Weight Loss Twins - Lets Find Yours



  • MePlus20
    MePlus20 Posts: 55 Member
    age 44
    hight 5-0
  • dkapplejacks1
    dkapplejacks1 Posts: 59 Member
    I want a twin! :flowerforyou:

    Age: 30
    Height: 5'6"
    HW: 220
    GW: 150
  • MePlus20
    MePlus20 Posts: 55 Member
    Other than age, tar0809 comes closest to being my twin.
  • Jevash
    Jevash Posts: 4
    Age: 26
    Height: 5'7
    HW: 156 lbs (recently) ; LW:120 lbs

    SW: 147-ish lbs
    GW: 130 lbs (for now)

    I cannot exercise though I love an exercise-laden active lifestyle. Sticking to clean eating and light walking to lose weight.

    Would love to find a twin!
  • ybee1991
    ybee1991 Posts: 106 Member
    Age: 23
    Height: 5'6

    HW: 182
    CW: 176
    GW: 140 (so i can fit my pants again!!!!)
  • dingbat5
    dingbat5 Posts: 17
    HW 185-190 several years ago
    SW 179
    CW 171
    GW1 160
    GW2 145

    I am 25. Feel free to friend me if you've got similar stats!
  • AlisonML6
    AlisonML6 Posts: 14 Member
    Age: 17
    Height: 5'3
    Highest weight: Around 150, I believe
    Current weight: About 132, I believe, I haven't weighed myself in awhile.
    Goal weight: 118

    Do I have a twin?
  • lcast89
    lcast89 Posts: 43 Member
  • Dozer91
    Dozer91 Posts: 40 Member
    Ok lets find my twin....

    Age: 37
    Hight 5 ft 6"
    SW: 236 post-pregnancy 3rd child
    CW: 189 year and 1/2 later
    GW: 170

    I love playing hockey, boxing and swimming..oh and chocolate.
  • MaryCSM_
    MaryCSM_ Posts: 47 Member
    Age - 19
    Height - 5' 3"
    HW: 120
    SW: 114
    CW: 112
    GW: 109
  • kittley
    kittley Posts: 73 Member
    Age - 27
    Height - 5'6"
    HW: 170.6 (Feb 2014)
    CW: 156
    GW: 135-140 (not sure yet will assess when I get closer to it)

  • Slinky_BraveHeartBunsOfSteel
    Slinky_BraveHeartBunsOfSteel Posts: 10,891 Member
    Age: 37
    Height: 5ft 2
    HW: 191
    CW: 145
    GW: 130-135
  • hrhodges12
    hrhodges12 Posts: 3 Member
    age: 43
    height:5ft 4 in
    GW: 140-150
  • AlisonML6
    AlisonML6 Posts: 14 Member
    Your pretty close to mine.
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    Age 26
    Heigh 5'8
    SW 194
    CW 178
    GW 155
    Well, we're pretty close!

    Age: 24
    Height: 5'8"
    SW: 192
    CW: 171
    GW: 140-150
  • jaegging
    jaegging Posts: 29 Member
    Age: 30
    Height: 5'4
    HW: 300
    SW (8/28/13):261
    CW: 175
    GW: 135-150.. waiting to see how it goes at that point.

    Hey, we are pretty close, but you are a bit farther along than I am.

    Age: 31
    Height: 5'5
    HW: 280
    SW: 260 (04/24/14)
    CW: 255
    GW: 130
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    Age : 40


    Hw 220

    Cw 160

    Gw 140 to 145

    I am going more for a smaller pant size , measurements ect.
  • KarmaLaine
    KarmaLaine Posts: 37 Member
    Age - 27
    Height - 5'6"
    HW: 170.6 (Feb 2014)
    CW: 156
    GW: 135-140 (not sure yet will assess when I get closer to it)


    We're pretty close I think, but you're further along than me. :-)

    My stats:

    Age: 30
    Height: 5'6"
    HW: 170
    CW: 168
    LW: 135
    GW: 145
  • balvis3919
    balvis3919 Posts: 60 Member
    age- 23 in august
    height- 5'1 3/4 lol 5'2'' with shoes
    hw: 232
    sw: 207 (lost weight during a pregnancy)
    cw: about 170ish
    gw: hoping for 130-140ish

    i dont work out much. i have 3 kids (ages 3 and under), a husband and a dog lol so i dont always have time. i do walk 1.5 miles a night and i have an elliptical that i use 1 time a week and a workout video i use 1 time a week. i try to fill in when i have time. hardest thing for me is my husband is a bottomless pit at 6'1'' and 140 pounds and him and the kids eat anything and everything and i want it too!!! need to learn self control and just say no! lol
  • guinevere96
    guinevere96 Posts: 1,445 Member
    I think this is a great idea. Help support each other.

    Age: 30
    Height: 5'2"
    Highest Weight: 252 lbs Size 22 Jean Maurices Plus Line
    Starting Weight: 241 lbs Size 20 Jean
    Current Weight: 214.6 lbs Size 17-18 Jean Core Sizes!!!
    Goal Wight: Small Goal- Under 200
    Over all Goal- 145lbs

    I am just starting to run. I am finding i enjoy it, Me time. My husband doesn't understand, he thinks i'm crazy. LOL
    My long term goal for my running is to run the Disney Marathon, for those who don't know is 26.2 miles.
    I'm starting off slow, doing several 5k races this year with the goal of improving my own time. The first one i did was back in April.

    Hope Ya'll have a wonderful day.

    I am close!
    Age: 32
    Height: 5'3"
    Highest Weight: 235
    Starting Weight: 220
    Current Weight: 217
    Goal Wight: Small Goal- Under 200
    Over all Goal- 150

    Im so close to you 2 ladies except for the fact that I am 18 lol.

    Age: 18
    Height: 5'2
    Highest Weight: 242
    Starting Weight: 240's
    Current weight: No idea! No scale. Im still in the 200's though.
    Goal Weight:142 (exactly 100 pounds)
  • willow2564
    willow2564 Posts: 13 Member
    I like this idea.

    Age: 49
    Height: 5'2
    Starting Weight: 185
    Current weight: 183
    Goal Weight:147 for now.
  • JMRod
    JMRod Posts: 86 Member
    Age - 52
    Height - 5' 4"
    HW: 220
    SW: 202.4
    CW: 155.8 (5/1)
    GW: 140
  • LauraJayneHazzard
    LauraJayneHazzard Posts: 12 Member

    Age: 26
    Height: 5'2
    SW: 189
    CW: 148
    GW: 125

    Think you're my twin! looked at your profile to see where you are, is the EN England UK or America? So many duplicate place names... I'm in Manchester, UK. feel free to add me either way :)

    Age: 28
    Height: 5' 2.5"
    SW: 189 (snap!)
    CW: 145
    GW: 120? 115? - want to get as close as possible for my wedding in august though 130 looking more likely!

    Oo snap indeed! Good luck getting down to your GW for your wedding, good job so far! I'm down in Brighton, will add!
  • 123stefania
    123stefania Posts: 167 Member
    Hi, here my stats!

    SW & HW: 215

    CW: 190

    GW: 165

  • mfp2014mfp
    mfp2014mfp Posts: 689 Member
    Age - 33

    Height - 5' 9"

    SW: 216

    CW: 210

    GW: 160

    Pretty close!!

    Age - 34

    Height - 5' 8"

    SW: 245

    CW: 214.2

    GW: 165
  • lelya15
    lelya15 Posts: 11 Member
    Age: 35
    Height: 5' 3"
    GW: 122
  • Age: 19
    Height: 159cm or 5'2 (I think!?)
    Highest Weight: 55kg
    Current Weight: 53kg
    Goal Weight: 51kg

    I'm aiming to turn my fat into muscle! I want to be fit and healthy, not skinny.
  • eacatterton
    eacatterton Posts: 111 Member
    Age: 31
    Height: 5' 5"
    HW: 230 (Pregnant Nov. 2011)
    GW: 180 (for now, may change later)

    I started MFP several years ago, lost some weight, got pregnant, and now I am starting over again. I would eventually like to lose close to 50lbs.
  • kylamb
    kylamb Posts: 67 Member
    Hey there. I think we're about as close to twins as it gets.

    Age: 31
    Height: 5'3"

    HW: 196
    CW: 180 (May 16)
    GW: 140 (possibly lower depending on how I feel)

    I'm definitely looking for others to share motivation, if you are interested.

    I somehow stumbled across this topic and was intrigued to see how many had similar stats as me. I think ours are nearly exact!

    Age: 32
    Height: 5'2.5

    HW: 198
    CW: 177
    GW: 140 (would love to be 135 but I'm trying to be realistic)

    Last year I got down to 165 and then lost all motivation. I'm really hoping to pick back up and get to goal this time!

    Anyway, I thought it was neat we have such similar statistics. Maybe we can help each other!
  • Jleisher7
    Jleisher7 Posts: 8 Member
    Age: 19
    Height: 5' 2.5"
    SW: 99lb
    CW: 94.7lb
    GW: 84lb

    Just need some motivation or tips on what foods to stay away from!

    We might be a good fit for each other!
    Im 20 yr old.
    SW: in 2010 was 135
    I lost a lot of weight and was down to 85.
    At my parents request last year I put on some weight, but a lot more than expected.
    So currently...
    CW: 118
    GW: 101

    Just message me back and we can help each other!