.
  • BruceHedtke
    BruceHedtke Posts: 358 Member
    I think it was about 25-30lbs when people started noticing. When I lost over 50lbs, the comments and compliments just started flying and haven't let up since. I am reluctant to buy new shirts simply because I have so many that are still in great shape, but they are all baggy and hang off me now. Same thing with my winter coat...I pretty much drown in it now.

    Pants, however, I've tried to buy a new pair ever other week or so and slowly rebuild my closet. My older pairs, while still in good condition, looked comical on me because they'd all bunch up when I wore a belt.
  • One of my coworkers first mentioned something after the first 15 pounds lost. But, my husband's family didn't say anything after I'd lost nearly 40 pounds from my start weight (and nearly 2 years not seeing any of them), so that was kind of disheartening. Now, I've lost almost 55 pounds and am being told my clothes are too baggy at work. Oh well.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    50sFit wrote: »
    I am 15 pounds down from my highest weight 235 lbs. Not many people around me are noticing my loss. How much weight did you guys lose before other people (not family) started noticing your loss?
    I was way fat - 278 pounds, and nobody noticed until I reached that first 20 pound lost mark.
    That's when people noticed and commented. After 40 pounds gone, I became a local weight loss rock star...EVERYBODY NOTICED...but after 90+ pounds gone...
    I wondered about that, then it hit me. Nobody recognizes me like this. I am truly a new person!
    And so too will you be a new creation. Good Luck <3

    That's pretty cool. (*)
  • louisefranks
    louisefranks Posts: 12 Member
    About 70 pounds before people started asking me if I'd lost weight.
  • Megan101792
    Megan101792 Posts: 3,194 Member
    I lost about 60 pounds before anyone really starting noticing. All of my weight was eventually distributed on my body so I guess that was okay but annoying. I've lost 80 so far and more people can tell now especially in my face
  • Operationweddings
    Operationweddings Posts: 22 Member
    Sherbog wrote: »
    I believe a lot depends on the type of clothes a person wears. As a large person I wore baggy things. So my first 30 pounds was not so noticeable. It was important to me to thrift store shop for clothes that fit on my journey so that I could feel the difference.

    ^ this.
    I wore baggy and black a lot.
    I think people outside of family started noticing after about 25-30lbs. I noticed myself after 15lbs and family noticed around 20lbs.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    Started at 290. Started getting comments at -40 pounds. Clothes were getting baggy at that point. About then, it seems like I was getting comments everyday from someone, friends, family, co-workers and even people at the gas station I go to. For me, the comments were real motivators to keep going. I have been @ 130 (give or take 5 pounds) for 1 year now.
  • CJsf1t
    CJsf1t Posts: 414 Member
    Awesome progress everyone. :) Very inspiring!
  • ASH2038602
    ASH2038602 Posts: 215 Member
    I have been very open with my progress on Facebook so people comment on my statuses and pictures on there. In person people don't typically say anything unless I am talking about it. Two weeks ago one of my friends told me him and a couple other of my male friends were talking about how much weight I have lost and how good I look. It took me by surprise. I just kinda thought no one really noticed lol. Like other posters have said, I think we are trained not to mention peoples weight one way or another.
  • sarahsedai
    sarahsedai Posts: 273 Member
    i started at 223 lbs. a few people noticed when i got around 200... then after i lost about 10 more, everyone seemed to notice. i think a lot of it had to do with buying a few new pieces of clothing that actually fit... because most of my clothes already didnt fit properly BEFORE i lost the weight ( i wore clothes a little too loose to try and conceal my body i guess), and they definitely started getting ridiculously too big... so when i put on those new clothes, it was much more noticeable to everyone... myself included! i always recommend that when people ask about noticing the physical change. i understand you might not want to go out and spend $$ on clothes that will hopefully be too big in a few months more... but i think the motivational boost it can give can definitely be worth it.
  • drummygurl
    drummygurl Posts: 19 Member
    I'm 5'4" and started at 270. At about 20lbs lost, everyone at work noticed. Now I'm down 47lbs and I still get compliments at work and at least once a week my husband says I look thinner.
  • I think it was about 40 pounds before anyone said anything, but now I hear encouragement and compliments on a regular basis.
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    Somewhere around 10%.
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    Aemely wrote: »
    Most people have been trained not to comment on weight because it's perceived as rude. So, it might take a while... :\

    In my experience, I've found it's the exact opposite. In that most people started pointing out my weight loss when I was only 10 lbs smaller. (And yes, I was obese)
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    Took me about 15lb's until people noticed that I'd actually lost it, and I didn't even recognise it until they'd mentioned it.

    If you're a bigger person, it might take a little more until you or other people start to realise, but! Keep going, you can do this :)
  • jaegging
    jaegging Posts: 29 Member
    I think around 30 lbs was when people started to really take notice of my weight loss. I find it to be a mixed bag, because people want to talk about it and I don't always want to talk about it to people I don't know very well.

    I've inspired several people to join the fitness program offered by the hospital I work for. When people tell me I'm inspiring them to work on themselves, I find that to be the most flattering.

    More often than receiving comments, I witness people noticing my changes. Someone will do a double take in the hallway, or look me over when they talk to me.

    Sometimes I think I am not yet ready for the increased attention.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    It wasn’t until I lost about 40 pounds that some people started to notice. Recently, I have been getting several nice compliments from individuals I haven’t seen on a regular basis.

    In fact, my wife and I were waiting for someone when a relative spotted us from a distance - they recognized my wife but had to ask another person who the guy standing next to her was. Then there have been a couple people who have said nothing (when I know they see it). Not sure what is going on in their heads.

    Down 151 pounds so far with another 20-30 to go. Have gone from 5X to 2X and lost 16 inches in my waist! I plan to be a basic XL by February and at my goal.
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