Should I exercise today?

Right now, allergies are hitting me pretty hard. I have a headache, stuffy nose, and generally feel like crap. I CAN run, though, I just really dont enjoy it. It's should rain in about two hours, so that's holding me back. I did not exercise Sat-Mon, and I may not be able to tomorrow because I'm going to my brother's tournament (all day thing). I generally don't exercise inside, unless I absolutely have to.
Do you think I should stay in today or go out? How would it affect me?


  • Reel81
    "Ugh,what a horrible workout. I wish I just stayed on the couch today."
    -No One Ever
  • Chain_Ring
    Chain_Ring Posts: 753 Member
  • BigLifter10
    BigLifter10 Posts: 1,151 Member
    The choices you make today, directly affect your tomorrow(s). Guess it's up to you and only you.
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    Hmm. I mean this in a gentle way, but you've got a lot of excuses rolling around there. Two that stick out-- It should rain in two hours? Well, if you don't care for rain, then you've got a two hour window to do something, right?
    You also said you don't "normally work out inside" OK, well, you can today, can't you? There's whole lot of "I cants" in there that are easily solvable.
    Im sure you'll come back in a few days with an excuse for every day next week, too.
    Ultimately, the choice is yours. If you feel that this will help you meet your goals, fine. If not, act accordingly
  • bluecat145
    bluecat145 Posts: 144 Member
    Options guys are right. I'll go outside and fight through it. If the storm gets too bad I'll finish up however I can inside.