OfficialDSXIII Member


  • Great job everyone! Seeing clothing sizes drop is just so much more satisfying than just weight on a scale in my opinion. :smiley: For me I've dropped from a size 42 at 260lbs to a 36 at 215lbs. My goal is to reach a 34 by my birthday in August.
  • I've tried both fasted and not fasted, it doesn't really make a difference to me. It just depends if I workout before or after I eat. Also, a little off topic, but I tried a different preworkout called Curse, green apple flavor and it's delicious, but my gf says it makes my breath stink after I drink it. Just in case…
  • Competitive eaters drink large amounts of water to stretch their stomachs so they can eat more food. Now, I'm not saying it's bad to drink water, but don't expect it to satisfy your hunger. It has no calories. As far as your hunger problem though it's an unfortunate side effect of trying to lose weight. I always feel like…
  • Portion out how many servings of the chips you want and put them in a large bowl and crush them a bit. Then dump some Pico in it instead of the wet salsa. Then chop up a whole head of romaine lettuce and dump that in for more crunch. Drizzle some Cholula or hot sauce of your choice and stir it up. Eat it with a big spoon…
  • Ops image jacked up. Lol Anyway, banh mi sandwiches! :smiley:
  • Hey man, everyone slips up once in awhile. Just remember why you started in the first place and get back to it. My advice is to try and enjoy the process. Eat things that you like and can fit into your daily intake, do exercises that you find fun, and set small weekly goals for yourself. Make a list of these goals as you…
  • I think if you're working out your legs they will get bigger regardless if it's cardio or weight training. My gf played soccer throughout school and has big thighs without squats. Either way though what's wrong with big strong thighs?
  • Hey there seems innocent enough, but it's that damn emoji isn't it? :wink: Look at em.. all suggestive and flirty. Alright guys, if you're going to message the OP or any other female just drop the emoji. It makes it look like you desperately want to go deep inside. Unless that's true of course. Then by all means emoji away!
  • Hey man, I'm like you and can be hungry ALL the time. 6 small meals won't cut it for people like us. What I've found helpful is intermittent fasting. At first your stomach will be growling like crazy, but after you get used to it you don't even think about food during the fasting period. I usually stop eating around 7pm…
  • Did you buy this at an Asian store? The nutrition info is always jacked up.
  • I'd hate to forget anything. I need all the foods.. All.. The foods.. :expressionless: If I HAD to pick one though it would have to be rice. Because asian.
  • If you have someone to help you out you could ask them to lift you to the top so you can focus on lowering yourself slowly. I helped my gf with this for awhile and she can now do some on her own. Also doing other lifts to strengthen your back, shoulders, and arm muscles helps a lot too. Oh, I forgot you mentioned you are…
  • So clean.. Is that a touchscreen nav too?? I'm jealous. Wish I had found something nice for that price instead of dropping on a new tranny. :disappointed:
  • It's without the bone. When I have wings I just get the total weight and then subtract the bone weight after I'm done eating. I might have some wings tonight. Thanks for the craving! :smiley:
  • Wait.. so how do I loss weight now?? :confounded:
  • If any of you have played Metal Gear Solid you know this can't be good! :scream:
  • Marie Kondo? :confused: OP, most people are going to tell you to track your calories more accurately and they're probably right. Personally, whenever I accurately track calories my weight goes down, but then I usually mess up and eat whole pizzas and such on the weekends. Which brings me back to where I started.
  • I had a can mixed with a couple tablespoons of mango peach salsa yesterday. Quick and easy to prepare and also tasted good. If you have the carbs and cals available I also like to have it mixed with a cup or two of basmati or jasmine rice. Top it off with some Cholula and mix in some chopped lettuce and spring mix and you…
  • Great job so far! You're going to love walking outside in the nice weather. Not only is it good for you physically, but it's also mentally refreshing.
  • It's a virus that takes over peoples phones and computers and makes them lose weight.. hide yo kids, hide yo wife. Be warned.
  • They're entertaining to me because it's interesting to see how that amount of calories affects different people. I had nearly 5000 calories the other day in one sitting so I don't think 10,000 in a day would be too hard, but I'm also over 200 pounds and have a huge appetite.
  • Still being unsatisfied. I remember being nearly 50 pounds heavier and wishing I was around the weight I am now. Now don't get me wrong, it's amazing how much better I feel and how much stronger I am, but back then I never would have thought I would still be not happy with my physique at this weight. I still want lower…
  • You could also order naruto style rolls since they're wrapped in cucumber. I'm not sure how to make it though I'm a terrible chef! Either way what you made sounds good too. I'd eat it :smiley:
  • It's awesome! Still the best fighting game series in my opinion. If any of you still game on either PS4 or Xbox One then look out for Tekken 7. It looks absolutely amazing!
  • What he said! If your goal is a great body then exercise.
  • I have the same problem, but after tracking calories consistently for a few months, including the binge sessions I find that it all balances out in the long run. I'm not sure if it's the same for you, but the day after I binge I usually don't feel hungry until later in the evening where I might have a meal or two that…
  • I have a couple favorites for different reasons. I follow the Hodgetwins because they are hilarious and I also follow Christian Guzman because he shows how he balances his business and activies along with nutrition and fitness.