SandyLee1961 Member


  • Thanks for that :-) And at this time, the specialist I referred to is psychiatrist. He is there basically to monitor her medication and recommend, refer us to people who can help. She has ODD, ADHD and spectrum autism and of course the FAS. We do have great support with her with her school and our community. We live in a…
    in FAS Comment by SandyLee1961 May 2011
  • yes, they do :)
  • Emily - I cannot state that I know what you are going though as I've never faced those issues. I can state that you are a very strong person for admitting what you have on such a public forum. I hope that you will continue to travel on this journey with the courage and bravery you have shown here. Stay strong and you will…
  • No worries, I don't mind in the least sharing the story. Kayla, Chiquitta and Ulisha were all uplifted (taken from the bio home) at the same time. Kayla and Chiquitta were placed together in an emergency foster care family (emergency foster care families agree to keep the children until a perm placement is found, normally…
  • Thanks. All my adopted children were first Child, Youth and Family (CYF) kids. They are also ALL from the same bio parents! When we went into fostering we told CYF we only wanted ONE child. See how well they listened? :-) LOL couldn't live without my kids, they are my life :) (I did the quote function wrong me thinks)
  • I have children - lots of children! I'll start with the biological: Stephanie Lynn (aged 29) Steven LaRue (named after his dad - aged 28) William Anthony (aged 26) Timothy Lee (deceased at age 3) Now, the adopted: Kayla Joy (got her at age 7, named by her bio mum - she's 15 now) Chiquitta Chiquel (got her at age 2, named…
  • You'll find this site not only helpful with tips and ideas, but very friendly and highly motivational! Good luck on your fitness journey! Friend me if you wish :)
  • LOL I wish someone would call me just a kid (celebrating the 50th this year!)
  • You've come to the right place! The fitness tips, eating tips, calorie counter and of course the motivation that you receive from people here is amazing! You'll soon fall in love with this place! Claire - do you have the phone app? You can add stuff from your workplace if you do! And think positive! Tell yourself you ARE…
  • the 9 week challange is awesome and my two year old LOVES doing it with me if he's up when I exercise. I normally exercise during his nap :)
  • Woot!!! You go girl!!!! It does get easier!! :-)
  • If you have Wii or PS (I think it may be on others too) - I totally recommend EA Sports Active 2. It comes with a resistance band, heart rate monitor and body monitor. The trainers are fantastic and it has all sorts of different exercises. I myself am doing the 9 week challange and it is really working for me! I'm a mum of…
  • Hi! Welcome to MFP. You'll find this is a great place for tips, motivation and friendship!!! Good on you for kicking the smoking habit! If you would like to add me as a friend, feel free! :=)
  • I used cookies (Oreo's to be specific) for the wheels when I did my son's Firetruck. I also got the idea from the site that clintswife gave :) They have fantastic ideas!
  • I am the mother of 5 (adopted here in NZ) and mother of 3 (biological). One of those 5 here is a teenager....luckily, thank you God, she's a GREAT girl and I am not having any of the teen stress! Now, let's back up a few years to my bio children? OMG...I'm surprised I survived!
  • I'm not sure what the stress is (and it's none of my business) - but you may want to either a) confront the problem head on (or person) and talk it out. If it is a person than this probably is the best option. Don't do the blame game though...the "You are causing me stress. because...." Instead, "I'm having a great deal of…
  • Oh, almost forgot. If you are under a great deal of stress you may want to try other methods (other than overeating or starving yourself) to combat it. Depending on you and your personality, that could be anything from taking a hot bath or going out for a quiet walk. Good luck!
  • Stress can be different for each person. Some will reach for food, the comfort foods - fried, sweet - others (like me) will not want to eat at all and even the sound of food can make you ill. Of course, not all people try to combat stress with food, they may have other things that they do (unluckily abuse of children and…
  • Welcome! As VixFit stated having to account not only to yourself - but your friends on here - everything that you put in your mouth and the fact you did or did not exercise is a HUGE bonus. You'll be motivated, challenged (in a good way) and given tons of support. So, welcome aboard to your new lifestyle :) Friend me if…
  • I too am sorry that you're not finding MFP to be useful for you. I'm sure that it is not for everyone. If you change your mind though, the fantastic people on this site will gladly welcome you back! Good luck on your fitness journey!
  • On a day that my back is killing me (no, not due to exercise, just a bad back) - and I am worried about being able to exercise today and feeling super low that I might not be able to...this really helped. Ok, I may miss a day, but you're right...I've started to make some lifestyle changes that are working and I am winning…
  • OMG...yes there is a difference!!!! You may not see it, but it's very, very obvious to others! You are doing fantastic! Keep up the great work!
  • The support and motivation here is what keeps me here! going to a site just to press a button wouldn't give me the kick in the pants or the pat on the back we all need at times!
  • I have soooo been down that road! December 2009 I weighed 93 kg (that's over 200 lbs). I didn't even look at dieting just started walking. When the weight started coming off from that I was so happy! Then a few months ago I decided I need to put in a bit more and started Wii Fit. Three weeks ago (about) - I found MFP and…
  • Due to severe back problems - normal "pushups" are impossible for me. I do the knee pushups instead if my exercise program calls for them. Don't stress to much that you can't complete one exercise. Not doing one is not going to hurt. As long as you are moving and doing something during that one part of the program -…
  • I'll repeat what everyone is saying...REST!!!! Eat when you can and just take it easy till the medication kicks in. If you try to exercise while your sick all you are doing is extending the illness. Take it easy and once your up to it, start your routine again :)
  • Are you trying to convert cups to metric? There are some great sites that do that for you in instants on the net. Just put in google "cups to ml" and it will find them for you :) Trust me, I have to do it all the time!
    in Cups Comment by SandyLee1961 April 2011
  • I too joined recently. And yes, sometimes it takes harsh words from those we love to get us going. But, now you're here and I can promise you'll get all sorts of support, tips, motivation and friendship from MFP :) Friend me if you wish! :-)
  • Tell them, "I'm not trying to get thin - I'm trying to get healthy. You do want me healthy don't you?" (I got the response from another post, don't remember who wrote it, but it's great!). Don't let them get you down. And don't argue with them, cause that's ALL they want. Just smile and ignore :)