

  • Stuff like that goes directly in the trashcan on the street, without even being opened or sampled. I'd thank my sister for the gesture but insure the paraphernalia does not remain in the home to be eaten.
  • This is pretty much the only answer. Lots of good tips and tricks in this thread, but this statement is the heart of it. Even being selfless and saying, "I'm busy helping the kids" or "I had to work late" is a poor excuse once reframed, "I was tired after helping the kids and didn't feel like cooking", "I stopped and…
  • I think this is a gross generalization, a person engaged in endurance activities (marathon training, long distance cycling) to get in shape needs to be concerned with glycogen stores and may not necessarily be bulking or bodybuilding. Hitting the wall sucks but managing it correctly paramount to survival.
  • i'm going to start using this phrase alot :laugh:
  • I'll take cycling over running any day. Saves the knees, covers more distance and has varied scenery. Nothing like an 80mi Sunday ride to see what's going on in the burbs.
  • Carbohydrates, Protien, Fat. Basic, macro level components of food. People speak of them as number of grams you ingest each day or the percentages of your diet make of each.
    in Macros? Comment by Reel81 September 2014
  • "Ugh,what a horrible workout. I wish I just stayed on the couch today." -No One Ever
  • Absolutely true for the first 10lbs or so (and yes they will come back, and be very angry, if you eat a crouton, lol), but the weight loss after that is genuine and as many people point out staying full and sticking with it using fat vs. carbs is a whole heck of a lot easier for some people. (me included). Don't dismiss…