A short rant about many of the posts I have been seeing here. May come off as harsh but must be said



  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    jaegging wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    Can anyone suffering from thyroid disorders or PCOS please state exactly why that, after effective medication and nutrient profile modification had been applied, CICO would not apply to them?

    We understand these are tough medical conditions. Equally they are treatable.

    Because treatment isn't about just taking a pill and being cured. It is continuing, and just because they are treatable doesn't mean they are stable. It's hard to find the right dosage for medications, and needs change as bodies change. I think it's important to reinforce to people who suffer from metabolic disorders that it CAN be done, you can and you will lose weight, so long as you dedicate yourself to both weight and disease management.

    I am lucky enough to have the benefit of some medical education and a good relationship with my endocrinologist. Not everyone has my support system.

    I have hypothyroidism and no medical education. I do however have an ongoing relationship with my GP and am in touch with my body. I've asked questions about my disease and know the symptoms. When I start feeling symptomatic, I can go and ask for blood tests.

    I was diagnosed almost 25 years ago, so I've been at this a while, and my thyroid is practically non-functioning now. It's not an "excuse" to say that CICO doesn't apply once you're being treated. You might go through stages where the CO portion of the equation is affected because your thyroid is tanking, but other symptoms besides weight issues will show up at the party.

    Anyone with a chronic medical condition should take it upon themselves to learn about it.

  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Sometimes people post things on forums that are pretty frustrating especially if you see it over and over. It is like they never look outside of their own issue and take time to read and learn. Some people are really patient and reply to every thread and post. Some people are very blunt. Some people need to see blunt answers.

    Losing weight takes work and patience. It isn't impossible. Nearly everyone has challenges of some sort but they can be overcome.

    I'm 40 years old and have been overweight for years. I have lost weight before MFP. It was hard and did not last. I didn't know that weight loss could be as simple as CICO. I feel stupid sometimes for believing crappy things and all the wasted efforts, time, money, etc sometimes. I feel stupid for beating myself up about my weight. I'm ecstatic that a younger person knows how to lose weight sensibly and will avoid years of frustration.

    I hope we all overcome our personal challenges and succeed in reaching our goals.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    "blah blah blah, you're younger than me so I'll disregard everything you're saying." - half this thread.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    You know what the thing is with the tough love vs. compassion and all the going back and forth on which is a better approach?

    It doesn't matter.

    If someone isn't ready to do this, they aren't ready.

    Your right about being ready but also you need to have the right information to hand.
    i always used to believe that to lose weight you had to be hungry and eat salad.
    i was told to cut out pasta, rice and bread by one of my friends and i will lose weight (luckily i ignored that)
    I came on this website and realised that all i needed to do was actually move and eat less food.

    Oh, but, to take the right information on board, you need to be ready to hear it and put it to use :) It's a symbiotic thing.

  • jaegging
    jaegging Posts: 29 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    jaegging wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    Can anyone suffering from thyroid disorders or PCOS please state exactly why that, after effective medication and nutrient profile modification had been applied, CICO would not apply to them?

    We understand these are tough medical conditions. Equally they are treatable.

    Because treatment isn't about just taking a pill and being cured. It is continuing, and just because they are treatable doesn't mean they are stable. It's hard to find the right dosage for medications, and needs change as bodies change. I think it's important to reinforce to people who suffer from metabolic disorders that it CAN be done, you can and you will lose weight, so long as you dedicate yourself to both weight and disease management.

    I am lucky enough to have the benefit of some medical education and a good relationship with my endocrinologist. Not everyone has my support system.

    I don't dispute that medical issues can cause problems. However, once they are controlled - and I appreciate that can be a long, painful, variable process - they do not override the fundamentals of CICO.

    I wouldn't argue that, but the problem, particularly with thyroid disease, is that you rarely actually reach a controlled state. Personally, I was diagnosed in 2005 and have never maintained a uniform TSH level. At one point I went from .01 (overactive) to a 13 (underactive) in a period of 10 weeks (the limit to how frequently I can have it checked). I have a great endocrinologist and follow all of his recommendations, but my body is a mess. I do my best with what I have. When I see people post about how they can't lose weight because of their thyroid condition, I always suggest that they speak with a dietitian experienced in metabolic disorders who can help them figure out their real intake needs. Online tools to calculate TDEE aren't very helpful for people with metabolic disease.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    You know what the thing is with the tough love vs. compassion and all the going back and forth on which is a better approach?

    It doesn't matter.

    If someone isn't ready to do this, they aren't ready.

    Your right about being ready but also you need to have the right information to hand.
    i always used to believe that to lose weight you had to be hungry and eat salad.
    i was told to cut out pasta, rice and bread by one of my friends and i will lose weight (luckily i ignored that)
    I came on this website and realised that all i needed to do was actually move and eat less food.

    Oh, but, to take the right information on board, you need to be ready to hear it and put it to use :) It's a symbiotic thing.

    "When the student is ready, the master appears"
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    jaegging wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    Can anyone suffering from thyroid disorders or PCOS please state exactly why that, after effective medication and nutrient profile modification had been applied, CICO would not apply to them?

    We understand these are tough medical conditions. Equally they are treatable.

    Because treatment isn't about just taking a pill and being cured. It is continuing, and just because they are treatable doesn't mean they are stable. It's hard to find the right dosage for medications, and needs change as bodies change. I think it's important to reinforce to people who suffer from metabolic disorders that it CAN be done, you can and you will lose weight, so long as you dedicate yourself to both weight and disease management.

    I am lucky enough to have the benefit of some medical education and a good relationship with my endocrinologist. Not everyone has my support system.

    I don't dispute that medical issues can cause problems. However, once they are controlled - and I appreciate that can be a long, painful, variable process - they do not override the fundamentals of CICO.


  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    You know what the thing is with the tough love vs. compassion and all the going back and forth on which is a better approach?

    It doesn't matter.

    If someone isn't ready to do this, they aren't ready.

    Your right about being ready but also you need to have the right information to hand.
    i always used to believe that to lose weight you had to be hungry and eat salad.
    i was told to cut out pasta, rice and bread by one of my friends and i will lose weight (luckily i ignored that)
    I came on this website and realised that all i needed to do was actually move and eat less food.

    Oh, but, to take the right information on board, you need to be ready to hear it and put it to use :) It's a symbiotic thing.

    i would agree with that. i have friends who are not ready, so i hear you.
  • STenley513
    STenley513 Posts: 20 Member
    edited March 2015
    Teenagers are always such founts of wisdom

    I'd like you to say that to some of the "Teenagers" who fight for your freedom! His age has nothing to do with what he is saying! Please get off this he's to young to know anything kick! SMDH!

    Lets flip it and say "You can't teach us old dogs new tricks" THAT IS ALL~!
  • tracie_minus100
    tracie_minus100 Posts: 465 Member
    Ummm...I agree with the OP. Everything he said is true, even if you don't like his delivery or his age.
  • ForeverCharlie
    ForeverCharlie Posts: 183 Member
    I think I love you! This is a great post and right on the money!!!
  • adamworton
    adamworton Posts: 4 Member
    This escalated quite quickly.

    Anyone else for a smoothie?

    There's a joke about not feeding the trolls in here somewhere but i just can't see it...
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    Can anyone suffering from thyroid disorders or PCOS please state exactly why that, after effective medication and nutrient profile modification had been applied, CICO would not apply to them?

    We understand these are tough medical conditions. Equally they are treatable.

    It's not necessarily the same CICO - a calorie reduction to lose a lb takes longer to achieve and has other effects that we might not experience (hunger signaling, hormonal impact, mental impact). Add to that increased sensitivity to bloating and resulting long-term weight fluctuations and for some people it appears that CICO has failed.

    They are manageable, more or less successfully. Sometimes very inconsistently.

    I understand that. So we are agreed that once the condition has been controlled, the fundamentals apply?

    Was it ever a question that weight loss occurs when one eats in a deficit?

    Do you have another fundamental in mind - if you are asking me if I think that the variable that govern CICO are the same across individuals or even over time, I'd say, "no".
    If you are asking it's important to first focus on fundamentals* of "eat less, move more" before futzing around with the minors. I'd say "yes", we agree.

    *& eat variety, hit your macros, exercise.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    I don't even know what this thread is about anymore...

    what was the point?

    oh yea, people need to stop making excuses for not losing ...

    and other people need to realize that MFP stands for "My Fitness Pal" its not MMP "My Motivational Pal" If you want motivation go watch stewart smilely videos or something...

    what do u have against people using the site for motivation?
    is stewart smilely a personal trainer, never heard of him


    however, this site is not for "motivation and support" as a lot of people like to claim.

    It is a calorie counting and fitness tool.

    If someone people find motivation here great; however, it does not mean that we are here to validate 100% of all OP's ideas....
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    I suspect the OP has overestimated the value of his proclamation, to say nothing of its accuracy one way or the other.

    The "need" to post it in a public way says more about the needs of the writer more than the needs of the readers. But everyone needs to vent now and then. So have a it. Let's not pretend you're doing it for the good of mankind, though.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    edited March 2015

  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    shamcd wrote: »
    give me one of those cookies! and for the love of God people:


    Loose is an adjective, the opposite of tight or contained.

    My shoes are loose

    I have a loose tooth

    There’s a dog running loose in the street


    Lose is a verb that means to suffer the loss of, to miss.

    I win! You lose!

    Don’t lose your keys

    I never lose bets

    THANK YOU! My grammar nazi is nearly uncontrollable when I see the misuse of these two words.

    I know! I'm terrible for it! I get dessert and desert mixed up as well. It all went downhill after leaving school I'm afraid... Sorry :weary:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,940 Member
    edited March 2015
    Going to any weight loss site with a forum, you'll find these same questions, rants, and motivational supports.
    What I enjoy about MFP is that A LOT of great information gets passed on and lots of bad information that's been circulated in the fitness world, gets challenged and debunked with actual research to back it.
    Yes, sometimes it can hurt to hear the truth, but with so many different personalities and philosophies of people out there, CONVEYING it tactfully to the many in mind is where some fail.
    What some say will hurt the feelings of others and others will cheer for it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • littleaudrey85
    littleaudrey85 Posts: 45 Member
    I agree that thyroid conditions are VERY difficult to control. I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism (graves disease actually) when I was 16. I lost a ton of weight and was very very sick. My meds never leveled me out and by the time I was 18 my thyroid was practically burnt out (doctor's words, not mine). I started gaining weight significantly without changing any of my previous eating habits. I got on medication and I feel better but my levels have NEVER been normal. I've lost over 65lbs before even with being hypo but it is not an easy task. I eat at deficits, work out regularly and I still don't lose weight or I lose weight very very slowly. I've never used this as an excuse but mentally it does F with your head..so be considerate of others and the conditions that they may have.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    jaegging wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    jaegging wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    Can anyone suffering from thyroid disorders or PCOS please state exactly why that, after effective medication and nutrient profile modification had been applied, CICO would not apply to them?

    We understand these are tough medical conditions. Equally they are treatable.

    Because treatment isn't about just taking a pill and being cured. It is continuing, and just because they are treatable doesn't mean they are stable. It's hard to find the right dosage for medications, and needs change as bodies change. I think it's important to reinforce to people who suffer from metabolic disorders that it CAN be done, you can and you will lose weight, so long as you dedicate yourself to both weight and disease management.

    I am lucky enough to have the benefit of some medical education and a good relationship with my endocrinologist. Not everyone has my support system.

    I don't dispute that medical issues can cause problems. However, once they are controlled - and I appreciate that can be a long, painful, variable process - they do not override the fundamentals of CICO.

    I wouldn't argue that, but the problem, particularly with thyroid disease, is that you rarely actually reach a controlled state. Personally, I was diagnosed in 2005 and have never maintained a uniform TSH level. At one point I went from .01 (overactive) to a 13 (underactive) in a period of 10 weeks (the limit to how frequently I can have it checked). I have a great endocrinologist and follow all of his recommendations, but my body is a mess. I do my best with what I have. When I see people post about how they can't lose weight because of their thyroid condition, I always suggest that they speak with a dietitian experienced in metabolic disorders who can help them figure out their real intake needs. Online tools to calculate TDEE aren't very helpful for people with metabolic disease.

    The inaccuracy of online TDEE tools and the general equations led me to develop the data extraction tool I use and share on here. My data (with its own logging inaccuracies) provides me better operational information.
  • runner475
    runner475 Posts: 1,236 Member
    edited March 2015
    joejward95 wrote: »
    As said in the title.This post IS going to come off as harsh, and rude and probably quite bigoted to some of you. But this needs to be said because otherwise a load of you are NOT going to make it, and I hate seeing people not fulfill their maximum potential, this is also NOT aimed at all(or even many)of you, but a specific group of people.

    I should also say that in September I was 260 lbs and a hair below 6'1, lazy 18 year old kid, making excuses left right and center as to why I was overweight . Since then I am now down to 180lbs. Regularly compete in bouldering tournaments and am doing a marathon in June. So I was in the position that some of you are in now. Since then, I have grown the hell up and taken responsibility like an adult.

    Okay, so recently I have been seeing a ton of posts about people making excuses as to why the can't lose weight .I've heard it all in only the last week!
    "But I have an under active Thyroid!"

    "My Carb cycle is off"(whatever the hell that is supposed to mean)

    "I'm sleeping at the wrong times!"

    "I'm eating healthily and not losing"

    The list goes on and on and on.... endlessly. Its getting tiresome commenting to these people to tell them what they're doing wrong.

    Weight loss is 90% diet, and of that it is 100% about the calories you eat vs the calories out.If you plan on complaining on here about not losing weight, first try taking 250 calories off what you're eating, because if you're gaining or maintaining when you want to lose weight I guarantee you are eating too much. I don't care about your excuses, you are eating too much.Eat less and you will lose weight, you're not some special snowflake who can overcome the laws of physics. Its just not going to happen. If its been 2 months and you claim you've been eating a deficit and not lost any weight they you're either deluded, dont know how to use a scale or a liar. It is as simple as that.

    Another thing that I have noticed is people asking for motivation. First of all let me preface, I am not talking about the posts of people asking for weight loss/exercise buddies, that is fine.It can be nice to have a bit of motivation with someone to lose with, but it is NOT required. The fact is, you're a grown adult. At the end of the day, it is down to you to do it. if you're sitting here saying you're not losing because you're not motivated then deal with it. Speak to a doctor to see if you need medical help(I suffered from depression for years but I did the adult thing and got treated). If you want to lose weight and get in better shape it is only down to you. If no one is there to motivate you, who cares? That doesn't stop the laws of physics. If this is the excuse you're using then you don't want it enough. Its as simple as that. You get ZERO credit for wanting to lose weight and improve yourself. Anyone can do that, you only get credit for achieving your goals.

    Tl;dr: Stop whining and take responsibility for your weight loss. You're a grown adult, deal with it like one. Show some self control, and if you can't then you don't deserve to be in shape. Your body will react to how you treat it.Lack self control? You're going to be fat and deserve to be like that.

    Bring on the anger. I don't care what it takes you to motivate yourself, but just find a way, because otherwise you're going to die(probably young) never doing any of the things your body is capable of , and then what was even the point?

    If I was 18 year old girl and if I went on a date with you and you talked this ^^ much ..... I would remove my shoes and run for my life.

    Girls love to date boys who shut up and listen to them because girls are girls and are always right no matter what and they love to hear their voice.

  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    joejward95 wrote: »
    Ahaha, all this anger telling me to come back in 20 years just motivates me more to stay in shape forever!

    How would you feel if I told you guys you're going to be fat again in 10 years? Its a bit of a personal attack with no basis isn't it?
    I must have missed all the anger. Or maybe you're having delusions of grandeur.

    I also haven't seen anyone tell you that you're going to be fat in 10 years. They're saying that you will see the world differently in ten years. Which you will. Unless maybe you become a pothead and get high every day and stunt your emotional growth.

    Seriously, when someone at 30 sees the world the same way they did at 20, that's a huge tragedy.
  • mskinner1091
    mskinner1091 Posts: 180 Member


    THANK YOU! My grammar nazi is nearly uncontrollable when I see the misuse of these two words. [/quote]

    I know! I'm terrible for it! I get dessert and desert mixed up as well. It all went downhill after leaving school I'm afraid... Sorry :weary: [/quote]

    The way to remember the difference between desert & dessert:

    I could always go for 2 helpings of dessert. There are 2 'S's in the word. Lol, works for me :wink:
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Well this was interesting.

    The only part that I wanted to comment on was this:
    Its getting tiresome commenting to these people to tell them what they're doing wrong.

    And the OP has 69 posts. Just made me giggle.

    Anyway, carry on :)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Well this was interesting.

    The only part that I wanted to comment on was this:
    Its getting tiresome commenting to these people to tell them what they're doing wrong.

    And the OP has 69 posts. Just made me giggle.

    Anyway, carry on :)

  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    Okay- I just read the entire thread. I am so confused- Am I supposed to be angry or not? Am I in the young enough to know everything category still?

    Seriously confused.
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    Troutsy wrote: »
    Okay- I just read the entire thread. I am so confused- Am I supposed to be angry or not? Am I in the young enough to know everything category still?

    Seriously confused.

    I don't know, I've got kids the OP's age and yet I generally agree with him.

    But, I've always been a little immature, so there's that.
  • AmbyrJayde
    AmbyrJayde Posts: 257 Member
    edited March 2015
    It's CI vs CO. It is that simple.

    Last year I stopped watching it quite as well as I should have. I ended up gaining 40ish pounds back. I decided it must be some type of problem, condition, something outside of my control, and obviously not the extra food I was shoving down my throat. Finally in November of last year I broke thru all of that fat logic. My foot suddenly swelled up really badly and I thought I was legitimately dying, of a heart problem. I immediately started weighing and measuring and actively counting again. I also started really looking at my exercise and coming to terms with the fact that no, I did not burn 1k calories walking for an hour at 2.5mph and that I should not be eating all of that back. And look at that my 40lb weight gain over last year is almost all gone.

    If you are honest about your calories in vs calories out you will lose the weight. If it's not working for you, check and make sure you're really eating the portions you write down. Make sure that you are really burning the calories you say you are.

    Accountability and motivation are great. I honestly don't think I would go quite as hard if I didn't know that someone would see my exercise entries, or that nice note "Finished her diary and was /under/ her calories." But I thrive on competition, and comparing myself to other people.

    Good job on the weight loss OP!

    Last note: OP being 19 has absolutely nothing to do with the things he posted, it's just an ad hominem attack from people who can't find anything else wrong with the post, or don't want to think about what they are doing wrong. Weight loss is incredibly simple, even if not easy. It's just math.

  • nikkinoellemary
    nikkinoellemary Posts: 119 Member
    Lol. I agree that Joe came off as abrasive but he did preface with that very disclaimer, so for me it is whatever. People are allowed to be passionate. He had the self awareness to say 'hey, my wording probably going to make some of you mad, but I have to say what I need to say.'

    And to the people who are dismissing and invalidating his thoughts and opinions simply because of his age, shame on you. Yeah, because I'm sure you loved hearing that thrown at you when you were his age.

    Congrats on your weight loss Joe. Thats no easy feat. Your message and experience will not reach or apply to everyone, but I think you know that and I respect that you needed to get it across, even if it wasn't diplomatic.
  • kazaargrandcru
    kazaargrandcru Posts: 152 Member