Is jogging the best exercise for fat loss?



  • elektrolization
    I loved jogging, when I was 165 lbs. It helped me lose about 15 lbs pretty quickly. Also, my friend has lost around 80 lbs just from jogging. I think she started around 230. Which brings me to this.... I am 204 lbs, tried to get back into jogging and it is SO hard on my body! I almost hate it because my legs and feet hurt so much after. So I'm not doing it, for now. I am going to try and strengthen my legs and use the Arc Trainers at my gym until I feel comfortable jogging again. But I agree, it is a great way to lose weight :)
  • MaddyT122
    MaddyT122 Posts: 152 Member

    Of course it takes a good month or two to get to where it doesn't just plain suck

    I'm still trying to get to that point! I'm going to keep trying though. :)

    But, I agree with posters above. There is no one best exercise but rather do what you enjoy and what you can do consistently.
  • divediva2
    divediva2 Posts: 297 Member
    I'm going to upset dome people here, cardio is not the best exercise for fat loss.

    Shockingly it is strength training (either with heavy weights or bodyweight). Cardio has its place, but it doesn't need to be running or jogging. As you lose weight you also lose muscle mass, great on the scale but not so great for your metabolism. Muscle is more expensive to run than fat and requires more calories to maintain it. therefore if you can preserve (or even increase) the amount of muscle that you have, you will be able to continue losing weight on a larger number of calories than if you continue to lose muscle mass as well as fat.

    The type of cardio you do matters for fat loss HITT (high intensity interval training) is optimal, but at the end of the day, the best exercise for fat loss is the type you enjoy and can sustain.

    ^^Exactly how my trainer is training me, 4 weeks in I have lost 4.3lbs, and 5% Body Fat. I do a combination of strength training, HIIT sessions and one day of active recovery. In two of the weeks we upped my calorie intake from 1350 to avg of 1800 per day. Needless to say this is working. The past 8 months doing my old calorie intake I was losing and gaining the same 5lbs, I love the way I am eating and exercising, I feel so much stronger, happier and sleeping like a baby!
  • Lettierey
    I just don't like working out by my self.
  • NoMoreBlameGame
    NoMoreBlameGame Posts: 236 Member
    It is my opinion that squats are *awesome* for fat loss...because they hurt like hell, they talk back to you, they burn like mad, and they're evil. Why does that equal great fat loss? Because it makes me want to stay as far away from the fridge as humanly possible so there's not as much weight to squat the following week.

    (this post was written in jest, and I agree with those who said to eat a deficit for fat loss and exercise for fitness)
  • gdreeves71
    I have gotten the best results by mixing weight training and running and elliptical. I also do a lot of home workouts while watching TV instead of sitting on couch. Squats, crunches, planks, etc.
  • soonrryan
    soonrryan Posts: 5 Member
    As a runner, the fact that anyone calls it jogging drives me nuts. Anyway, like other have said, do the exercises you like. Running is a good way to burn a few hundred calories in a short amount of time.
  • jnord8729
    jnord8729 Posts: 234 Member
    I have gotten the best results by mixing weight training and running and elliptical. I also do a lot of home workouts while watching TV instead of sitting on couch. Squats, crunches, planks, etc.

    100% true! Doing both cardio and weights. Weights because they build muscle and more muscle means higher metabolism, and cardio because well, it gives you more endurance and you can't match how much it burns in one session.
  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
    When I first joined MFP in 2011 running proved to be the best at leaning me out. For me I think it was because of the amount of time my heart rate was at a consistent high rate. 160-170. I would run 3 miles 2-3 times a week. I fell off the wagon hard last year due to a sciatic nerve issue and now I feel so outta shape when running. Going to try the C25K app starting tonight. I want to get back to running my personal 5ks a couple times a week again.
  • Sewilban
    Sewilban Posts: 43 Member
    As a runner, I'd like to weigh in here. I agree with what most people have said - that losing weight primarily starts and ends with healthy eating habits and creating a calorie defecit; and that the best workout for losing weight is the workout that you actually do.

    But what's important to remember is the one downfall that is most typical in running for weight loss, which is overeating to compensate for calories burned. I personally know a few people who actually gained weight while training for half-marathons because they would go on say, a 4-mile run (which by the way only burns 400 calories [good rule of thumb: 1 mile = 100 calories], the equivalent of a 16-oz Starbucks frappuccino in terms of calories) and drink their weight in high-sugar, high-calorie sports drinks; or they would burn 800 calories on an 8-mile run and justify eating the 800 calories they just burned via three slices of Papa John's pizza.

    My main point is this: if you're running for weight loss, just make sure to keep your nutrition in check. Eat more carbs than protein (carbs are a runner's main source of fuel and without them, your body will start to mistakenly break down muscle glycogen to compensate -- I cannot stress how important carbs are; the Atkins diet ruined this message for so many people), eat more protein than fat (but still eat fat - again very important), keep the sugar and sodium contents low, and the fiber high.
  • Simonepeco
    Great responses everyone!
  • DannyACEfitness
  • SLHysell
    SLHysell Posts: 247 Member
    I will testify to the fact that jogging alone won't make the weight come off. About a year ago I started jogging and lost 20 lbs very quickly. After that nothing. I continued to increase my distance, but also increased my food intake because I thought I could get away with it. I'm a year down the road now and grounded due to a knee injure in part caused by my excessive weight and the long (10 miles sometimes) distances. Now I think I've got it right. I'm eating right and on a low cal diet, and I'm losing weight again. Once the running resumes, I should be well on my way. ~~scott
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I lost my first 50+ lbs by creating a modest caloric deficit (400-500cal/day) and brisk walking 5-7x/week. Walking gave me some additional calories/food to eat so I didn't feel deprived or unduly restricted of food choices.

    I have recently added strength training to my fitness program and reduced my cardio to 3x/week. I am currently on Week3 of C25K and looking forward to running a 5K color run in October.
  • hazleyes81
    hazleyes81 Posts: 296 Member
    It is the best fat burner for me, as well...especially intervals/HIIT.
  • Reel81
    I'll take cycling over running any day. Saves the knees, covers more distance and has varied scenery. Nothing like an 80mi Sunday ride to see what's going on in the burbs.