Confessions: The "Fattest Thing" You've Ever Done



  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    Almost every day in high school I used to make a box of Kraft Macaroni and cheese or a box of Rice A Roni and eat the entire thing by myself as an after school snack.
  • libster10457
    libster10457 Posts: 6 Member
    thought of another one! went to the movies and got a large popcorn "TO GO" didn't even watch a movie.
  • Allterrain_Lady
    Allterrain_Lady Posts: 421 Member
    One night I decided to get rid of the worst foods I had in my appartment to start eating healthy the next morning.

    I plugged my bathroom sink with Nutella.
    I cried trying to unplugged it, feeling so pathetic.

    20 minutes later I caved and ran to the closest drugstore to buy some more before it closes. It was 11.45pm.

    Being fat and addicted to food was an awful time
  • Nettabee
    Nettabee Posts: 296 Member
    LOL @ #15

    Plowed through a large stuffed crust pizza from Pizza Hut in a fit of depression one night. Got down to the last 1 or 2 slices and the bread was filling me up too much so instead of stopping I just ate the toppings off and took the cheese out of the crust.......I also think there were donut holes or some sort of dessert involved.

    That and I use to binge eat from time to time, but the pizza night was the worse....sad times smh.
  • Snapshotgirl
    Snapshotgirl Posts: 57 Member
    This is the best thread ever!! Love the stories, peeps!
  • craftydoll
    craftydoll Posts: 17 Member
    Ate all 12 chocolate cupcakes I baked, unfrosted.

    As a kid, I used to dip lemon slices in a bowl of sugar and eat it that way.

    Also as a kid, I used to sneak into my gramdmother's pantry and eat the powdered Coffee Mate creamer, by the spoonfuls. Yuck!
  • I ate a whole bag of candy corn on a two hour drive to the beach. -.-
  • GreatGuy07
    GreatGuy07 Posts: 39 Member
    My Ex-girlfriend
  • Katleskin
    Katleskin Posts: 111 Member
    A 'bakery crawl', like a pub crawl but with bakeries. In my defence we (myself and my husband) walked to each one (about a 4 mile round trip) but we must have hit at least half a dozen shops - bags of sausage rolls, cheese pasties, muffins, danish pastries, cream cakes. That was a great day!
  • jmt08c
    jmt08c Posts: 343 Member
    My Ex-girlfriend

  • kenc1971
    kenc1971 Posts: 107 Member
    I wasn't fat at all, but this was my fattest thing ever.

    It was for a 50 dollar bet... my roommate dared me to eat an entire can of this:

    I ate the whole can (let me tell you, those first 5 spoonfuls are great. the next 30 or so, not so much), and he paid up.

    Not long afterwards, I really paid for it.
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    Had an awesome memory just now!

    When I studied abroad in Copenhagen, there was a place in the red light district called Buggi Burger. This was before facebook. apparently, it's grown in fame:

    I had one of their enormous burgers. I mean, it's seriously the size of a pie, maybe larger. Cover that bad ***** in garlic mayo, cheese, cucumber (no pickles... but, like, an entire cucumber), tomato and lettuce. The bun was comically large and I'm not sure who crafted that thing. Check out the pictures. Even the ones I'm looking at don't look as big as the one I remembered.

    Anyway, after eating a whole one (only one of my buddies was able to pull that off), I wasn't really too full. In fact, that was a warm-up for a night of drinking, so I went on to drink a ton of beer and whiskey... and probably snack on more garbage.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
  • gert1985
    gert1985 Posts: 53 Member
    Weighed in at Weight Watchers, and had lost 6.7# that week.
    I then went to Dairy Queen and ordered:
    onion rings
    french fries
    cheese curds
    and fried mushrooms.....

    I only ate about 1/4 of it and threw the rest away, but, really?
  • feralkitten1010
    feralkitten1010 Posts: 219 Member
    Just after I moved out for the first time, I had a sack full of cheese Krystals and a Krystal chick value meal with cheese... just because I could.
  • srmchan
    srmchan Posts: 206 Member
    Just after I moved out for the first time, I had a sack full of cheese Krystals and a Krystal chick value meal with cheese... just because I could.

    Oh my... those little burgers are complete crap, and I absolutely love them. I've had fast food maybe 3x since May and one of those times was when I was out of town and happened upon a Krystals... oh yeah, game on.
  • cristyfarah11
    cristyfarah11 Posts: 29 Member
    My Ex-girlfriend
  • jaegging
    jaegging Posts: 29 Member
    I ate a two pound box of See's candy soft center chocolates over the course of like a day and a half. I am diabetic. Still surprised my feet didn't just fall off.

    If I am honest with myself and everyone here, I would probably do it again if someone put one of those things in front of me. Get thee behind me, devil-candy.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member

    I also am not a stranger to the whole ordering two drinks at a drive-thru hoping the girl at the counter wouldn't know I planned to consume all that food myself.

    Because of threads similar to this on MFP, I now get mildly paranoid when I go to a drive-thru for For example earlier this week I stopped at BK to pick up 2 chicken sandwiches, a veggie burger, and fries. It fed me, my husband, and my mom...but now I'm thinking in the back of my head "I wonder if the cashier thought it was all for me?" I don't really care but this never entered my head until MFP! haha

    Although I can share the experience of hiding fast food trash from 1 place under my car seat when going to another fast food place. For example getting chicken nuggets at Wendy's and the same night, Starbucks for a latte. So silly really...I doubt the fast food workers give two shakes what we all eat, anyway!
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Hmmmm, there's so many.
    - Finished a large pizza with my roommate...while in the Dairy Queen drive-thru for blizzards
    - The 'bang-bang', ordering food from multiple places before heading home for an ultra-feast
    - Hiding the evidence (this always feels the worst)
    - Entire jars of peanut butter/ having to replace them so no one finds out

    I'm sure more will come to mind later. I've had quite a few of these, unfortunately
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    My Ex-girlfriend

    ^ Ding ding ding....and we have a winner right here.
  • bkthandler
    bkthandler Posts: 247 Member
    On more than one occasion I have baked, eaten and cleaned up a batch of brownies without before anyone got home. I have also done this with no-bake cookies....that much oatmeal in such a short time is NOT a good thing.
  • pepperpat64
    pepperpat64 Posts: 423 Member
    A few years ago I ended a bad relationship just two days before New Year's. I was too angry and depressed to be around other humans and celebrate, so I decided my NYE would be a junk food and cable TV free-for-all. That day I hit the grocery store and bought all the essential NYE snacking supplies. The cashier even asked if I was having a party. LOL. As best I can recall, I consumed:

    1/2 box each of white cheddar and garlic parmesan Cheezits
    At least a dozen each of chicken wings (liberally smothered in bleu cheese dressing), bagel bites, and pizza rolls
    About 1/2 big bag of Combos (can't remember the flavor)
    1 pint of Ben & Jerry's Dublin Mudslide
    A whole mess (I can't even estimate) of some type of chocolate, possibly cordial cherries

    In addition, I spent the night watching nothing but documentaries about Nazi Germany on the History Channel, because hey, why not make myself even more angry and depressed.

    Rather than being ashamed, I have fond recollections of that night. I actually enjoyed it immensely and it was just what I needed in my emotional state at the time. Within 2 months I'd lost 16 pounds through eating well and exercising, and started dating a great guy (as opposed to my ex - a pathological liar who likes to cheat on his SOs with strippers). In fact, Great Guy and I got married in February. :love:
  • _errata_
    _errata_ Posts: 1,653 Member
    This thread had so much potential.
  • bmoncada1
    bmoncada1 Posts: 477 Member
    Back numerous years ago, a buddy and me went to the mall. During the course of about 5 hours we ate at three different fast food places (Papa Gino's (pizza), McDonalds, and Burger King.

    Shame such shame.
  • pepperpat64
    pepperpat64 Posts: 423 Member
    The night before I started a supervised Fast diet ant a local Hospital I drove to McD's and ate 2 fish sandwiches and 2 Big Macs before I went home and ate dinner with my then husband

    I have to do a 24-hour fast (clear liquids only) prior to a medical procedure next month and I'm already planning where and what I want to eat on the last night I can have real food. That, or figure out a way to turn a prime rib and mashed potato dinner into a clear liquid. :embarassed:
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    My husband was a sales rep for M & M/Mars - he would bring cases of chocolates home and store them in this big closet we had - he was a sales rep for all the military bases in the NY/PA area.

    One month I went through a case of M&M's........

    Next time I went to raid his stash, he had put a note over the case, saying 'Becky, PLEASE DON'T EAT'!

    I felt a moment of guilt - then dug in...........................!
  • bluesy8899
    bluesy8899 Posts: 68 Member
    There are so many but I think the one that stands out was when I was deep into my compulsive eating. I would go to the nearest Tim Hortons and order a dozen donuts (boston cream were the fav) AND a large box of timbits. I could usually polish off at least a half dozen donuts before I got home and I would hide the rest in my car to eat the next morning. The most recent was finding a Nutella to go pack in the parking lot of a Target. It was sealed and must have fallen out of a shopper's bag. I looked to see if anyone was loading a car but there was no one in my part of the lot. I ate it on the way home, the first Nutella for me.
  • mscheftg
    mscheftg Posts: 485 Member
    Other than just normal days when I eat an obscene amount of food???

    I drove 2.5 hours to see my brother's band concert. I had stopped and got a few things off the dollar menu at Wendy's for dinner. When my brother told me that he DIDN'T want to hang out with me that night, I went back to my hotel room and looked up what food places had take-out AND online ordering. (Mind you it's about 9:30 pm now.) I ordered a big juicy cheeseburger from Applebee's that had bacon, cheese, an onion ring, some special sauce, too. Fries on the side. (Yes, I already ate dinner.) But it gets better... on my way to Applebee's (which I could've walked there)... I saw a McDonald's... went through their drive-thru. Got a LARGE soda and a McFlurry (maybe a dollar sandwich, too, I don't remember now)... So, my SECOND dinner was a big cheeseburger, fries, soda, ice cream... and probably a sandwich from McD's...

    Maybe not the fattest thing, but definitely right up there.

    Edit: Now as I think about it, I know I've had other days that were like this... usually it's under the guise of being hungry, even if I'm not hungry enough to eat it all.
  • beepaz
    beepaz Posts: 42 Member
    "lard *kitten*"--- LMAO!!!:laugh:

    Geez dollar menu madness for sure... And Jack in the Box breakfast sandwich add 2 sausage patties with large curly fries all smothered in buttermilk sauce and a large strawberry fanta. One night i had Panda express, boba tea, tacos and crepes. i wanted to just die.