Julene64 Member


  • Thank you for the helpful response. I feel better now about eating it but I will still be sure to only eat until I'm satisfied (which is very hard to do where sushi is concerned!) And no, I don't have any metabolic issues like diabetes or anything like that. Thanks again!
  • Incredible transformation!! This will inspire so many to keep moving forward and not give up. Congrats!
  • Oh my gosh, I had no idea that a day of too many carbs could do any of these things! I just figured it would knock me out of keto or something. I've yet to have a day like the ones you all have mentioned and now I'm more motivated than ever not to slip up, especially if I'm away from home! Yikes!!
  • We love deviled eggs, too. I should make a bunch of them like you do to have on hand. My favorite way is to make them with Primal Kitchen's Chipotle Lime Mayo (I get it from Thrive Market online). So good! But I also love horseradish and garlic so I will have to try that!
  • I used to be addicted to crunch, crispy, salty carbs like potato chips, especially while watching TV. Pork rinds are my new best friend. :smile:
  • Just found this thread today. This is the year I've determined to restore myself to good health and get fit - for good! This week I * Logged every day * Hit a new low in weight * Made it to the 30 lb loss mark (woohoo!) * Kept my net carbs at 20 or less (at least I'm pretty sure I did) Weight loss is slow but steady now.…
  • I've been doing LC/keto for a month. The first two weeks I think I lost around 15 lbs, then I plateaued for a week then this past week hit another new low and have continued to go down. Total weight loss for the month is 18 lbs. I look at plateaus as a time when my body is adjusting to the new weight and I don't let it…
  • Hello everyone, I'm a 1-month old LCHF follower who has recently gone keto. Just joined the group today, looking for safe havens here on MFP where I can hang out with other LC and keto folks. I've lost 18 lbs in the month that I've been eating this way and I am loving it! No more hunger or cravings and I'm feeling great. I…
  • Thank you for this! I do miss being able to eat quick breads. I'm going to try this with some cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla and birch sugar (aka xylitol - I hate that name, lol).
  • You (or anyone else) please feel free to add me as well. I'm an excellent cheerleader. :smile: I started out doing LCHF and have transitioned to keto. Have lost 18 lbs in the month since I started. Would love to join you in this journey.
  • I've done low calorie, low fat, WW, Medifast, Jenny Craig, smoothie diets, walking two hours a day, you name it. Going LCHF has been the best thing I've ever done. I started out doing low carb then quickly switched to strict low carb then keto. I've been doing this for almost a month and have lost 18 lbs and have had…
  • I've been doing LCHF for a month now with great results. I'd be happy to get in your corner and cheer you on. Feel free to add me. :)
  • I started out needing to lose 50 and am now a bit more than halfway there. Feel free to add me. I'd be happy to cheer you on. I'm a very good cheerleader. :)
  • This thread is hilarious! I'm super happy, too. I've been LCHF for a month now, have lost 18 lbs (over the holidays!) and finally got my keto test strips and discovered that I'm definitely well into ketosis and have become a fat-burning machine! Such a great feeling! For the first time in forever I didn't find myself…
  • I also have a paid subscription and have learned a LOT from the videos and articles. I've also found many great recipes on the site and they are always adding more. It's been worth it to me. I can't believe I paid over $10/week for a WW membership back in the day. Dietdoctor is only $9/month. They say knowledge is power…
  • I have yet to research that. I'm still quite a ways off from worrying about having too little body fat, haha. Besides, hubby definitely prefers extra "padding" on me so I doubt I'll ever let it get too low. :)
  • I just bought some yoga dvd's and really need to get my butt in gear and start doing them! I've done yoga before... waaaaay back in the day... I think it was a Raquel Welch yoga dvd... anyway, I loved it. I never felt like I was getting much of a workout while doing it but I couldn't believe how sore I could get…
  • I agree with tcunbeliever. I've lost a lot of weight the past few weeks eating mostly healthy fat. Another trick you might try that has worked for me is to eat all of your meals within an 8-10 hour window and don't snack in between. I usually have my very creamy coffee for breakfast around 8 a.m., lunch around 12:30 and…
  • I've started making my own salad dressings now and it has helped a lot. Dietdoctor.com has a really good recipe for blue cheese dressing. I also found one online for Caesar (my fave) and an apple cider vinaigrette which is very good. It's easy to sub healthy oils and fats into the recipes you find. I never buy dressing…
  • I was a bread and pasta addict and struggled with it badly until I decided to go LCHF and totally give up all sugar, grains and refined carbs. The first few days were hard but each day got easier and within a week my cravings were completely gone. I highly recommend the documentaries "That Sugar Film" and "Cereal Killers".…
  • Since starting a LCHF diet and going sugar and grain free three weeks ago (no refined carbs at all) my hot flashes have pretty much disappeared and so have the mood swings and the anxiety (I had a tendency to freak out way too easily). The books I read and documentaries I watched didn't even mention this as a benefit of…
  • I make a crust by whipping two eggs and 3 oz of cheese together in a mini chopper. I use half parmesan and half shredded cheddar (more or less) and sometimes I toss in some Italian seasoning. Pour onto a parchment paper-lined baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes at 400. Then take it out and turn the oven up to 450. Let the…
  • I went on thrivemarket.com and did a search for "lard". I ran out of my homemade lard and the lard in the grocery store is hydrogenated for some crazy reason. I ended up discovering grass fed beef tallow, cage free duck fat and berkshire pig lard. I ordered one of each. They all had amazing reviews. You have to be careful…
  • I've stuck to the plan 100% (since starting three weeks ago) except for a Caesar salad with Marie's Caesar dressing, which has sugar and bad oils in it. I couldn't believe the cravings I had later that night! This wasn't caused by a cookie or candy, but salad dressing! That really shocked me. And it scared me from ever…
  • So happy I get to eat pizza! Found the recipe on dietdoctor.com.
  • I laughed until I cried!! I may never eat Brussels sprouts (my fave veggie) again but it was worth it to read that! That was too funny!!! One thing I don't understand is why the ice cream didn't get thrown away after that... eww.
  • Hi everyone, newbie here. In addition to the links to great info posted by Sunny_Bunny, I would highly recommend the documentary "Statin Nation: The Great Cholesterol Cover Up" (I & II). I'm not at all worried about cholesterol since watching that film. I only worry about triglycerides, which I fully expect to be much…
  • Hi there! I'm a new LCHF follower and I lost 10lbs in my first two weeks. Still losing! I discovered it by reading the book, "The Obesity Code" by Dr. Jason Fung. I've also recently become a member at dietdoctor.com, which is an amazing resource of LCHF information. I'm also looking for other likeminded LCHF friends like…
  • Hi, I'm also an LCHF dieter. Just recently discovered it from a book called, The Obesity Code by Dr. Jason Fung. I lost 10 lbs the first two weeks and still losing. I'm looking for other LCHF followers to connect with so please feel free to add me. :)
    in LCHF Comment by Julene64 December 2016
  • So nice to see other LCHF folks here! We are definitely in the minority! Please feel free to add me. I'm new to LCHF but lost 10 lbs in the first two weeks eating this way and still losing. I'm feeling better than I have in years! Would love to connect with other LCHF followers! :smiley: